Growing in Michigan? Not for LONG!

No one will buy weed legally if it has the huge tax tobacco does. This law is as stupid as the weed swab. Getting a dui for using weed a day earlier is like getting a dui for being drunk yesterday.

Just a bunch of fucking crooks looking for even more reasons to throw people in jail and take their shit while still looking like the good guys.

This will fix nothing. Weed is not radioactive we don't need these stupid regulations either.

I am biased towards corrections and american "justice" as these morons with suits in govt so eloquently put it. FACT: culpability in america is based on race,income, and family status in local govt. 2: this country feeds the corrections monster like jabba the hut at an jeff foxworthy old country buffet all you can eat. 3: If there aint some douchebag wearing a suit making millions off cannabis its a problem in their eyes. 4: If we as a disgusted tax paying people dont try to at least stop or derail this nightmare it will try to steamroll all of us, then incarcerate us. I wont lie, here in vermont corrections workers are the laziest,75% of them are 265lbs or bigger and it aint muscle folks! They sit in a chair and stare at a cell phone or a computer and act like the 22.00 an hour they make entitlement moneys lol. Last time i visited a jail to see a relative i was truly sick to my stomach at the way these douchehats treat other human beings.
Secured not an armored truck....btw.

it's a secure delivery service and can be a van or other vehicle.

"Secure transporter" means a licensee that is a commercial entity located in this state that stores marihuana and transports marihuana between marihuana facilities for a fee.

Anyhow I am tired going to bed.....try not to get yourself all worked up. ;)

Uber, your not a lawyer! You can read into it what you think and it still will NOT make it right!

As described by several LAWYERS. People WILL be subject to police discretion as per traceable possession! The idea of that is to end home growth by making what you grow illegal by the technical provisions of the tracking act!

This was told to me back last year in Oct - Nov. as they were having hearings on this in committee. It came from the mouths of 5 different lawyers of GREAT respect, and from both sides of the argument!

Your struggling so hard to not believe the state or your elected choice's (most likely republican) would turn the law against those whom it benefits. Is misguided delusion!!! They already have gutted the law by playing the word game with it!
They don't give a SHIT about patients - because they don't believe marijuana IS a medicine! They give us the edibles and concentrates to placate our fears and make us look to other things going on - like a magician doing slight of hand!

Your so sure your right you don't even know that Armored car is going to be the ONLY accepted form of transportation!

How about you start going back and reading all pertaining news from M-LIVE as a start.

Then you have this one by someone on "our" side. I gave you the link earlier - apparently, you didn't READ that either!

I quote the writer: "3. Licensed dispensaries can only take marijuana delivered to them in an armored truck" By the way, "Armored Truck" was the definition used at all the committee hearings!

He goes on to say: "Yes, I said armored truck. They are required to transport every gram. Under the Michigan medical Marihuana Act, you and I can carry up to 15 ounces in our car trunk, safely, with zero concern and under sanction of law, provided you are fully carded. Under the new Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act, carrying even 1.5 grams of cannabis out of a grow house is a felony. The secure transport portion of this bill seems to be a gift from the Senate to Michigan Department of Transportation rich guy Ron Boji and others of his ilk; men with vast automotive distribution empires already established who can sweep in and make bank on every gram of marijuana sold."

The Armored car thing has been stated all over the news !

I use this as an example that your reading of the law as flawed and misunderstood!

Now did you notice the "carry even 1.5 grams out of a grow house is a felony" part. THAT is another thing you CAN apply to private grow ops! This makes 2 things that CAN be read as making WHAT you grow at home as illegal! This all may well be headed for the state supreme court to define that part of the interpretation that is vague per meaning as in a patient grow. Same for the tracking of weed defining the legality of home grown by registered patient being not legal via the tracking act! Some lawyers say this is a loss for our side outright. several other disagree. So I expect that to go the high court too.

Now then. Once it gets to the supreme court in MI. Forget it! We loose! Their track record is 100% against MM and the issues surrounding it!

Go ask a trial lawyer with a background in MM! THAT is going to be the defining moment in what you believe and understand!

