Great Stoner Quotes

"hey lady your no spring Turkey"
*"don't you mean chicken?"
"your a chicken......"
"fuck you I'm not jumping"

This happened today.......I question my friends.....
guy(stoned): dude come to my place, nobody's gonna be there. (referring to parents etc. gone out)
the other guy goes there and finds that nobody is actually there.. hehe
"Dude, we gotta get our hands on some YEAST!!!"

Friend of mine came running up to me, out of breath and panting ... and that's what he had to say. He wanted to bake fresh bread. ....

I question MY friends, too. XD
Not exactly relating to cannabis, but a friend of mine once said:

"Dude... I just smoked like four beers!"

This was shortly after smoking a blunt of some good, mind you.
Well, it was hilarious at the time.

if the ocean were weed and i was a duck i'd swim my way down and smoke my way up , but the ocean aint weed and i aint a duck so pass me the bong and shut the fuck up
me and some former friends when we were baked


Me - I cant help it that your flaws entertain me.

Josh [non smoker] : i do it because i enjoy it.
This early morning playing GRID on ps3. While playing someone yelled out
"this car handles like I wish my dick would"
I heard this on Grounded for Life this morning:

"Get High, cause PIGS can't fly!"

He said it while a punk ass cop was walking by... hilarious!
"oh man my legs just found the chicken!"

"dude its like there are little gnomes chillin in my Achilles"

"HELLLP MEEEE (presented in the voice of a breed between adam sandler and a walrus)"

these were all me in the last 2 days
"You look like a retard trying to be sexy" - said by my friend Kaileena to our friend Rachel also within the same time frame as my others
"I keep forgetting that - I have a great memory but it doesn't last long"

CRS disease = Can't Remeber Shit

Heres one i found on another forum this morning discussing car battery problems:

"If you get a battery with a larger capacity and more CCA that will fit in the awkward hole you are further ahead. Think of it like this. The recommended specs is the money your bro recommends to carry with you to the club when you take a girl out. If you take more, you'll be better off. "
"I keep forgetting that - I have a great memory but it doesn't last long"

CRS disease = Can't Remeber Shit

Heres one i found on another forum this morning discussing car battery problems:

"If you get a battery with a larger capacity and more CCA that will fit in the awkward hole you are further ahead. Think of it like this. The recommended specs is the money your bro recommends to carry with you to the club when you take a girl out. If you take more, you'll be better off. "

I'm STILL trying to figure out the second one. o_o;