Grapefruit Haze/Rocklock 400 watt Cabinet Grow


Well-Known Member
UPDATE MAY 17...DAY 12 ...

ok so i had to throw out a quick update, like i said, they are just vegging but hopefully someone else can appreciate the life in these little guys as well, peep it...

this is the LA CHEESE , shes about 7 inches tall and i heard alot of good things about this strain, well see.. :-)...

and this is the little silver D (silver diesel) i got as a last minute addition on sunday morning, shell take off soon..


this is the ROCKLOCK, shes going great and u can see where i topped her just 4 days ago i think it was, look at all that new growth!..

finally this is the GRAPEFRUIT HAZE, i really hope this ends up being a solid potent strain cause this plant is the one i really like the looks of, she has very tight node spacing and strong stalk and thick foliage, she grows strong and fast, like a raging bull for the sunlight, lol...

this is the grapefruit haze 12 days ago, personally i think she grew pretty fast, what do you guys think???...IMG_20110508_002531.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hell yea bro they all lookn damn good. Pretty and green, I like em all. Ur rocklock looks a ton better than mine ever did. That grapefruit haze is growing fast imo too. 1/2 in. a day sounds good to me. Great job man, they look really happy


Well-Known Member
MAY i know this isnt much of an "update" but what i can say is that the fantastic 4 are doing awesome, fast powerful healthy new growth everytime i turn around,lol... the reason im gonna post a few new pics is because i just realized i havent posted any of the final look of things, all plants are transplanted, rooted and growing fast now, the tiny silver diesel was having a hard time going from "rockwool clone stage" to "adapt to the fucking foxfarm already stage", but shes doing great now,lol......

anyways heres what the final scheme of things pan out too, now i have decided that since im pretty tight on side room im not gonna top anymore or LST or any other methods, i want them tall and natural, full steam humidity stays at a pretty constant 40%ish (which some people will say is low but its fine)... and even if i tried i cant get the temps to do anything other than stay at a 100% constant 72-77 degrees which im thrilled about, day or night...even at the 4 hour lights off period the most it goes down is to 69 ...IMG_20110518_190317.jpgIMG_20110518_190221.jpgView attachment 1607520

any suggestions?...comments? open to hear anything or try to lend out my 2 cents if needed...



Well-Known Member
Hey bro. Everythings lookn awesome. Those girls r growin fast! Sorry I'm the only one that fn posts but I love watchin. Have u got to try ur diablo og


Well-Known Member
Hey bro. Everythings lookn awesome. Those girls r growin fast! Sorry I'm the only one that fn posts but I love watchin. Have u got to try ur diablo og

yea, i dont like the way it turned out, i fucked it up sumwhere along the line...i think i water logged the roots or sumthin and tried to salvage the plant but whatever, live n learn...its all good about no one posting,lol, i actually dont even care no more, fuck it...its atleast cool to chop it up with you and get a few likes here n there... im sure it will pick up once theyre budding, thats all anyone wants to see,lol...theyre not troopers like my homie nature,...whats up with your situation?


Well-Known Member
Ah man I hate to hear it fucked up. I was lookn forward to a smoke report. You'd probably have a like beside every update but idk how to do it from my phone and that's how I stay on here all the time lol. Ur right tho bro, all they care bout is the bud. I guess I'm crazy or just have no life cause I love everything bout the plant. Shit I could talk about it for days & days. Man my situation sucks, super stressful. Got everything runnin through my head as to why my first 2 plants sucked ass. Not smoke wise but weight wise. What lil bit got was bomb b tho so that made up for it. Man I've even been thinking about just changing everything lol.


Well-Known Member
Ah man I hate to hear it fucked up. I was lookn forward to a smoke report. You'd probably have a like beside every update but idk how to do it from my phone and that's how I stay on here all the time lol. Ur right tho bro, all they care bout is the bud. I guess I'm crazy or just have no life cause I love everything bout the plant. Shit I could talk about it for days & days. Man my situation sucks, super stressful. Got everything runnin through my head as to why my first 2 plants sucked ass. Not smoke wise but weight wise. What lil bit got was bomb b tho so that made up for it. Man I've even been thinking about just changing everything lol.
well ill b honest i seen your thread but it was like wayy too many pages to read it all and since i wasnt around since the beginning its hard to keep up, although i did see the pics and they looked good but i se what u mean about the final weight, it looked a little spindly and popcorny, well im not jorge cervantes but i do know that my plants always come out with very tight node spacing and very healthy especially during veg...maybe i can help??...what kinda light?.. how far away?...are they stressed?? where u from anyways?

