Growing in a PC Computer case..?!?!


In my search for a grow box, I came accross
It seems this set up would be easy for me, considering I'm new to growing herb. Has anyone had experience with these grow cases. I'm only planning on growing one plant at a time and these cases seem ok for my goals in mind. I'm planning on getting the basic 250$ case, You guys think it's worth buying...?

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
It seems to me like a waste of money.
I grow in a pc myself - its my vegitative growroom.
Setting it up was pretty easy - gutted out an old PC case I got for free from a "recycling" facility, cut an intake hole in the bottom of the front of the PC, made it lightproof (kept one metal plate that was in from of that intake and painted it all black so light will be caught), put astro-foil (kind of mylar foil) wherever possible, put 1x45W CFL in Daylight color (6500 kelvin) with a timer, built some carbon filter and fixed a big PC fan and thats my air outtake.
of the "wall" that blocks light I've fixed 2 minimal fans to move air around.

All of that took only sevral hours of work, mainly because I was lacking tools.

I've successfully flowered a male plant in there (changing the CFL to a 45w WarmWhite - 2700k) and it works great for now.

Unlike the ready-made thing I:
1. Saved money.
2. Haven't let anyone proccess the order, gave no-one details and so on.
3. Got more light - the 240$ thing have 4x16W lights, which is more space taking and less efficient. Or should I say was able to customize whatever I wanted.
4. Got an odor control that is way longer-lasting and efficient.
5. Got stealthier as all of my meters are inside the case, unlike this PC which have a LCD screen that showing stuff.

By the way, I'd recommand growing at least 4 plants in such a thing because you need them compact anyway and growing one very small plant is a waste of space.
You can go SCROG and tie it with a net, but thats more work and longer vegging.


Response to Night Claptoman

With me lacking experience, and a extra pc lying around, I figured that case would save me a lot of time, and possible bring out a succesful growing enviorment. Privacy is not an issue since I'm growing in my own home. But yeah the price is a little steep. I just figured this will be easier and give me more success. You think growing would be possible with these pc cases? Do you think the lighting that they put out is enough? Perhaps I could replace the bulbs that come in the case, with better ones?

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
first off, its pretty easy to make it yourself, and with all this green things around getting a PC case shouldn't be difficult.

However, if you do purchase it you might want to replace the bulbs to 2xsomething stronger, as much as possible without getting over-heating.
And overall, it seems like it just doesn't worth the pain.
However, this one - seems a pretty cool thing that won't get you into much trouble. It does cost more and you'll need to buy better lights and some nutrients, but that seems like a pretty easy one.

Remeber - growing herb is EASY. growing ULTRA HIGH QUALITY herb is more difficult, but to get there you'll need experience.


Well-Known Member
I have many thoughts. First, DocDoom.. welcome. Check my sig for the PC Grower's Gang and my grow journal. I have 2 cases of my own.. desktop for veg. and a server tower for flowering. I helped a buddy of mine get his first case up and functioning for less than $100 yesterday.. including the cost of a used case. You want to look for posts and a grow journal by v12xjs. He does a perpetual harvest - 12/12 from seed, mostly feminised - and gets roughly 20g per plant at harvest in dwarf indicas and the occasional ryder. When running a perpetual, that's 20g (almost 3/4 oz.) every 2-3 weeks. Can you live on that? Me.. I can, which is why I decided to go this route. I smoke maybe an oz. every 2-3 months. It takes a while to get the rythm of a perpetual harvest going, but once you hit stride, it's really decent. I'm zoning in on my first harvest in about 30 days. After that, maybe 15-20 more until my second.. another week after that, my third. My veg. case is used for small perpetual mothers and cloning.

Peace and hope to see you on the PC Growers Gang journals. :)


I have many thoughts. First, DocDoom.. welcome. Check my sig for the PC Grower's Gang and my grow journal. I have 2 cases of my own.. desktop for veg. and a server tower for flowering. I helped a buddy of mine get his first case up and functioning for less than $100 yesterday.. including the cost of a used case. You want to look for posts and a grow journal by v12xjs. He does a perpetual harvest - 12/12 from seed, mostly feminised - and gets roughly 20g per plant at harvest in dwarf indicas and the occasional ryder. When running a perpetual, that's 20g (almost 3/4 oz.) every 2-3 weeks. Can you live on that? Me.. I can, which is why I decided to go this route. I smoke maybe an oz. every 2-3 months. It takes a while to get the rythm of a perpetual harvest going, but once you hit stride, it's really decent. I'm zoning in on my first harvest in about 30 days. After that, maybe 15-20 more until my second.. another week after that, my third. My veg. case is used for small perpetual mothers and cloning.

Peace and hope to see you on the PC Growers Gang journals. :)
Thanks , I'm gonna check it out


Active Member
$250 for some overhyped pc case? let me think... NO.

For $250 I'd get a ballast, a 250w hps, seeds, reservoir, pump, mister, some wood and build an aeroponic grow box.

And I'd still have some cash left over for CFLs on the sides.


$250 for some overhyped pc case? let me think... NO.

For $250 I'd get a ballast, a 250w hps, seeds, reservoir, pump, mister, some wood and build an aeroponic grow box.

And I'd still have some cash left over for CFLs on the sides.
Yeah your probly right. But I'm still tempted to try this pc case. Just seems like it would make things super easy for me, so I could just focus on watering. Plus I got no time to build one myself, plus I'm lazy.