growing in rental house


okay, but if you carry that attitude with him in person, he'll look for anything he can to use against you. It's not hard to say he smells a funny smell whether he does or not. Whether you have rights in Cali or not ( I come from there & have had the med card ), rights are bullshit. You have them as far as the law lets you have them. What I mean is that they can always come up with something. A funny smell is a probable cause (I'm guessing) to attain a warrant, or to tip off police. Again, you may not even have a smell, but if your landlord hates you or gets into an argument with you, you might catch the ass end of it. I'd love to see actual freedom in place one day. England has this much over the States. It may be illegal to grow, but at least they decriminalize up to a large number. I hate it that the States (as open-minded as they are) fails to see the good in this plant.
noway they get a warrant in cali for a smell. number one, the cops won't entertain it. They have been sued and LOST every time fucking with legit people. And I dont care what the landlord says I dont let him dictate to me, this is my house. Don't like it? give me my notice. But i will never allow him violate my privacy, been there done that and learned from it. Like i said, If you don't come across as an asshole, but make your point clear you usually won't have many problems. If not let them serve you with your notice. But don't let them in your house!


Active Member
A big part plays what city you're in as well...North of LA the cops are fucking retarded...Santa Barbara...Was swerving with 2 oz one night cuz contact got something in it with top down. They pulled me over and I was thinking FUCK..this was prior to med days...They didn't notice or care.


wow didnt think i would get this many responses, and let me just say thank you for all of your advice it will not go unnoticed.
so do you guys think that i should just do sog instead. Im just trying to have the max yield possible and though sog is good scrog is better lol.


Active Member
haha I don't believe SCRoG is any better at all..It depends on the grower...You can get just as much yield with a SCRoG that you can with a SOG. You may need more plants, but hello, less time :D


Active Member
idk what all has been said here...but...

your landlord or maintenance guy MUST give you 24 hours notice before entering your home/apartment. That the law everywhere.

if you are in a rental, i would advise growing only 1 maybe 2 plants. dont be greedy, it seems to be the #1 way to get caught.

IF and i do mean IF a uniform officer shows up at your house/apartment for whatever reason and wants to come in and does NOT have a warrant to do so, the dont let him in. be nice about it, dont be an asshole to the cop or be all sketched out...just casually and respectfuly decline.

its really not that difficult. the only way to get caught is either by your land lord breaking the laws between and renter and rentee, or by you making a dumb mistake.


thats what i was thinking, and since i plan on being very secretive about it i dont think i will have any problems hopefully. But the thing is i plan on doing more then 1 or 2 plants because i want a harvest every couple of weeks. i appreciate the info on the cop stuff. Maybe a sog grow in a room of the house would do well