Growing as a hobby


I've recently realized that I have a unique hobby. A few weeks ago after visiting a greenhouse on my school campus I decided to grow a few plants in my room which included various vegetables and flowers. When looking for information on how to grow these passive plants, I came across many cannabis forums "like this one" and became interested. I have only smoked once in my life and that was ages ago but I somehow became fascinated by the whole mechanics, growing techniques and in general the whole culture of growing marijuana. I feel like I've recently been consumed or obsessed with the idea of growing cannabis, I spend my free time looking up methods to grow it. Everything about them fascinates me, from the leaves to the look of the buds and even the taboo of it. I've ordered a few seeds from Nirvana, and plan on growing them with the information acquired from the countless hours spent researching them. At this point I do not have any intention to smoke or sell them due to work. But my question is, is this a strange hobby? Has anyone ever felt this way, of growing marijuana due to fascination and not consumption?


Active Member
i guessing most of us feel exactly the same way, well at least i do, however i have developed quite a taste for product but that was after i started growing. most of the stuff you buy around here is mexican brick weed and is just leaving you feeling like crap, i guess its an ok... stone if you smoke enough but ehh i never cared for it much. anyways after growing some shit myself its like a whole different ball park and the ride is worth allllll the effort,... even if the effort is half the fun.


Well-Known Member
yes it is fascinating, & therapeutic. I smoke (& have a med card) but I haven't smoked in 3 MONTHS & I have been growing my current plants for a little over 2. So I am not even a regular user, all the time. But yes, to be able to grow something of ur own hand, especially something that you can use for pain relief or simply a mood enhancer to make u happy, is VERY rewarding! U know where it came from, it is even more special because u tended it with loving care. It is also VERY challenging, having to constantly regulate its environment, etc. And all the different strains, some so visually & simply breathtaking.
You know what they say "if youre good at something, dont do it for free".
Maybe after you experiment a few grows you can turn that hobby into some extra C@$HHHH!!or become a non-profit care giver. whatever you do with the plants good luck to ya.


Moderatrix of Journals
'strange' is really in the eye of the beholder, your non-pothead friends would probably think so if they found out, no?
i know that my interest in my 'ladies' (although i was a pothead before i started growing) certainly fuels my interest AND knowledge base for my veggie and herb gardens as well.
i've also met a few medcard holders online who 'grow therapeutically'; ie the PROCESS involved in growing and not the end product is what they consider their primary medicine. i know a psych student who is very interested in this application as PTSD therapy.