Grape God Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
Day 25 in flowering.......moving along very nicely. Better health than last time, I reduced fertilizer rates to always below 1000 ppm, no silica (LOL), and the room is slightly cooler as summer has passed (or has it with 80 degree days lately). No flushing or enzyme use yet.......but that will start this week. pH is kept at 6.4 or 6.5 with no fluctuation.
I like that.


Well-Known Member
Looking great SSHZ!!

I ended up getting clones as the beans I tried to pop didnt... :(
I gave them a week and opened them, and they were mush inside.
Oh well I will get more and try again in the future.

I tried 17 beans and 4 popped, and one just popped 3 days ago in a pot with one already in it lol.

The late popper was after 2 weeks lol, and I dont know what it is honestly.
Ill have to keep it and see where it goes....


Well-Known Member
You just leave it. no leaves. just the packs should last a while. they might not last as long there as normal places.

It also would help if you dont open the jars. Once its ready for the jar leave it until its being used.

This will help the pack last longer because it wont have to combat with a varying RH%

I feel like they can be revived if you let them absorb some water somehow. haha

Theyre also very cheap. i think $1 per bag that works in a container up to a 5 gallon bucket i think.

So one per quart or half gallon jar should do ya fine.


Well-Known Member
Day 30 in flowering, day 60 overall. They are really starting to fill in and fill out. Smell is coming on too. 4 1/2 weeks to go.



Well-Known Member
Doing some bug maintenance lights are out a few hours early. Day 34 in flowering, very, very nice with loads of resin popping out on the spear shaped colas.



Doing some bug maintenance lights are out a few hours early. Day 34 in flowering, very, very nice with loads of resin popping out on the spear shaped colas.
Hey S SHZ, hows the grow going man? itching to see an update :)


Well-Known Member
Very busy lately.......the dog is very sick unfortunately. I didn't go to bed yesterday as I was at the animal hospital all night into the morning.

Lights are off, it's late night so sorry, no pic's.

Day 45, approx. 18 days to go. Generally, the room is healthier then last time and I was hoping the room would finish a few days earlier because of it but right now I'd say probably not. The plan is to go to 9 weeks exactly. As said previously, go to 10 weeks and this strain would be absolutely CRAZY! Others go to 8 weeks to get a more heady buzz. NOT ME! Very nice resin production this time- I think I may have found a nice mother plant if I decide to go that way. It's earlier than most of the others and it's produced a gigantic main cola. Very nice weight on it for sure- it's leans to the indica pheno- shorter, denser buds, earlier finishing time, etc. I'll get a nice shot of it when I have some time.

The smell is building in the room, the wife has started her normal rant and rave. I gave them an enzyme flush (no ferts except cal/mag) last watering and I'll probably give them one more good fertilization and then straight flush the last 2 weeks. I let them yellow up a bit since I don't really flush thru the grow.

Lastly, a bit more variation in the room this time- more taller plants w/ spear shaped buds. Not a big deal either way- just a bigger mix of pheno's. I can't wait to smoke some of this's been over 2 months.


Sorry to hear about your dog man, hope it all turns out well.

Sounds like the plants are doing awesome, I'm so stoked to try out the GG, just one more go at brainstorm for me, then to GG. My current grow is all outta whack, its not on site where i live and i can only get there once a week, and the guy whos supposed to alert me to any issues was working the last few weeks during the light on hours so he missed a serious case of nute burn, plants are still recovering, think its going to add 10 days or so onto my flower time...not to mention its done some damage to the over all health of my sucks...but my next run will be here where i live so i shouldn't have that issue again. I'm onsite tomorrow to see whats up and do my weekly water change and such..hope their doing better. Do you normally flush for 2 weeks? i go 10 days at most and use a flushing agent, AN final Phase, by the end of the 10 days all fan leaves are dead or almost dead, which is a good sign during flushing since it means the plants have metabolized most or all of the remaining nutes in the plant.. Though i do hydro, not sure how it works in soil/medium grows. I'd say go with a good mother plant man, they can last for years if tended too properly, and all clone growth is uniform for the most part, makes management of the garden a bit easier imo. I got 2 GG femmed seeds and will be using them as mothers for my first go at it, will keep the best producer for a permanent mother as long as theirs no issues with them. I'm always weary of using a femmed plant as a mom, herd that they can go funny on ya rather quickly....still i got 5 regular GG seeds aswell as the 2 femmed ones so i may sex out a good mom from those if i can make the space to sex them. Just ordered me a new tent, replacing my 5x5x6 with a 8x4x6, and bought a new 24 site aeroponic system, can't wait to get that running... sorry if i'm rambbling on, just got home from a Bday party at my local :)

