Growing in Michigan? Not for LONG!

I am biased towards corrections and american "justice" as these morons with suits in govt so eloquently put it. FACT: culpability in america is based on race,income, and family status in local govt. 2: this country feeds the corrections monster like jabba the hut at an jeff foxworthy old country buffet all you can eat. 3: If there aint some douchebag wearing a suit making millions off cannabis its a problem in their eyes. 4: If we as a disgusted tax paying people dont try to at least stop or derail this nightmare it will try to steamroll all of us, then incarcerate us. I wont lie, here in vermont corrections workers are the laziest,75% of them are 265lbs or bigger and it aint muscle folks! They sit in a chair and stare at a cell phone or a computer and act like the 22.00 an hour they make entitlement moneys lol. Last time i visited a jail to see a relative i was truly sick to my stomach at the way these douchehats treat other human beings.
I agree 110% with that
FYI, the guy who passed a day ago died in a motorcycle accident. He was the one who passed the no helmet motorcycle law, and dies on a bike w/o a lid
Karma.muther fuker.

Side note, moving to California or Colorado. Tired of Michigan BULLSHIT!!!!!!!

Edited as my autocorrect is worse then the mmmp.laws.
He was wearing a helmet,you need to learn to read.Your lack of respect for a good man is in very poor taste.Do you need any help packing?
Fuck you jackass. I used to ride and race bikes, so I don't need to hear your lip on anything. a bitch, and from the story I read, he was not wearing a lid.
Fuck you jackass. I used to ride and race bikes, so I don't need to hear your lip on anything. a bitch, and from the story I read, he was not wearing a lid.
Your reply only shows that you are fool,like I said "do you need any help packing?"
I see this getting as dangerous as the crack game. Felonies scare people into snitching and if weed cost more than crack they will be robbing the weed dealers instead.
Pitts in the back yard or house. I saw a show on robbers once on television. The robbers said if you have a security system there are robbing, if you have dogs or beware of dog signs they'll move on to the next house. Sealed co2 all grows. Keep rh in check and the scrubbers running.
The fucked up part is that Michigan is fucking with medical growers. Now they want to tell one what to smoke and where you can buy it from? Its weird that the news hasn't hit the main stream media, at least i haven't seen it.
@Uberknot You're still missing the point. It doesn't just pertain to Licensed Growers/Transporters/Dispensaries. If that were the case, all others are "Exempt". No, it pertains to anyone Growing, Transporting, and in Possesion. There isn't any way to distinguish someone that is illegally transporting illegally grown MMJ so that it can be illegally distrubuted by a dispensary without documentation from someone who is just cruising with their "personal stash". Wait, yes there is a way to distinguish this, Licensing and documentation. The difference is that a "Patient" won't have anything other than their Dr.'s rec vs the complete documentation of Legally Grown/Transported/Dispensed. Now, in order to enforce the new law, it has effectively become illegal to grow, transport, and dispense without the appropriate License (the 3 cannot be held by an individual) and documentation.

That being said, a "Patient" possessing 2.5oz (or less) will probably be ok (unless the cops feel like being dicks). This situation, though, is all the "Loophole" a dispensary owner needs to circumvent the law in order to Grow, Transport, and Dispense all on his own. If dispensary owners "abuse" this (and if "they're thinking what I'm thinking", they will), then the State will be forced to amend the law, or come down harder on those without documentation, i.e. the "Patient Grower".

Correct sir (sadly) !!

