Grow So Stealth, GF Can't Find It... Auto's under CFL


Active Member
wish my bird was that accepting. i did decieve her a bit when i asked if she minded me growing in the cupboard. she wasnt expecting a jet engine and a replica sun lol. she got the hump with me and took a pair of scissors to my last plants. after a long argument she has agreed to let me do one at a time for now. she is getting antsy about that now though. she is a really light sleeper and the fans keep her up :( need some super silent ones
Oh man, you have a predicament. Get silent fans, only a matter of time before she gets super pissed again mate. Don't want all that hard work to go to waste! Take her to dinner as well. Got to keep the misses happy.


Active Member
lol some good "hide a plant " stories on this page...And yer grow is comeing along nicely...:weed:
It's all in good fun, and I only have about 20 days left of flowering which is making me giddy. Once I harvest I'll give her the largest bud, so I can keep growing freely. Anyhow I've just bought a "replica sun" as brettsog put it, and a grow tent which are unassembled in the garage. After this grow I'll need her to be onboard, lol because there's no hidin that!


Active Member
I used a closet to veg baby clones to healthy sizes. A year ago I cut a hole in the floor of the closet to enter the garden under the house. It works very cool as I was able to stop traffic coming and going all the time down below, I was able to bolt that door under house from inside, making entrance in 10 seconds now without all the lock up crap.

One thing to watch for is humidity. The shelf above the clothes hanger warped up a couple inches and the pole hanger it tight up against it. Not the end of the earth, but I will have to replace the wood some day. For smell you might try using the plug in oil room scenters or some spray ?

Good luck - I hope your GF uses this kind of medication. Only saying because my first wife drove me half crazy calling me a pothead every day for 6 freaking years! God I'm glad to be married to a VERY cool LA woman now.


Active Member
Awesome man, I wish I could build underground too, however Im not sure how I'd go about it, exactly, but great idea and wish I could see how you did it. And yes I know the feeling of being harassed for enjoying some herb. Everyone has got a fucking opinion.


Active Member
The Short Riders are coming along nicely.

Day 57, flowering 34 days
Smaller one alive 47 days, flowering 7. Technically although may have miscounted during first week. Still looking good though

Still under the CFLs & wifey still doesnt know.


Active Member
Not really sure as this is my first run of the strain, however my buddy who grew it out let it go to 60 days (flowering) or about 85 days from seed. As with any strain this shit varies wildly so what worked for one person may not for another. I've had my plants at 24 hour light from seed. My buddy ran his under 18/6. So I dont know but from what mine looks like, I'm estimating another 2-3 weeks and I've already ceased giving nutes. I would rather my weed smell and taste earthy/musky (aka like the bat shit it's growing in) rather than chemicals. As you can see from the photo's it looks fine, it's eaten fat from the beginning, taken every nute I've given it and done fine. We'll see how it comes out. Cheers


Active Member
Thanks for the rep back dude, so are you gonna let your gf know at some point around or after harvest or just gonna keep growing until she finds out? haha


Active Member
Lol well for the time being I'm going to try to finish this plant before she finds out. Once I chop it down I'm gonna stop hiding it. It was just for fun anyway to see how long I could go without being discovered. I can't believe it's been basically 2 months already and its still pretty much in detectable if you stay out of the room. The Short Riders don't smell at all. The fan is quiet. Proving to me that pretty much anyone can grow stealthily if they need to.


Well-Known Member
you're stealth grow is badass brother! i like your avitar! i have bruce lee tattood on my whole arm! might change mine to my pic. i had a stealth grow from my bird too....but she found out about it one night when i left my closet cracked and she snooped lol doesn't smell one little bit and now shes like my backup.... when she smells anything...she'll help deter it =) happy growing my friend!


Active Member
Haha pretty sweet dude, I'm actually amazed I've gone this far undetected. Props to you for the Bruce Lee tat; def one of my idols! And that's pretty cool she's your partner now, mine will be too after this little trial grow, peace birdmananyweather


Well-Known Member
here it is! and oh yeah, there is absolutley NO complaining after you're like...."here babe....this fat ass cola that i grew with These for you" o_O not to mention the great possibility of gettin some special treatment =P my gal thinks its a mad turn on to have a green thumb. hahahaha goodluck!


Active Member
here it is! and oh yeah, there is absolutley NO complaining after you're like...."here babe....this fat ass cola that i grew with These for you" o_O not to mention the great possibility of gettin some special treatment =P my gal thinks its a mad turn on to have a green thumb. hahahaha goodluck!
lol if one turns out way nicer than the other. Give her the smaller one and be like, "This is for you baby...... and THIS is for me" and pull out the bigger one haha.


Well-Known Member
I just can't wait for what kind of yield you get from hiding it for this long. You hear about this huge plantations growing for decades, 1000+ plants, and not getting caught for that long. You can hide it if you try hard enough.


Active Member
I just can't wait for what kind of yield you get from hiding it for this long. You hear about this huge plantations growing for decades, 1000+ plants, and not getting caught for that long. You can hide it if you try hard enough.
No kidding, I wish I had the space to try such a grow, but with my space this is the best I could manage at the time. Hell, every time I take up a new hobby, I go balls to the wall. If I had been patient and learned a little more before I started, I could have saved myself a bunch of cash. But oh well... I've been bitten by the growing bug so I'll be around for awhile. And I've already upgraded to big boy equipment; just waiting till this grow is officially over so I can set up a better space and relegate the CFL's to house light duty. For being so short, this lil plant is sure packing on the bud.


Active Member
Hey , I just read your whole thread !!
lots of awsome info !
Great notes
ill be watching


Well-Known Member
The funny thing is about that 1000 plant "stealth grow underground, made the entire 4 block area above ground smell like straight dank, cops ended up busting the dude. Covered it with a legit edible mushroom farm that was 4000 square feet. Behind the secret walls, a 1000 plant grow haha. Plus like 700 lbs of already bricked up ready to ships shit.

Small grows like this to keep stealth, shit no problem. Something that consist of 1000 plant, possible, but most would never get enough and proper ventalition.