Grow area


New Member
ok so I just wanna grow like 2 indica plants, how big of a grow area do I need? Can I just build that area into a box of how big it needs to be? ex: if you were to say 2" x 2" I would build a wooden box that was 2" x 2" . Any tips or suggestions would be helpful thanks.......


I think you meant 2' x 2' ;)

It will all depend on your container. The bigger the container is the bigger the roots can get. Which means the plant will also grow bigger. What kind of height are you working with? I'm assuming this is going to be indoor so what kind of lighting will you be using?

For your ideal setup for 2 indicas would be maybe 2' x 4' x 6' high space with a 400w MH/HPS and 2 5galon containers. But than again it all depends on the info you havnt told us.


New Member
indoor or outdoor? indoor i would say 3x3 or 4x4.....outdoor i would say like 5x5
Alot depends on what you be using for lighting, its size, distance from canopy, etc.
Why would he build a wooden box outside?
I think you meant 2' x 2' ;)

It will all depend on your container. The bigger the container is the bigger the roots can get. Which means the plant will also grow bigger. What kind of height are you working with? I'm assuming this is going to be indoor so what kind of lighting will you be using?

For your ideal setup for 2 indicas would be maybe 2' x 4' x 6' high space with a 400w MH/HPS and 2 5galon containers. But than again it all depends on the info you havnt told us.

Well this will be indoor of course..and this will be my first time growing obv. and yes I meant ' lol.. space is unlimited but I just wanna stick with 2 plants for now.. as far all the equipment im not to sure what im using yet as this is my first grow...I was just gonna post on here and ask questions..


Well-Known Member
2 indica plants can easily grow in a 2x2, 4 feet high. (If possible allowing more height just incase you get a stretcher).
In a 2x2 with 2 Indica plants you could look to yield about 4-6 ounces. You would need 1 month for veg, 2 months for flower, 1 month for dry/cure. So 4-6 ounces every 4 months.
In a 2x2 area I would recommend 250watt HPS/MH ballast. Digital ballasts can run both HPS and MH bulbs.
250 watts will put off a lot of heat, that becomes a factor. You will want to keep your grow room between 74-84 during lights on with a 10 degree + drop at night during flower. That will require a fan sucking the heat off the lightbulb and expelling it outside of the grow area. For my 400 watt light, I use a inline duct booster fan from homedepot for 30 dollars. If it will work for a 400 watt, it would certainly work for a 250 watt.

As far as it goes, 400 watt light isnt much more than a 250 watt light, and if you decide to enlarge your area to 3x3, now or in the future, then you will have enough light for that as well.


For a 2'x2', what height would you need? mine is currently only 2.5' high, I think I'll expand it soon, should I?

Growing White Rhino & White Widow.


Well-Known Member
For a 2'x2', what height would you need? mine is currently only 2.5' high, I think I'll expand it soon, should I?

Growing White Rhino & White Widow.
If you can, certainly. Some good sativa plants will grow 5-6 feet high indoors.


it's a closet grow, so I could theoretically use the whole height, which is about 6' high. WW/WR usually grow tall?


Well-Known Member
it's a closet grow, so I could theoretically use the whole height, which is about 6' high. WW/WR usually grow tall?
Never grown them so not sure. Either way, at some point you will be growing something other than WW/WR so I would plan on that.


Well-Known Member
I would give yourself at least 3x2, the reason being that I went 2x2 and have to order a specific cooltube just so it would fit, and that only works diagonally. I could fit 2 plants in my 2x2, but the way I did training in my grow I am crunched for space with just one. I am going to 2x4 for my next grow to give me more room for plants and equipment (having a hard time with fan placement).

Here is a 2x2 with one plant in a 3 gallon pot:

As you can see, its pretty cramped and proper airflow is challenging.