I'm ONLY the MESSENGER! I'm trying to explain the forth coming problem and you don't want to believe so hard!

When it happens this time - Just like when everything I said about Bill Schutte and the MMMA came true!

I promise to only say "I TOLD YOU SO" once. That make you feel better?

If your offended by my passion for this, blinding my compassion for others points of views.....I'm sorry if I offended you!

Now go out and find the TRUTH in what this law means! PLEASE!
You are Quoting a gossip lawyer if he is a lawyer at all imho.....a fear monger as well.

Written by Rick Thompson

Rick Thompson was the Editor in Chief for the entire 2-year run of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Magazine

He is stating things not showing the words in the act.

What passed the final senate vote on sept 8th 2016, and the wording in that bill is what matters not some meeting last year.

Also Lawyers can be wrong.....because they can be dense mother fuckers like anyone else.

You think Doctors really know everything about what makes you healthy and better?
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Also that is not true about the supreme court and cases you need to research more.

I looked up all cases and judgments passed down long before I got my card so I would know what the thinking was of the supreme court and why they meant what they said.

What I do see is a lot of misinformation all over the web.

The patient act precedes this act and in order to change anything with that act they would have to go back and amend it and get it passed by both houses.

Anyhow you continue to fear monger and drum up hate if you wish I am done trying to tell you anything more.
(2) A grower license authorizes sale of marihuana seeds or marihuana plants only to a grower by means of a secure transporter.

so they can only sell seeds and plants to growers that means no seed sales or plants to anyone else.

It also means disp cannnot sell seeds or plants.

PART 5. LICENSEES 21 Sec. 501. (1) A grower license authorizes the grower to grow not more than the following number of marihuana plants under the indicated license class for each license the grower holds in that class:

(a) Class A – 500 marihuana plants.
(b) Class B – 1,000 marihuana plants.
(c) Class C – 1,500 marihuana plants.

H00012'15 * (S-6) CJC 1 A grower license authorizes sale of marihuana seeds or marihuana plants only to a grower by means of a secure transporter.

A grower license authorizes sale of marihuana, other than seeds, only to a processor or provisioning center.

A grower license authorizes the grower to transfer marihuana only by means of a secure transporter.

To be eligible for a grower license, the applicant and each investor in the grower must not have an interest in a secure transporter or safety compliance facility.

A grower shall comply with all of the following:
(a) Until December 31, 2021, have, or have as an active employee an individual who has, a minimum of 2 years' experience as a registered primary caregiver.

(b) While holding a license as a grower, not be a registered primary caregiver and not employ an individual who is simultaneously a registered primary caregiver.

(c) Enter all transactions, current inventory, and other information into the statewide monitoring system as required in this act, rules, and the marihuana tracking act.

A grower license does not authorize the grower to operate in an area unless the area is zoned for industrial or agricultural uses or is unzoned and otherwise meets the requirements established in section 205(1)
First of all what the grower has to comply with is conflicting. Section A states that the grower must have a caregiver or employee that is a caregiver at the facility or to grow there. Then section B says a grower can't be a caregiver or employ a caregiver. Unless I'm completely missing something, which happens a lot, but just doesn't make sense to me.
First of all what the grower has to comply with is conflicting. Section A states that the grower must have a caregiver or employee that is a caregiver at the facility or to grow there. Then section B says a grower can't be a caregiver or employ a caregiver. Unless I'm completely missing something, which happens a lot, but just doesn't make sense to me.

They have to have 2 years experience as a caregiver....then once they are hired as a grower they lose their caregiver status. In other words you cannot be both at the same time.

Caregivers can only be ......wait for it......caregivers.

If they want to be anything else at all under this act they have to give up that status.

If you want to be a grower you will have to apply to be a caregiver, do that and wait 2 years.

In fact they have separated growing, transporting, selling, inspecting, can only be one of them.
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@Uberknot I believe that @Dr. Who is trying to convey this;

The Law is written so that "Growers", "Transporters", and "Sellers" can only do so with proper licensing and each must be a separate "entity" without interest in any other facet. This, to ensure the proper documentation of every single gram from chop to Rx container (which can only be obtained by a Licensed Patient). Now, this new system will only work if 1. every Licensee follows through with proper documentation covering every single gram 2. Agencies and auditors charged with reviewing this documentation ensure it's accuracy 3. (And this is the big one) There isn't any other medicinal marijuana grown/transported/transferred outside of this system.

