Growing hydro in 100 degree temps indoor possible??

Grow indoors... as in a bedroom, garage shed, etc.
Add silicon solution to feeding program, helps with heat, cold, drought stress.
Consider swapping too all LED in summer, back to HID during winter.
Swamp cooler possibility?
Cool down temps of roof//walls outside via deflection screen (IR/UV 70-95%).
Are you moving the air with fans?
Hydro: As in reservoir or buckets?
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So, I grow indoors in the high country of Arizona. It's been in the 90's outside and has hit 100 or so in my flower tent. I use a 'passive' venting system where I open the low vent hole things on one side and open a couple of the high ones on the other side. I take steps to insure no light leakage. I use a dimmable 600w HPS and depending on the predicted temps for the day, I adjust the wattage.

I've been growing some Purple Larry store bought seed and some local dispensary bag seed, the creator saw fit to put a couple of seeds in my favorite strains for a little bit. So, that could have a lot to do with my results as the most of my plants seem to just thrive, and if it gets too much, add another feeding cycle for the flower tent. Sunrise is 3am and it sets at 2 pm. That seems to be my sweet spot for me. It does get cold and freezes outside in the winter, so the lights provide heat for when it is the coldest part of the day.

Of course, I'm doing it all wrong, folks are going to correct me and really, Im only back into creating a p[ot factory for just over a year yet and still have a lot of perfections to do. That's the long way to say, I'm not sure yet if it has affected the potency of my weed, because it's all been WAAAY better than dispensary weed.
Tysm for sharing that
Grow indoors... as in a bedroom, garage shed, etc.
Add silicon solution to feeding program, helps with heat, cold, drought stress.
Consider swapping too all LED in summer, back to HID during winter.
Swamp cooler possibility?
Cool down temps of roof//walls outside via deflection screen (IR/UV 70-95%).
Are you moving the air with fans?
Hydro: As in reservoir or buckets?
Yea air w fans. I’m using my bedroom closet for now. And I switched to soil. Wayyyyyyy easier. Got 3 nice plants rn.
I was doing Hydro w buckets, after about a month of nice growing root rot kept getting me. I clean the system and all the tips from online but kept getting root rot. I got hydroguard also and all the bells and whistles. I think I won’t be using that awesome room I have set up until I get a window unit or something since it gets so hot
Re: Hydro and high temps, reservoir tank & bucket water with nutrients can go bad
even faster with a mag-drive pump running 24/7... generating heat inside reservoir.
Closet very confined area usually; LED lights less heat. Some HID fixtures have 4",6",8" inch ports
to attach ducting intake and exhaust (exhaust as in hot air out ...outside the area best). That' more
work and expense.