Grow Tent Physical Strength Question


Active Member

My question is related to the strength of the grow tent I use.
I watched some scary videos about hps lights exploding.
Does someone know if the grow tent is strong enough to stop the flying pieces of glass?



Well-Known Member
I think if that happens, its extremely rare. I've also read, and seen pictures of CFL bulbs that actually can catch on fire. Again, if you try to use the best in equipment that you can find ( or afford) after that, life itself is full of all kinds of possibilities.

Holy Grail 888

Well-Known Member

My question is related to the strength of the grow tent I use.
I watched some scary videos about hps lights exploding.
Does someone know if the grow tent is strong enough to stop the flying pieces of glass?

watch watering / spraying anywhere near hps and avoid it at lights on if hand watering. id be more worried about getting hit by glass if using water at lights on whilst working inside the tent than worried about a random explosion . prevent it happening by using a safe method of watering .

be careful !



Active Member
Thanks guys. Very helpful! :) I am very careful when watering. I was really paranoid about it, but I guess everything is possible. I hope it stays safe for now... :) My bulb is a SunMaster Dual Spectrum and I hope that it's HQ enough to sustain.