Metal n Weed

Active Member
What up fellow Socaler? I am kinda loaded but I am marking my spot so I can come back later and read up a little here. Looks good from what I have seen.


Well-Known Member
What up fellow Socaler? I am kinda loaded but I am marking my spot so I can come back later and read up a little here. Looks good from what I have seen.
bad ass, metal, rock on dude...any fellow grower/smoker from so cal is more than welcome up in these parts,lol...yea dude, this shit is kicking ass fuckin straight pumped up, if i didnt have the 2 smaller clones id almost get ready to flip them 12/12 but i want MORE, always MORE!!!! ill wait it out and flower when everyone is like a foot tall or so...ill keep posting, at first no one was lookin at this thread but ive been tryna keep it up to date and informative so hopefully it picks up, well see...ill post some pics in a few days bro, theyre just vegging so i want the next pics to be noticeable difference...


Well-Known Member
MAY 20- "you gotta be kidding me"

so this is another semi update, not gonna bust out the tape measure and get specific but i have the fantastic 4 on a 20/4 light schedule (lights are off from 9pm-1am)...ive noticed when i wake up and check the plants out around 630 am every morning, they look like they have grown an inch overnight... haha, i love it. so i just snapped a quick shot just so everyone can see what im talking about.... ill make a more detailed up close update with the tape measure and all that in a few days, like i said, i want a noticeable difference when everyone sees close say the least the plants are growing like beasts and i truly can not picture them doing any better, im not bragging, just fortunate...

clockwise from top left...grapefruit haze (not topped), rocklock (topped about a week ago), the silver diesel baby (not topped) which is only 4 days old (from clone), and the LACHEESE (not topped) is on the bottom left kicking ass now, taking names later,haha...

man, im so excited, this little 400 sure pumps out the energy.


Well-Known Member
UPADTE MAY 16 from clone..."Monsters, inc."

So i was supposed to wait a week or so to update but i couldnt wait,lol...these are some of the healthiest plants ive seen in a while and i love the way they are all growing...i believe the lights are at the perfect distance because theyre is no stretching, on the contrary the noide spacing is perfect (IMO)....

up to this point i have really been watching how much i water them and it was like half a dixie red party cup at a that i feel everyone is well rooted and hungry i soaked all the plants and i wont water again until a few days, i noticed right after i watered everyones leaves pointed straight up for the sun literally sucking it in almost...

this is the LA CHEESE, not tooped or altered at all, almost 10 inches tall and doing 100% perfect...

here is the newest addition, the silver diesel, shes doing bad ass as well, healthy rich green no problems...IMG_20110521_163234.jpgIMG_20110521_163249.jpg

this is the grapefruit haze, this girl has so many spots where its gonna bud its ridiculous, i actually think it might just be one whole spear, cool with that!...IMG_20110521_163337.jpgIMG_20110521_163405.jpg

finally this is the rocklock, ALOT of people told me that they have a hard time growing this strain and she always goes hermie which just gives me more passion to flower her 110% successfully...she looks awesome and see no signs of trouble in the horizon..(fingers crossed)she is the only one i topped, at like 4 inches or so, because im short on width more than heighth,the other 3 i left alone, i want 1 mean cola on each,lol...IMG_20110521_163501.jpg

and just so u can see why im always so excited to update, everytime i open the cabinet im hit with such a powerful, rich green that its hard to not be excited...IMG_20110521_163733.jpgIMG_20110521_163743.jpg

what does everyone think??? love to get some input...


