Green-o-matic Autoflowering Seeds


they look happy, watch them babies grow lol. interested to see how these G.O.M turn out.
unfortunately, Only one out of the three above soil survived the drought, but she sure does look happy. She has two sisters waiting to break soil; this one, and the two before her only took 3 days to break throug. These two are on their 5th; I'm not sure they'll sprout, but I'll give them a few more days. It's also my first time using the box; I'll have to adjust the way I use it.One is all I need to learn. =)


Ok, so since four of out the five of my G-O-M'S died; I scrapped the idea of the, 5-4.3 inch pots in my tiny ass space, and decided to go with my original plan of two plants in 7.5 inch pots that stand 9 inches tall. That leaves me 12-14 inches for height, but I mean, these 4.3" pots are only 4 inches tall, I musta been high to think they would of worked. Or they may, but I'm not willing to risk the last baby, so to my question....she's 8days planted, and 5 days above soil, when would be the safest time to transplant this already short lived little one?


Well-Known Member
Ok, so since four of out the five of my G-O-M'S died; I scrapped the idea of the, 5-4.3 inch pots in my tiny ass space, and decided to go with my original plan of two plants in 7.5 inch pots that stand 9 inches tall. That leaves me 12-14 inches for height, but I mean, these 4.3" pots are only 4 inches tall, I musta been high to think they would of worked. Or they may, but I'm not willing to risk the last baby, so to my question....she's 8days planted, and 5 days above soil, when would be the safest time to transplant this already short lived little one?
As long as you don't disturb the roots anytime is fine.


Active Member
which breed from GoM are you growing maxi ak or mass ?

i got 1auto ak down and 1 maxi only a days above soil just trans planted them to 12.5 inch pots hope it works out


Active Member
i thought grass-o-matic and green-o-matic were parts of the same company well lookslike mineare from the grass-o-matic seed bank :dunce:


Thanks for sharing, and nice pic. Now if we can only figure out how to get this g-o-m as wide as that bowl =) Pretty bud.


003.jpg001.jpg She received a bit of rootjuice to start her off, she'll get some biobizz bio-grow, Alg-a-mic, and bio heaven in a few days. (very light dose-probably 1ml/l)


Well-Known Member
Did you spray feed, because the little white dots need to get washed off if you did. ( unless its just its peach fuzz)

If you foliar feed you need to spray them with pure water in between or you will get those little white dots


Did you spray feed, because the little white dots need to get washed off if you did. ( unless its just its peach fuzz)

If you foliar feed you need to spray them with pure water in between or you will get those little white dots
I wont use a spray bottle because of the whole, maginifier effect; you're seeing peach fuzz my friend.


Well-Known Member
Glad you further identified your GOM plants I too was wondering "which breeder"......I'm also doing 2 GHS GOM....2 different very bushy with many many leaves within the nice cola, the other : skinny, taller, less branching.....but healthy. At this point, while I'm looking forward to the harvest of the bushy one (but already dreading the trim) appears that GHS GOM is not a stable auto ....they did auto but strange phenos.......
Having grown autos for several years now, I've experienced just how stable or unstable some of them's hard to beat the lowryder strains for hardiness and same pheno from plant ot plant.....


Well-Known Member
When it comes to bio bizz the soil is brilliant,and i still use this all though i like canna has well,but has for the nutes if it is not too late flush them through with water and let them dry out then get some advanced.If you don't want a realy small yeild. then move over from bio bizz i have used it a couple of times with a ppm meter and the yeild was realy sorry looking.Also the herb did not taste that much differant to any other that i have grown with other nutes.