Growing hydro in 100 degree temps indoor possible??


I can control the humidity but not temperature, so just wondering if anybody’s tried it . I have research some strains that might work. I’ll be putting the lights on at night and turning off the lights in the day of course.
Why so hot? If lights are running at night ? Will you be running non air cooled hid or something? What about trying led lighting if temps are so hot? But honestly my brothers grown in 90F+ not sure about 100 though
I got the sp3000 Mars light.
It’s a shed pretty much.
Added a nice dehumidifier already and fan
but I can’t use a portable ac unit since I can’t cut a hole into the wall to let out the warm exhaust from the unit.
Without the exhaust out the shed it would get hotter just stuck in the room.
Those portable ac units that use ice and cold water didn’t work at all either.
So my options is control humidity and everything else and hope one of the strains live.
I would just buy a portable ac unit and that would solve everything but hole in the wall for the exhaust to let out the ac hot air isn’t doable.
Do you have any windows in the shed? They make plastic pieces you can attach the exhaust to and put it in a window kind of like a window fan but just to blow the hot exhaust out.
Hydroponics at this temp will be really tough tbh, why not just use soil?

based on your name/description 100f in summer will be 120-130f inside the shed without cooling and insulation just from the sun beating down on it all day. Minisplit is the best, but will still require you cutting a hole in the side.
Okay so guys i just think of something the shed has a door right? Why not have a centrifugal fan connected too a carbon filter with ducting going outside via the door? Like leave the door kinda open a little and have the ducting sticking out there for exhaust? Cuz honestly bro you need some sort of air exchange or some way too cool the shed
Hydro will be all but impossible in those conditions. Unless you are constantly watering with cooled water manually. Bit you aren't going to be able to maintain a nice cool reservoir in those temps. It may be time to sit back and reevaluate the situation and call an audible.
Hydro will be all but impossible in those conditions. Unless you are constantly watering with cooled water manually. Bit you aren't going to be able to maintain a nice cool reservoir in those temps. It may be time to sit back and reevaluate the situation and call an audible.

I'd bury the reservoir in the ground but at summer temps even ground will be hot unless he gets deep.
You can. I've done it. Go heavy on the hypochlorous acid.
I guess I can try it then
I have everything I need except I cant add any a/c so the room goes like over 100

my other room has 1 ww, 2 n lights and 1 gg33 but that is indoor ofc

I have a great room outside and ready (minus temp) control :/
Been as high as 97 degrees air temperature. Humidity under control at
47/49 %
Running a chiller to maintain 65/68 water temps. It’s not fun at all! This is the last time I’m doing this bullshit!
So flowering over 85 degrees isn't recommended. Growth starts to slow over 85 from what I've read. Not to mention, terpenes degrade in higher temps.

Basically, you can do it, but don't expect high yield or quality.
Wouldn’t even attempt it unless I had clones of something I knew could handle high temps without freaking out!

Waste of seeds, time and money otherwise.

Best of luck though!
So, I grow indoors in the high country of Arizona. It's been in the 90's outside and has hit 100 or so in my flower tent. I use a 'passive' venting system where I open the low vent hole things on one side and open a couple of the high ones on the other side. I take steps to insure no light leakage. I use a dimmable 600w HPS and depending on the predicted temps for the day, I adjust the wattage.

I've been growing some Purple Larry store bought seed and some local dispensary bag seed, the creator saw fit to put a couple of seeds in my favorite strains for a little bit. So, that could have a lot to do with my results as the most of my plants seem to just thrive, and if it gets too much, add another feeding cycle for the flower tent. Sunrise is 3am and it sets at 2 pm. That seems to be my sweet spot for me. It does get cold and freezes outside in the winter, so the lights provide heat for when it is the coldest part of the day.

Of course, I'm doing it all wrong, folks are going to correct me and really, Im only back into creating a p[ot factory for just over a year yet and still have a lot of perfections to do. That's the long way to say, I'm not sure yet if it has affected the potency of my weed, because it's all been WAAAY better than dispensary weed.