The dead giveaway is that they will be changing all the state possession laws to FELONY'S if this bill pass's! Now what does that tell you? If the folks here could have actually sat in on those committee hearings, and heard the abso-fucking-lutely rediculous testimony by the state police rep! (They sent a Sgt! They didn't even bother with a Lt. or Capt. Let alone the Commandant (head of) She was very well practiced in what she had to say too!) not to mention the rest of the "pro's" (mostly people that would make the real profit or their spokesperson(s). On how "they" will make MI children "safe" from the ever increasing amount of potent "high quality" weed "flooding" the streets. Fear story's of how they busted a "big" 12 plant (the personal amount allowed to be grown by registered patients) "Right across the street from a grade school!" (OH MY - lions and tigers and bears) BTW that bust was done under the law of 1000' from a school or church rule, that has it's basis in a federal law that increases punishments for violating that statute. Poor slob has MS and had no idea he was "too close". Didn't make statewide press because he plead out...
These future owners of the licences for the grows, disp and transportation operations made all kinds of kiss ass as to how this new system will be safer and pay for it's self.
The state gets to tax it at each level and an end tax. Conservative estimate's on per gram end price to make a profit is like $30 a gram!

This stuff was ALL covered at these hearings! We (the anti's) got kicked OUT of the hearings repeatedly. Some for going to "emergency" road funding votes, and others it was never stated and it appeared the hearing continued while we "waited" or were sent home till the next session!
That being said,, is where I say we never got to actually GET a new "definition" for personal med grows by legal card holder from the panel or the "pro's" that helped define the what they wanted out of the law!

This is where several of us cornered a group of lawyers that were being consulted on by each side. They were having lunch at the Radisson, not far from the capitol. When asked about the personal growing - All they wanted to say was to point out the "transportation act" and/or say "no comment". Now of course we got more out of "our" layers! Like I said before.....It looks pretty suspect on just how this thing will be enforced.....The change in possession laws by the state is the alarming giveaway in my book...
Please link me to who to email i live in warren Michigan thank you for standing up for all of us much appreciated


This gives phone #'s and direct links to email and their own web sites!

POUND THEM HARD! I send mass emails everyday - with transcripts of my and others testimony from the senate hearings!

HERE'S THE GOVERNOR'S CONTACT! I think he might be the best way to get this turned down as he's stating he's not in favor of it "now"...

HIT him with concerns of costs! Financial and to everyday residents that may end up refilling jails and increasing the costs of prisons to the state when we need road repair and better education funding! (He's actually concerned about this bill effecting those things! Let him know you are too! Tell him about loosing your ability to actually AFFORD your medicine if you have to stop growing your self. Tell him your concerned that the quality and selection will be for "The recreational use people and not the actual meds YOU need for YOUR condition!,4668,7-277-57827-267869--,00.html

Now take some time to write it and write it well. Before you send it! For god's sake don't come across as a "stoner" !
The biggest losers in all of this are the caregivers and those who used disp as selling points. The patients who sit at home and never go anywhere at all with it are good to go if they follow the wording in the MMMA,
They did not want the disp/caregiver/seller/transporter/etc All-n-One....going on so they split it all up and made caregivers go back to being only that.

If disp abuse it they will shut them down completely and have state run pharmacies.

With all the recording going on and data that has to be input every step of the way I dont see it happening that often and those who are busted will be made the example.

Possession to made a FELONY.....and state profits to be directly applied to law enforcement TO hire new officers TO DIRECTLY work on nothing but illegal growers and marijuana violations! THIS IS IN PRINT!

THEY want NO growing outside "their" legal operations.....this will remove profit for everyone "involved". They have ties to the electric company and it's already been made clear that he EC will co-operate! Sure won't be hard with all those new "smart meters" will it? I never trusted cops who "blouse" there we're going to see more of them!

Get this through your head.....The people in charge that you voted in office that are against MM or marijuana period, are directly related down party lines! Chances are YOU voted them in and now they're going to change things to suit their agenda NOT yours!

We need to table this thing till at least after the next election in 2 years.

Yeah like I said they got the worst of it.....but many of them are the reason for the changes...

I am sure as long as the are just caretakers and do not try to sell into the market the State has created for patients things will work out. I am sure there will be more acts and laws passed to fix something else down the road...

Uber! The law takes away ALL caregiver growing! They HAVE TO buy from the new disp and then bring it to their patients and supply them with the tracking proof!

It pains me to think that when ever folks turn their heads and say things like you do about, How things are going to be "ok".......They end up NOT being ok and/or bad things happen!