Hope to see some pics sometime man!



Well-Known Member
You can go back thru this entire thread and see at least 2 full grows on here by me and others.....this is basically just a repeat for me. ME LOVE GG!!!!!!

Dog is worse......another all nighter as we had to move him to a 3rd animal hospital at 3AM for what looks to be surgery today. I'll be taking a $8K-9K hit on this, whatever it turns out to be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just turned the lights later today hopefully.


Well-Known Member
Hey SSHZ, you should rodelize your big ass grape god. Or maybe even harvest most of it and keep some bottom nugs and rodelize them.

Not sure if you know what that is but its how soma makes his fem seeds.

You basically just let the plant flower a week or so past ripe and itll throw some pollen sacks, and since everything else is harvested you dont have to worry about seeding the rest of your crop. Just pic the sacks and dry them and collect the pollen. Then next go around hit the sexiest lookin female with a little bit of it and collect your free fem seeds. And theyll be a decent cross of itself. haha. Ive been wanting to try this and will probably do it for whatever DOG grows the best. Ill be takin clones of them too but you can never pass up free seeds or pollen for potential future crosses.

Make my own blue pits by crossin DOG and that blue widow. hahaha

Either way hope the dog recovers fast. What breed is it?


Well-Known Member
Hey Bud......don't worry, you'll have plenty of pollen on your Dog plants....LOL

The dog is a Havanese.......part of the Bichon family. A small breed from Cuba, but hearty and great with other pets and kids. Expensive and somewhat rare but gaining in popularity. We were one for the first 500 people in the country to have a pup around 20 years ago. It's our 3rd one. Surgery has now been ruled out, looking more like Addisons Disease or Pancreatitis. Still waiting for tests to come back.....

Some plants will not throw out male pods, no matter what you do or how long they go. My method, when I decide to keep something around, is to leave a bunch of lower buddage on the plant and re-veg under 24 light for 3-4 weeks. I'm going to be doing a Kush strain next time so I may just re-veg in this room off to the side- this may make sense until I test the plant (weight/quality/health) and make a final decision down the road. I might turn her into a monster mother plant, which is the plan as of now.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your dog being sick SSHZ.

My dog passed on Monday from eating rat poison I believe.

I hope your dog pulls through!


Well-Known Member
The dog is home from the hospital but not doing well and will be back at the vets tomorrow for further testing. Over $3K spent, and no diagnosis. On a bland diet, limiting food and water and 2 G.I. track med's. Longer story to it all but not in the mood to revisit it right now. Not in immediate danger, it would appear by them releasing him.

Just a quick pic of the room at exactly 7 weeks today. There is a "sickly sweet" odor penetrating the room which I love as it tells me I'm getting close. Hard to tell by the pic there are 24 plants in there. Now they will just dense-up (harden) as they finish. I did a nicer job this time with them and expect them to be even stronger than the last time....what a nice strain!



Well-Known Member
For real those things look amazing! Foxtailing cause theyre tryin to get as fat as possible. haha They do look a little more sativa then the ones i ran. They had more round buds with sometimes a single foxtail on top.

Whats your avg haul off your setup for the GG? Im gonna be steppin up to another 600w soon so ill have around 1200w for flowering and 400w for veg.