If you are found with MMJ on your person and you do not have documentation to show which legally regulated dispensary it is obtained from, how in Gods Green Earth are they going to validate your claim of "I grew it". You could just as easily obtained it illegally from 1. Licensed Grower 2. Transporter 3. Dispensary.

They cannot tax MMJ that is grown for the dispensary by unlicensed individuals, but that cannot be enforced if unlicensed individuals can grow (for themselves). They cannot enforce "Transportation" if individuals are allowed to transport "their own". Let's say an illegal transporter is taking MMJ grown by an unlicensed Grower to a Dispensary so that it can be sold "under the table". Law enforcement pulls this individual over, finds the pot, and asks for their documentation proving legal transport. Loophole, "I grew it". Get out of jail free, that herb goes to the dispensary, and the State doesn't get their piece of that pie. Snowballs chance in hell the State will let that fly.

Unfortunately, this is the way these crooks operate. Dr. Who is correct about this act of legislation, it's a "Bofo", without even the common courtesy of a "reach around".
@Uberknot I believe that @Dr. Who is trying to convey this;

The Law is written so that "Growers", "Transporters", and "Sellers" can only do so with proper licensing and each must be a separate "entity" without interest in any other facet. This, to ensure the proper documentation of every single gram from chop to Rx container (which can only be obtained by a Licensed Patient). Now, this new system will only work if 1. every Licensee follows through with proper documentation covering every single gram 2. Agencies and auditors charged with reviewing this documentation ensure it's accuracy 3. (And this is the big one) There isn't any other medicinal marijuana grown/transported/transferred outside of this system.

If you are found with MMJ on your person and you do not have documentation to show which legally regulated dispensary it is obtained from, how in Gods Green Earth are they going to validate your claim of "I grew it". You could just as easily obtained it illegally from 1. Licensed Grower 2. Transporter 3. Dispensary.

They cannot tax MMJ that is grown for the dispensary by unlicensed individuals, but that cannot be enforced if unlicensed individuals can grow (for themselves). They cannot enforce "Transportation" if individuals are allowed to transport "their own". Let's say an illegal transporter is taking MMJ grown by an unlicensed Grower to a Dispensary so that it can be sold "under the table". Law enforcement pulls this individual over, finds the pot, and asks for their documentation proving legal transport. Loophole, "I grew it". Get out of jail free, that herb goes to the dispensary, and the State doesn't get their piece of that pie. Snowballs chance in hell the State will let that fly.

Unfortunately, this is the way these crooks operate. Dr. Who is correct about this act of legislation, it's a "Bofo", without even the common courtesy of a "reach around".

You do realize none of it applies to patients?

It only applies to those who will be involved in the manufacture and sale of Cannabis.

If you are a patient and have less than 2.5 oz locked and secured in your truck they cannot do a damn thing about it.

There is nothing that states you must prove as a patient where you obtained your meds.

This is all Speculation and ad libbing as to what the act actually says.

Also if they were to try anything like what you are proposing they would lose in court.

Now if you are not a patient....tough luck.

Ok now show me anything at all that states you as a patient are subject to all these new acts and must comply.
Not someone's opinion....straight law and text from passed bills.
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Now this bill is interesting.

Bill 4210 says you are allowed "a combined total of 2.5 ounces of usable marihuana and usable marihuana equivalents"

C. For purposes of determining usable marihuana equivalency, the following shall be considered equivalent to 1 ounce of usable marihuana:

(1) 16 ounces of marihuana-infused product if in a solid form.

(2) 7 grams of marihuana-infused product if in a gaseous form.

(3) 36 fluid ounces of marihuana-infused product if in a liquid form.

hmm I wonder how much you could infuse in a liquid...


amendment to "Michigan medical marihuana act,"

here are the other two they are passing for selling if you want to read those.

