Growin' chillies by the scotland

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
ive never heard of them :( FMK your lucky not to be hear in the uk this now. Our economy was recovering, then the tories got in to power fucked everything up :(, economy is bad again, more budget cuts, uni places cuts:S , more taxes :(...well i dont pay taxes because im still in full time eductation :) but my parents do :( .
Daz , i had a great job walking distance from my own cottage , i was the youngest manager there ever and on good money , loads of chicks wanting in my drawers the lot..i seen the writing on the wall in 2007 mate , i gave away what i could and threw everything else away.Cashed in my bank account and got on a plane.I had one hockey size nike bag with levis and clean shorts and socks when i got here.
Things are not a lot better here economy wise Daz , but the quality of life is here , freedom and open spaces.I dont think ill ever return full time , maybe go home for hogmany this year though , 2 weeks ..ya know , do xmas and neerday.

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
Plants are looking good FMK:)
The ones in the pots i gave chicken poop diluted in water , they look great , the one outdoors is looking good too.The only primo seed i have is growing upstairs where the new HPS light will be going.Its looking a bit feeble so i might put it outside today.


Active Member
Daz , i had a great job walking distance from my own cottage , i was the youngest manager there ever and on good money , loads of chicks wanting in my drawers the lot..i seen the writing on the wall in 2007 mate , i gave away what i could and threw everything else away.Cashed in my bank account and got on a plane.I had one hockey size nike bag with levis and clean shorts and socks when i got here.
Things are not a lot better here economy wise Daz , but the quality of life is here , freedom and open spaces.I dont think ill ever return full time , maybe go home for hogmany this year though , 2 weeks ..ya know , do xmas and neerday.
haha nice one:). Edinburgh hogmany party is always goood:) id miss that if i moved away.

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
haha nice one:). Edinburgh hogmany party is always goood:) id miss that if i moved away.
Aye..anywheres good in Scotland for hogmany , George square in Glasgow was where i used to go,Edinburgh looked better though.It was all about getting home though and probably with a few drinks in me.

Did I mention I love your sig FMK? Also, sick lookin' plants you have there. :)
Thanks OhGr , and i can tell you with 100% honesty Bill Hicks is my own personal hero.I have almost every dvd he did plus some bootlegs , we loved him in the UK , my only regret is i never got to see him.Im also suspicious of how and why he died so young.


Active Member
Oh FKM, you should have heard all the fannys on GMTV this morning moaning about how they were 'robbed' of a goal in the england vs germany game:) it was funny to see all the english supporters before the match saying things like ''its gonna be 1966 all over agin'' but then germany beat them and i was pishing myself laughing:) 4-1 :D

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
Oh FKM, you should have heard all the fannys on GMTV this morning moaning about how they were 'robbed' of a goal in the england vs germany game:) it was funny to see all the english supporters before the match saying things like ''its gonna be 1966 all over agin'' but then germany beat them and i was pishing myself laughing:) 4-1 :D
Aye..lets forget about Germanys 4 goals and concentrate on Englands misfortunate bad call.It was hilarious to see Fabio tell the world with a straight face that was the critical turning point.

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
purchased.jpgThe waiting begins , its coming from the same state im in so hopefully this week , i think ill need a pulley system to lower and raise lights , any other items ill need i appreciate any tips before i get started.:)


Active Member
I made a list of things I needed when I first started my grow.
I'll copy it to here.
1.)Hand Sanitizer
2.)2-5 Gallon pots.
3.)HPS Lighting
4.)Fox Farms OF
5.)Tarp with zipper.
6.)42 watt Cfl (6400k = veg 2700 = flower)
7.)Clamp light fixtures
8.)Windshield Visor (used like mylar)
11.)Light Timer
13.)Spray Bottles
14.)Humidity Meter
16.)Ph Meter
17.)Moisture Meter
18.)Light Meter
19.)1" Rock Wool Cubes

I got everything on this list except
#5, #7, and, #19.

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
Thats extremely useful OhGr , i think i can skip the same numbers 5 , 7 and 19 , dont think ill need the cfl? Ive got most of the stuff on hand or ordered and paid for , just the meters i need , ph one especially eh ?Ive bookoo seeds but nothing of any note except one possible thats under gro lights now and going outdoors soon.
Ill have to take the plunge and order some top seeds , i should have last month and got the freebies but i had other expenditures that came first and a nice bag of smoke so of course let it ive no smoke and wish i had stuck to my game plan.
Im guessing attitude seeds is my best bet.


Active Member
I've always heard nothing but good things from attitude. Just make sure that the site is the right one. There is a attitude website knock off floating around that is spelled almost the same but is like missing one T in the name.

Since you've bought the higher wattage hps/mh you probably won't need any cfls for side lighting although they can't hurt..

I just bought my Meter online not two days ago and I'm waiting for it to get here. Damn Hong Kong shipping.... They have cheap meters on ebay. The one I bought and am waiting for it's arrival is a 3 in 1 multifunctional moisture, PH, and light meter. Only cost me $6.29 off of ebay.

Also, one thing I didn't have on my list is a PH control kit, but You can improvise ph levels by using Baking Soda to increase the ph and vinegar to decrease it. There are other homemade ways to control ph too like Concentrated lemon juice for ph down or apple cider vinegar for down as well. Although, I wouldn't use any ph kits unless they were designed for growing. That way you can keep your variables of problems down to a minimum.


Active Member
Also, another thing you might need if you don't have proper ventilation is some 4" inch ducting and a inline fan. If you have a nice open room and it's not confined to a closet or box you should be fine with a fan. Some people even buy a window ac unit for anywhere from 80 bucks to 200 for their grow. I'd wait and see how the temps are when you have everything set up before you buy anything. Nothing like wasting $$$ only to find out the part you need isn't needed anymore.

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
That meter you got sounds ideal OhGr , its a huge open room and very private ..bit of a secret attic ,theres no apparant access.I have an electric window exhaust fan that fits in the window space and ive 2 or 3 big electric fans.The window faces out over dense woods so im ok that way,i can release smell safely.


Active Member
That meter you got sounds ideal OhGr , its a huge open room and very private ..bit of a secret attic ,theres no apparant access.I have an electric window exhaust fan that fits in the window space and ive 2 or 3 big electric fans.The window faces out over dense woods so im ok that way,i can release smell safely.
Sweet deal bro. Most can only be so lucky.

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
Sweet deal bro. Most can only be so lucky.
I only wonder why i waited til now , the attic is very cool.I didnt know it was even there for a week.I could see a window but no way to access.In one of the spare bedrooms theres a closet , in the closet if one walks in and turns left theres a door..sweet.
Once im all set up ill get some pics.


Active Member
Sweet man. That room sounds tight. I can't wait to see your grow.

..This thread grew like 10 pages in one day..