Grow: The next generation. Early Misty and Master Kush!


Well-Known Member
Over the last 2 days, my girls have really sprouted. I took measurements this morning and as you can see in the pics, MK1 was at 15", MK2 was 16" and EM was 18". They grew so much so fast that I didn't want to wait until this weekend to top them and take clones. So this morning, I cut topped them. I wasn't fully prepared for clones but I improvised. I had my rooting powder, peat moss cubes and cutting instruments but was lacking a mini-greenhouse dome for them to root under. What I ended up doing is placing them inside a 15" cooking pot I had and covering with misted saran wrap. It's very ghetto and I will need to come up with something else this weekend. If all 3 clones survive, my plan is to vegg them until they root then place into HPS. I'm going to use the hempie bucket on one of the MK clones.

The first 3 pics below show the plants height before topping. The next 2 show MK2 before and after topping. More pics in the next post.



Well-Known Member
I should have and still need to but I was running late for work this a.m. Planning on going home during lunch and finishing them up. How do they look so far?


they're pretty... maybe needing a bit more N (they're looking a little on the lighter green side) or maybe thats just they're pheno...

i like!!!

best of luck!


Well-Known Member
Thanks, lumb. They look much better in person. I think the camera really picks up and accentuates the yellow. When I look at the plants in person, I see the lowest set of leaves are yellowed but the rest of the plants look nice and green, which I don't think the camera shows well.


Thanks, lumb. They look much better in person. I think the camera really pics up and accentuates the yellow. When I look at the plants in person, I see the lowest set of leaves are yellowed but the rest of the plants look nice and green, which I don't think the camera shows well.
i know that can be true
taking pictures while lights are off usually gives a truer color to the picture... just for future reference!

again, best of luck!


Well-Known Member
Looking good, HMN. Heavy on the sativa side are they? You'll enjoy that smoke when its all said and done. And those clones will serve you well in the future. Good luck on the home stretch.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, bud. I'll make note of that. I'm going to give the girls a few days to recuperate (when I see some new growth) then I will slowly introduce some ferts.

Hey blood, thanks for the feedback. They are both hybrids of Sativa and Indica strains, according to Nirvana. Super easy to grow. Almost effortless.


Well-Known Member
Quick update: I checked the clones during lunch and they looked pathetic. Very limp and droopy. I pruned some of the lower leaves, leaving the top node and leaves. I misted them again and placed them just outside my growbox, where they are getting some indirect light that's spilling out.

On another note, I received my HPS light today. Now I'm only waiting on my exhaust fan, which is also on the way. Almost there......


Well-Known Member
Hey Mids, that's one of my current girls - Master Kush.

So, it's been 3 full days since I took the clones. I had to rig up a ghetto mini-greenhouse. I took a one of the wife's old 12" cooking pots and rigged up a "roof" frame out of an old wire hanger and then created my "dome" with saran wrap. You can see the arrangement in pics 1 and 2. I have the pot sitting on an old heating blanket. I misted the clones, the sides of the pot and the "dome" every 2 hours or so over the weekend. The clones are still hanging in there. Sometimes they look upright and healthy, other times they look droopy but they are still alive. I haven't seen signs of any root formation as of yet.

The moms look like they are recovering nicely and I'm already seeing new growth. I am noticing some yellowing again on the lowest leaves but the rest of the plant is nice and green I've posted a couple of those pics as well. I already seen where my next batch of clones will come from.

This morning was 3 weeks since I transplanted them and I decided to reintroduce the nutes to the moms. I watered them with 1 g water, 1/4 tsp Superthrive and 1/2 tsp Foxfarm Growbig.

Any feedback on the clones is welcomed and appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Ok, mid-week update. The clones are struggling. All yesterday they were limp and pathetic looking. I decided I needed to improve my "mini-greenhouse" so yesterday I purchased some tupperware from WM - 4 8"X8"X8" square plastic containers ($2.29 a pair). Last night I turned 2 of these upside down and used the lids as the bases. This morning, I noticed one of the clones perking up. I then transplanted them in their peat moss into little 3" pots (actually used caps from the wife's giant laundry detergent containers) with 2 holes drilled in the sides and one in the bottom. My medium was perlite and vermiculite in a 50-50 ratio. I soaked the medium in a mixture of 1q plain water with a drop of Grow Big and Superthrive. I allowed the pots to drain for about 5 hours then I transplanted the clones. I misted the insides of the "domes" and the plants themselves and placed the domes over the bases (lids), NOT snapping them shut, to allow fresh air. I will check their condition later tonight. Hopefully they pull through ok.

On another note, I got my extractor fan. The shit was way bigger (8" across and about 6" long) than I thought but it's powerful. I'll have to mount this in my attic. So, it's carpentry time again this weekend. Pics to come.....


Well-Known Member
In case anyone is following, the clones are perking up. 2 of the 3 are upright and looking good. The 3rd is on its way as well but is still drooping. I misted them last night and again this morning and I'll check on them during lunch.

The 3 moms are growing incredibly fast! They are just about back to where they were, height-wise, before I topped them. I watered them this morning with plain unchlorinated tap water (PHed at about 6.8).

Updated pics on Monday unless something else significant warrants them sooner......


Well-Known Member
glad to hear the clones are coming along.

The clones I took from my mom are all about 16" tall.
I put them staight into flower with the mom when they were about 2 weeks out of water into soil.

Once they perked up and did not give me any worries I figured they were strong enough.

I really had to since I have 9 clones and a mom in my walk in closet.
The mom has been in there about 6 weeks I think and her babies are about a week - 2 weeks behind.
They were added in stages.

I love clones.
As long as you get them when the plant is mature enough and not to far into flower it is pretty easy.

I have yet to use rockwool or hormones.

Mine go straight into water.


Well-Known Member
The clones need air flo bro.
Some people swear by the domes.

I have never used one.

Make sure the lights are not too close.

I waited 2 weeks before putting mine in my flower chamber.

When they 1st went into soil and pots from the water I had them in the bathroom on the floor.
I would say 8-9 ft away from the 60 w incadescent ceiling light.
Really just enough light to keep them alive until they start taking up water and nutes thru their roots.

I think when I get paid next weekend I will come up with some sort of dwc bubble cloner.

I have seen where several people are using them.
Just a plastic container with a lid of whatever size you choose.
Then an air pump and a couple of airstones.

They claim to make roots in 7 ds.

Mine do it in 12-14 just sitting in water.
I am skeptical but not discounting the possiblity.