"marihuana tracking act"
"medical marihuana facilities licensing act"
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They better NOT tax shit unless the Feds allow us to use the banking system. Which in turn means the Feds will allow grows and mj....which it will never do.

Taxes are federal, as is the banking system. Can't have one with out the other.
New Language in the MMMA ..... as a patient or caregiver you are allowed to do this.

Ok they have introduced new language strictly in regards to legalizing infused products into the MMMA.


There are specific rules regarding the transfer of the infused type product and it must be labelled.
Also states only if 4209 is passed...which is the ability to purchase said infused product from a disp.

They really want to control infused products and how they are made as far as patients and caregivers go.

Miscellaneous provisions The bill also would:
Prohibit using butane extraction on residential property to separate plant resin from a marihuana plant.

Marihuana-infused product
A registered qualifying patient who was manufacturing a marihuana-infused product for personal use, or a registered primary caregiver manufacturing for the use of his or her qualifying patient, would not be subject to arrest, prosecution, or penalty in any manner, or denied any right or privilege, including, but not limited to, civil penalty or disciplinary action by a business or occupational or professional licensing board or bureau.

The following would be prohibited:

A qualifying patient transferring a marihuana-infused product to any individual.
A primary caregiver transferring a marihuana-infused product to any individual who is not one of the caregiver's qualifying patients.

Transporting or possessing marihuana-infused product in a motor vehicle
A qualifying patient or primary caregiver would be prohibited from transporting or
possessing a marihuana-infused product in or upon a motor vehicle except as follows:

For a qualifying patient:
o The product is in a sealed and labeled package carried in the trunk of the
vehicle (if there is no trunk, carried so as not to be readily accessible from
the interior of the vehicle).
House Fiscal Agency HB 4210 (H-1) Page 3 of 4
o The label must state the weight of the marihuana-infused product in ounces,
name of the manufacturer, date of manufacture, name of the person from
whom the product was received, and date of receipt.

For a primary caregiver:
o The product is accompanied by an accurate marihuana transportation
manifest and enclosed in a case carried in the trunk of the vehicle (if no
trunk, enclosed in a case and carried so as not to be readily accessible from
the interior of the vehicle).
o The manifest form must state the weight of each marihuana-infused product
in ounces, name and address of the manufacturer, date of manufacture,
destination name and address, date and time of departure, estimated date
and time of arrival, and, if applicable, name and address of the person from
whom the product was received and date of receipt.

The bill would not prohibit a caregiver from transporting or possessing a marihuanainfused
product in or upon a motor vehicle for the use of his or her own child, spouse, or
parent who is a qualified patient if the marihuana-infused product is in a sealed and labeled
package that is carried in the trunk of the vehicle (or carried so as not to be readily
accessible from the interior of the vehicle if it does not have a trunk). The label must state
the weight of the product in ounces, name of the manufacturer, date of manufacture, name
of the qualifying patient, and if applicable, name of the person from whom the marihuanainfused
product was received and date of receipt.
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If you think the Bills in the House, passed by the Senate last week, will preserve your personal MM right to grow.

You are all deluded!

I fought this in hearings at the Senate level months ago! My shop got raided all my operations shut down and agreements from local DA's ignored! Schutte came after me because I testified against these bills. I TOLD THE TRUTH and it got me busted!

There will be NO, let me repeat this again. There will be NO legal growing outside of the big (can you say prairie farms?) 500 to 1500 plant growers.
ALL MM patients WILL have to go to APPROVED MM disp.! Your not getting the writing on the wall! IF the police come to your house or catch you in possession - any time any where, with MM that does NOT have a way to be tracked back to the LEGAL source! YOUR BUSTED! That legal source MUST BE A STATE LICENSED GROWING operation! HOME GROWING will have NO way to be licensed or traceable back to your exact grow! IN EFFECT - ALL PERSONAL GROWING WILL BE ILLEGAL! You won't have that "seed to sale" REQUIRED PROOF of ORIGIN! You WILL be busted as having unregistered and therefor illegal weed!

They may have changed some words BUT, the meaning as it was INTENDED back when it was written. IS still the same!

MI is about to go NO PERSONAL GROWING - even if they don't "officially" change the law to say so!

