Grow tent problem


Well-Known Member
I have a 6.5 x 6.5 x 6.5 milar grow tent, I have 2 x 1000 watt HPS cooltube setup with a 6" vortex fan powering the 2 cooltubes, I have a 6"carbon filter with a 4" vortex fan powering that, with 2 little 6" in-line fans for a intake,

My problem is heat, perhaps its because of all the the 2 1000 watt HPS, but there must be a way to run this at a 22 degree environment, right now I have to leave the whole tent open and the bedroom that the tent is in to achieve the 22-27 degree range, but even with the bedroom door closed I reach almost 30 degrees.

Any input would be great, I would imagine some people might think that the 2 1000 watts is too much, perhaps it is, but my buds really like the light. All the ducting goes to a window, hotair, goes out and cold air comes in, but still have heat issues, please help!

Thank you for your time,



Well-Known Member
Hi Twohi4h,

Welcom to RIU.

Why are you having heat issues if you are using cool tubes?

Are you exhausting the Hot air out of the "Grow Room"?


Well-Known Member
Yes, I have ply wood covering my window with 3 6" holes cut out for 2 intakes and 1 outtake


Well-Known Member
run lights at night
it should be cold enough out to pull in cold air
i would use seperate holes in your tent for each fan. dont T them together. the fan pulling through the lights will be hot but not smelly, run it continuously using cold air from outside or an air conditioner.
use the can filter fan to go on for humidity and excess heat.
CO2 will allow you to run higher temps.


Well-Known Member
ok, I understand what you are saying but the filter isn't powered by the same fan as the cool tube, I have a 4 inch vortex fan for the filter, its just directed into a T so I can have 1 exhaust hole, I have plenty of cold air through the cooltube, half the cool tube is cold but the tips where the bulb is are hot, I also have a 400 watt HPS behind my tent that might be causing the heat, maybe I'll have to use a portable AC to cool down the entire room outside the grow tent, Not sure what to do, I want to be able to close my tent up and keep the bedroom door closed... getting frustrated..


Well-Known Member
This is similar to what I faced last year. I only had the cooler ambient air from the bedroom to cool the grow cab.
I installed a booster fan (with a sail switch) in the house AC duct to the room for about 5 degrees. Not enough, so I installed a small window AC unit which gave me another 10-15 degrees of cooling. Total cost for both was less than 200 USD
I did not have nearly the wattage you are using but it did solve my problem.
Good luck


Well-Known Member
if you have an 8" fan pushing air through the lights then out of the window that will solve your problem instantly, all the other fans are a waste of time if your tent is left open


Well-Known Member
you also have a bunch of 90 degree turns. try straighting your duct work out curves cut down on air flow.
you dont want to push air....pulling it is better
this is how i would set it 1 controled by heat/ 2 on when the light is on.

<-----fan 1 <-----can filter <---cold air in to room
window <---- Y (two 4's to 6")
<-----fan 2 <------light <------light <------cold air into tube.


Well-Known Member
I can't excatly straighten my duct much more than it is, I have plenty of airflow, the 6inch vortex pushes a shit load of air out the window, I do have an extra 8" maybe I'll try that. can I hook the vortex right up to the lights? I agree that it has to be setup different. here is a pic showing the intakes and outtakes

From the bottom is fresh air intake, middle is intake for cooltube, top one is outake for the cooltube and carbon filter thats powered by another vortex fan but ran into one duct with a T. even with the long distance it travels the 6' pumps the air out, my cooltubes are cold on each side but hotter in the middle.. its becomig frustrating, I guess I'll have to buy a portable AC for $299..
thanks for everyone's input