Don't lay down and wait to see what it will shake out to be!!!!!

Get up off your ass and let the House members and the Governor KNOW that things HAVE to be OK!
Uber! The law takes away ALL caregiver growing! They HAVE TO buy from the new disp and then bring it to their patients and supply them with the tracking proof!

It pains me to think that when ever folks turn their heads and say things like you do about, How things are going to be "ok".......They end up NOT being ok and/or bad things happen!

Don't lay down and wait to see what it will shake out to be!!!!!

Get up off your ass and let the House members and the Governor KNOW that things HAVE to be OK!

Show me where it says caregivers can't grow anymore?
Uber! The law takes away ALL caregiver growing! They HAVE TO buy from the new disp and then bring it to their patients and supply them with the tracking proof!

It pains me to think that when ever folks turn their heads and say things like you do about, How things are going to be "ok".......They end up NOT being ok and/or bad things happen!

Don't lay down and wait to see what it will shake out to be!!!!!

Get up off your ass and let the House members and the Governor KNOW that things HAVE to be OK!
My card says I can posses plants....
I know dispensary owners who will help you cash or not

I was this way!
People gave me shit about being a disp. owner when I reported my bust back in Feb and how I over charged and made huge profits at the cost of patients!

This was BS of the highest order! I got into it FOR the patients who, for what ever reason, did not want to grow or have a care giver. I was even surprised at the number that came for help and actual knowledge about what strain and how best to use it for their problems.

I had folks who could NOT pay at all! These are the folks that became (for the most part) our patients that filled our caregiver license's! These and any others that could not pay were GIVEN meds for free! When and as needed! We had those that we allowed to pay what they "could" and we never turned down the things they brought! Craft items to animals to produce and canned goods!

Sure! We made money! I'm not going to lie.....We charged $20 per for top shelf and we had lots of top shelf! this was for those with the cards but, you could basically tell they were in it for the recreational aspect.....There's always going to be Dr's That'll sign papers for money! Bet YOU'VE seen that! It's these people who in a way "subsidised" the those who actually needed medicine and couldn't afford it!

All mid's were 13 a gm - 1/8's - 40, 1/4's 80, 1/2 160 and zips were 300......No crappy 10 gram weed!
Any edibles and/or concentrates or oils (Simpson - cbd extract, etc) was done on a personal basis at the patients home when the edible/concentrate ban hit.

That's how I ran my business!

Besides, there is OVERHEAD you know!
Show me where it says caregivers can't grow anymore?

The whole caregiver growing for patients will be eliminated by the new law! PERIOD!

Jesus, didn't you READ the news link I gave you?
Go search M-LIVE and start reading up bro!

Better yet - get a LAWYER to read the WHOLE law and all the acts that it has bundled in it! Your ears will burn and your blood boil! THIS is why I'm being so passionate here! STAND UP AND FIGHT! or loose just about everything we have (had)!

Some of us here in MI need to get our heads OUT of the sand! This won't blow over and go away unless we DO something about it!
The whole caregiver growing for patients will be eliminated by the new law! PERIOD!

Jesus, didn't you READ the news link I gave you?
Go search M-LIVE and start reading up bro!

Better yet - get a LAWYER to read the WHOLE law and all the acts that it has bundled in it! Your ears will burn and your blood boil! THIS is why I'm being so passionate here! STAND UP AND FIGHT! or loose just about everything we have (had)!

Some of us here in MI need to get our heads OUT of the sand! This won't blow over and go away unless we DO something about it!

I have read them and don't see anything they says caregivers and patients won't be able to grow.....
Caregivers are still valid they just won't be selling their pot to disp and will supply to the actual patients they have stated they are helping at the cost of helping them grow it, transporting,etc.

Pretty much this whole thing sets up a legal system in Michigan for growing and selling with rules and regulations for each part. Some people might not like the rules or regulations....that is a fact.

This is what it does. Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act

A bill to license and regulate medical marihuana growers, processors, provisioning centers, secure transporters, and safety compliance facilities

WRONG! NO growing for caregivers!!!