As per this crap -

I don't give a SHIT what the writer of that non-informative piece of newsless trash said.....ALL dispensaries are ILLEGAL under STATE LAW! I should know! I WAS BUSTED FOR MINE and HAD THE "OFFICIAL OK" to operate under what Schutte him self said as to local enforcement choosing to or not! I was told directly, that the word to raid me came directly from Bill Schutte himself!
It was passed to a multi county drug enforcement team and not "local" authorities whom I had the blessing from! I was not the only place targeted for owners/operators testifying!

They word it so you THINK it's ok. THEN SCREW YOU WITH THE DETAILS!

REMEMBER THE DETAILS ARE NO NON RECORDED POSSESSION! (They ain't "recording" your home med grow - so your a no-no!) This will open the door for you to loose your kids and home! They have made the new possession laws FELONY'S !!!! HUGE fines and mandatory jail times (for second offence and above)!

Today was the House vote - It got cancelled as some Rep died on his motorcycle.....Sad for him - good for us,,,,,,CALL/EMAIL YOUR HOUSE REP and say VOTE NO!

This bill is slated to pass by what I'm told by insiders - SO START CALLING/EMAILING THE GOV. AND TELL HIM TO NOT SIGN IT!
Please link me to who to email i live in warren Michigan thank you for standing up for all of us much appreciated
@Uberknot You're still missing the point. It doesn't just pertain to Licensed Growers/Transporters/Dispensaries. If that were the case, all others are "Exempt". No, it pertains to anyone Growing, Transporting, and in Possesion. There isn't any way to distinguish someone that is illegally transporting illegally grown MMJ so that it can be illegally distrubuted by a dispensary without documentation from someone who is just cruising with their "personal stash". Wait, yes there is a way to distinguish this, Licensing and documentation. The difference is that a "Patient" won't have anything other than their Dr.'s rec vs the complete documentation of Legally Grown/Transported/Dispensed. Now, in order to enforce the new law, it has effectively become illegal to grow, transport, and dispense without the appropriate License (the 3 cannot be held by an individual) and documentation.

That being said, a "Patient" possessing 2.5oz (or less) will probably be ok (unless the cops feel like being dicks). This situation, though, is all the "Loophole" a dispensary owner needs to circumvent the law in order to Grow, Transport, and Dispense all on his own. If dispensary owners "abuse" this (and if "they're thinking what I'm thinking", they will), then the State will be forced to amend the law, or come down harder on those without documentation, i.e. the "Patient Grower".
@Uberknot You're still missing the point. It doesn't just pertain to Licensed Growers/Transporters/Dispensaries. If that were the case, all others are "Exempt". No, it pertains to anyone Growing, Transporting, and in Possesion. There isn't any way to distinguish someone that is illegally transporting illegally grown MMJ so that it can be illegally distrubuted by a dispensary without documentation from someone who is just cruising with their "personal stash". Wait, yes there is a way to distinguish this, Licensing and documentation. The difference is that a "Patient" won't have anything other than their Dr.'s rec vs the complete documentation of Legally Grown/Transported/Dispensed. Now, in order to enforce the new law, it has effectively become illegal to grow, transport, and dispense without the appropriate License (the 3 cannot be held by an individual) and documentation.

That being said, a "Patient" possessing 2.5oz (or less) will probably be ok (unless the cops feel like being dicks). This situation, though, is all the "Loophole" a dispensary owner needs to circumvent the law in order to Grow, Transport, and Dispense all on his own. If dispensary owners "abuse" this (and if "they're thinking what I'm thinking", they will), then the State will be forced to amend the law, or come down harder on those without documentation, i.e. the "Patient Grower".

The biggest losers in all of this are the caregivers and those who used disp as selling points. The patients who sit at home and never go anywhere at all with it are good to go if they follow the wording in the MMMA,
They did not want the disp/caregiver/seller/transporter/etc All-n-One....going on so they split it all up and made caregivers go back to being only that.

If disp abuse it they will shut them down completely and have state run pharmacies.

With all the recording going on and data that has to be input every step of the way I dont see it happening that often and those who are busted will be made the example.
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