Well-Known Member
That's Cool man, just been checking out Uncle Bens Topping Method, and Journaled it for future Reference.. I'm hoping the Ladies I've just Flipped to 12/12 in the last week take to the Topping I tried(Think they have) was done kinda at the last minute though..SGLP(The Re-Veg) is coming along nicely..though nothing like what you've been able to do...because she is a Re-Veg kinda not sure what to do with her(other than taking Clones in a few more wks) Could go on about her, but I wont...
How is Shakira doing? I'm still thinking Shakira My Fave..
Couldn't resist the Girl on Fire OR Flame Princess Pic...
Been looking into TGA seeds(waiting on Prof Chaos) but thinking about getting a few Chernobyl OR Apollo 13 x Vortex while I'am waiting for PC to make an appearance??
Also started off 5x KC45 Auto(Regs) yesterday I think...OR was it the day before??? LOL! If I lose anymore Brain Cells will be a Talking Chimp...That has got one hellva smoking habit.
I haven't tried the re-veg thing yet. How long was the turn before you started noticing new vegetative growth? - - Prof Chaos...lmao - I LOVE Butters from South Park. For the autos, I am curious, and I know nothing about them, but it seems to me that your best bet would be sprouting them in a container large enough to hold the final in order to ensure it gets the largest possible - but I could be wrong...very something burning?