Growin' chillies by the scotland


Well-Known Member
Depends on how many plants your wanting to do my man. 4-6 I reccomend a 600 if you are doing anything over a 4 week veg. I have mine cramped to fit unde mine and I have 6 plants. A 250 will give you dense tight bugs on about 3 plants max. If you get a system with a digital ballast, which I why I have and reccommend, you can get a MH conversion bulb. They run about 50-75 bucks and will work with a digital ballast otherwise if you go magnetic ballast then you have to get a differnt ballast for a MH. Bulb and another ballast for a HPS. Bulb. Digital ballast packages are only about 20-30 dollars more, are more efficient and much quieter. Also get a package on eBay that has an air cooled hood. It'll keep it cooler in the room. The thing is the more plants you have, the more distributed those watts are going to be between the plants. Ie 6 plants under a 600w will each get about 100 watts. Give or take a few watts. You really don't want to go below 100 watts a plant. Truthfully you want about 125-150 watts a plant. Now mind you this is pertaining to a 4 week veg or more.


Fullmoon kid

Active Member
Thanks for that EP , i went ahead and got the 400w HPS/Mh that comes complete with reflecter and ballast , timer and i bought the 3 pack of fox nutes.Im only growing for personal use , 3 or 4 plants at a time is probably going to work for me if i can get them to bud properly.
My next purchase will be top rate seeds , ill practice with bag seeds i have in the meantime.I almost bought the 600w but noticed it had a hybrid bulb whereas the one i bought has 2 interchangables.


Well-Known Member
Ah well I know people who get excellent results with 400w and is that the soluble nutes like I use? If so great choice. But be careful they run hot. So a little goes a long way. The most I used amd got minimal burning was 3/4 a teaspoon a gallon.

3-4 plants with a 400 will be amazing. Veg 4-6 weeks and you will be more than pleased :-).

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
Yeah , it says quart size bottles , 3 of them for each stage i guess.Definately soluble cos i remember seeing that and thinking..ok this stuff will last a while cos i balked at the price initially.

Theres what i have so far EP , OhGr kindly made out a shopping list for me with everything else ill need.Initially ill have to use soil because i dont have the skills or knowledge for hydroponics.My first grow will be soil , during that time ill study hydroponics and consider a setup for that on a smallish scale.Daz has me tempted to go SOG which i understand involves trimming lower branches and the plant has the one main cola,im thinking i could eventually get there.


Well-Known Member
i did the top to get 4 main colas. worked great for me and made them nice bushes. ok those are the liquid nutes. different form what i have but great none the less. those come with a veg nute as well. mine was a 3 part flowering nute only haha. and they were a lil more pricey.

this is them


Active Member
right guys im gonna get some more picks up. Also i forgot to mention i picked up some more seeds from a friend who didnt want them :) super thai skunk and another pineapple express :) how long can seeds stay viable for? because if im only gonna grow 2 at a time , all these seeds ive got will last me through like 8 grows :) ive got them in the fridge for the mean time :)


Well-Known Member
just put them somewhere dry. they will stay viable for a couple years. pill bottles would work. make sure you keep them separated though


Well-Known Member
lol just trolling the forums tonight. but ya some empty pill bottles would be ideal. put them in a baggy, with as little air in there as possible, then pop them in the pill bottle.

that thai skunk sounds tasty and potent.


Active Member
Right guys thought id get some pics up :)
its getting harder to take pics and there are so many chillies growing in so many different places :) but the plants are starting to look like dense bushes , appart from the single one in its own pot .



Active Member
well alot haha. barney's farm LSD, some more SLH, and some more haha.
haha nice one, ive heard good things about the LSD , but i think alot of the starins from barneys are good :) 2 of the strain i have in amongst those seeds are barneys farm's violator kush and blue cheese :)


Active Member
haha yeah man . I had a wee look on yer thread, still cant get over how perfect those plants of yours are :)