Well-Known Member
Wassup bro. I hadn't posted cause I figured u was tired of hearin from just me bout ur plants but fuck it. Its a shame nooné else is but they look outstanding. Growing fast and lookn green as hell. I got me 3 bags of ffof this past wkend. Puttn a white rhino bean and veneno clone in it soon :) great work bro


Well-Known Member
hey guys, thanks for stopping by....well there has been a couple huge changes....i have some family coming in from out of town so i moved the WHOLE cabinet upstairs, first it was a battle of getting it not to sound like a jet engine because i couldnt sleep last night but i went to home depot and fixed all that with some venting ducts and so forth...heres some pictures of the new set up upstairs in my room...heres some various pics, i moved one of my plants out, the topped rockwool is at my buddys grow and im gonna take his white russian instead...the reason im doing that is because his white russian isnt topped and i think ill run too bushy with the toipped rocklock, also i have a pic of me holding the lighter to the passive intalkes demonstrating the passive intake vacuum action... so hey, my humidity is perfect but now my temps are a lil high but i hope it will be ok, well see...what do u guys think???IMG_20110524_194411.jpgIMG_20110524_194835.jpgIMG_20110524_194426.jpgIMG_20110524_194442.jpgIMG_20110524_194142.jpgIMG_20110524_194435.jpgIMG_20110524_194229.jpg


Active Member
that looks good man that lil closet is tight i gotta think of some shit like that cuz i just got my plants in my closet and when flowering comes i dont got that shit sealed no exhaust it already smells outside, my husband swore that i was trippin, but one day coming home walking by our window i was like smell that??? it just smelled like a MJ plant no doubt about it lol so i gotta think of a way to get some exhaust system and put a carbon filter, i love that closet tho im gonna have to create something similar, thanks for the idea, And your plants are fucken G O R G E O U S...!!! Nice and green :weed:


Well-Known Member
that looks good man that lil closet is tight i gotta think of some shit like that cuz i just got my plants in my closet and when flowering comes i dont got that shit sealed no exhaust it already smells outside, my husband swore that i was trippin, but one day coming home walking by our window i was like smell that??? it just smelled like a MJ plant no doubt about it lol so i gotta think of a way to get some exhaust system and put a carbon filter, i love that closet tho im gonna have to create something similar, thanks for the idea, And your plants are fucken G O R G E O U S...!!! Nice and green :weed:
thanks cat, yea im real happy with everything right now,... the temps are not budging from 91f up or down even 1 degree with the lights on though, ive heard thats too much but theres nothing i can maxed out, pretty sure ill be ok though, only 1 way to find out...


Well-Known Member
***THIS JUST IN*** mazand1982 has gone 12/12 on his 3 clones,lol....


jk guys, im just stoned...

anyways, heres what goin down for real...

***UPDATE MAY 26***

so i have decided to go into flowering stage yesterday, these plants are doing so well that i figured fuck it, theyre gonna probably double anyways, they cabinet is doing magnificently IMO, its hot with the lights on but to be honest it almost seems like the plants like this just as much if it was cooler, they sleep heavy and when the lights come on they literally point straight up and i p[osted a small update 2 days ago but i had time to pull out the plants and take separete pictures, also ill include a before/after shot from may 21 (5 days ago) just so u can see how fast and hungry these girls are to flower some BOMB, boom!.lol...

keep in mind all these plants are getting 100% light coverage, not even leaves are barely touching, this 400 has every square inch hammered with light from 12 inches away, about maxed out!!

here is the LA CHEESE, she grows kind of lanky but its all good cause the branches will reach out and be separate mini colas....
from 5/21
and from tonight (5-26)IMG_20110526_214014.jpgIMG_20110526_213923.jpg

this is the silver diesel from 5-21 and also tonight 5-26IMG_20110517_144918.jpgIMG_20110526_214416.jpgIMG_20110526_214330.jpg

AND THIS, my friends, is the GRAPEFRUIT HAZE, this bad girl has soo many separate nodes i seriously think it will be a crazy looking plant during full flower, well see!
pics of G.haze friom 5/21 and also 5/26 (tonight)IMG_20110526_214205.jpgIMG_20110521_163337.jpgIMG_20110526_214233.jpg

and this is how they look now, the HPS is on so this is the best i copuld do...ill update in another little bit when something has changed, everyone stay high. i mean medicated