New Member
2 indica plants can easily grow in a 2x2, 4 feet high. (If possible allowing more height just incase you get a stretcher).
In a 2x2 with 2 Indica plants you could look to yield about 4-6 ounces. You would need 1 month for veg, 2 months for flower, 1 month for dry/cure. So 4-6 ounces every 4 months.
In a 2x2 area I would recommend 250watt HPS/MH ballast. Digital ballasts can run both HPS and MH bulbs.
250 watts will put off a lot of heat, that becomes a factor. You will want to keep your grow room between 74-84 during lights on with a 10 degree + drop at night during flower. That will require a fan sucking the heat off the lightbulb and expelling it outside of the grow area. For my 400 watt light, I use a inline duct booster fan from homedepot for 30 dollars. If it will work for a 400 watt, it would certainly work for a 250 watt.

As far as it goes, 400 watt light isnt much more than a 250 watt light, and if you decide to enlarge your area to 3x3, now or in the future, then you will have enough light for that as well.
as far as the watts does that affect potentcy?


Well-Known Member
I grow Cfl. But with HID, don't you need a fair amount of vertical space. My runt indica plant, five weeks into flower, is about 2' tall. I love her! With the pot you can add about another foot. You have whatever physical height of the hood and whatever distance to the canopy on top of that. Seems tight...


Well-Known Member
Generally speaking watts are going to affect yield only (if all other variables are the same, like strain/medium/light spectrum/etc).

I agree with the above, where 400 does not cost more than a 400. In fact I would go even further and say a 600 is not much more than a 400, and you could get one that will run at 50% and 75% power but give you a light that would fit many different situations and last a long time.


New Member
Generally speaking watts are going to affect yield only (if all other variables are the same, like strain/medium/light spectrum/etc).

I agree with the above, where 400 does not cost more than a 400. In fact I would go even further and say a 600 is not much more than a 400, and you could get one that will run at 50% and 75% power but give you a light that would fit many different situations and last a long time.

ok cool, so what would you say for a 3x3x6 ' ? would a 400w work good or qould the extra 200w really make a difference? I dont wanna grow alot of bud for my first time (well I do but not bud that isnt too potent)

what's your setup?


Well-Known Member
I am in a 2*2*5.5 with a 400w hps/mh and I was limited to the specific light I purchased because of the space. Had I built it just a tad wider I could have gotten any light I wanted and it would have been a dimmable 600. Yield and light penatration wise the 400 would work great for 3*3 but the 600 will give room for growth down the road if you so choose.

Make sure you consider cooling since the 400 or 600 will work best with 6" ducting. If you look at my journal in my sig you can see the box I built and current set up. It works great but I am kicking myself for not going just a tad wider. It would have cost less if I had added just a few inches.


New Member
I am in a 2*2*5.5 with a 400w hps/mh and I was limited to the specific light I purchased because of the space. Had I built it just a tad wider I could have gotten any light I wanted and it would have been a dimmable 600. Yield and light penatration wise the 400 would work great for 3*3 but the 600 will give room for growth down the road if you so choose.

Make sure you consider cooling since the 400 or 600 will work best with 6" ducting. If you look at my journal in my sig you can see the box I built and current set up. It works great but I am kicking myself for not going just a tad wider. It would have cost less if I had added just a few inches.
For keeping the liht cool I wont need a cooling tube or whatever? A fan will keep it cool with vent.? or would i need 2 diff. fans one for the light and one for the tree? and just one vent going out regsrdless?

I will check iut your grow right now. thanks for the help and tips so far. what strain are you growing currently otr your best you've hgrown?


Well-Known Member
You will need to vent the heat out. I use a single fan and it goes like this:
Inside box:
carbon scrubber->light
Outside box:
Fan->Noise dampener

I then have 6 passive in takes at the bottom that have active carbon pre-filers to prevent critters and light from getting in. The fan is connected to a Variac autotransformer which lets me control the speed if I need extra airflow, I can crank that thing up high enough that I have a problem getting the door open.


New Member
You will need to vent the heat out. I use a single fan and it goes like this:
Inside box:
carbon scrubber->light
Outside box:
Fan->Noise dampener

I then have 6 passive in takes at the bottom that have active carbon pre-filers to prevent critters and light from getting in. The fan is connected to a Variac autotransformer which lets me control the speed if I need extra airflow, I can crank that thing up high enough that I have a problem getting the door open.
I heard or read I should say that its best to put the vent up top since heat travels up? how big are the intakes on the bottom?