Growing weed during ZOMBIE apocypse


Well-Known Member
Omg pissed me off to no end I was like wtf this isn't in the tv series lol
Yea the TV series is a completely different story other than the characters and the setting, the prison arc is far from over in the show though. I read it before season 3 so I was more upset that the show did it how they did.


Active Member
i play so many video games and i understand the hand eye coordination, but you cannot compare video games to legitimately shooting people dead or alive.
Look ive got 3 90 day survival bags, one at home , 1 at work, 1 at my mothers, im prepared enough to get by along , and than work on other things, but there is 1 thing i know that in a situation like that im going to have a real fucking hard time killing someone dead or alive, i hate it when people compare video games to real life ina zombie situation it isnt going to fun, it isnt going to be easy, and its going to fucking suck

I'll give you that youre crafty high and you feel you would do better but what i wont give you is that because you play xbox high you will be super awesome zombie slayer machine man/woman (not sure what you are lol )
Lol I'm a guy, and no your right zombies will absolutely suck and that's more of a reson to want the weed because I will go crazy with all the depression people dying the stress of having to always keep an eye out or open. I mean I'm not saying i would do a supply run stoned I'm just saying I would blaze at night to feel normal again and honestly I think that if I'm threatened badly enough ill sober up right awaway like when u drink and drive and a cop pulls uh over and u scare your self sober? Or like web u smoked when u was younger and u thought youree parents would notice when u got home but u kept it together till u made it to the bed to pass out


Active Member
Yea the TV series is a completely different story other than the characters and the setting, the prison arc is far from over in the show though. I read it before season 3 so I was more upset that the show did it how they did.
They do have to make it thier own and people became attached to characters so they had to keep them for the drama


Well-Known Member
^^^ uhhh zombies are awesome, if the apocalypse hits you can shoot people you never liked with out going to jail. Every store has a 100% off sale all year round. Real estate is really cheap. Remember that favorite car you wanted ? yours! (or motorcycle id prefer). You can call in late/sick to work everyday and not worry about getting fired. No more infomercials (that right there might be worth it). No more people whining about restricting guns or clip sizes on guns (or no more live ones, you might see a few zombies with tshirts on promoting that). Child molesters would finally get the punishment they deserve very swiftly, no more probation. Obesity would be a thing of the past, since any survivors would have good cardio workouts regularly. We finally would win the war on weed, Weed would be Legal everywhere!


Well-Known Member
go ahead and let this thread die, you will all regret it when the zombie apocalypse hits and you think to yourself "man I could have been better prepared if I had only read that thread on RIU". then you will all come to me for your weed.


Active Member
go ahead and let this thread die, you will all regret it when the zombie apocalypse hits and you think to yourself "man I could have been better prepared if I had only read that thread on RIU". then you will all come to me for your weed.
I will grow my weed I won't need to run to u lol unless u have better ways of nutes during the walking dead lol


If your garden wasn't protected up high, you'd have herd trampling all over your fields and size restrictions for weekly maintenance. Guerilla growing would become the most dangerous to work. Smoking would need planning.


Well-Known Member
While I consider this subject to be kind of silly, I will say....
The writers of Walking Dead are idiots....

If I were in that situation, I would simply head for the mountains. Every area of the world has mountain ranges with 100s of miles of uninhabited areas. I know places near by that with a little bit of climbing you can get to wide open valleys, completely enclosed. You have all the space you need for growing food/weed. You have plenty of fresh water. And unless the zombies can learn how to climb they are no longer a concern. Then you are so far away from civilization that the chances of running into wandering gangs of people are slim to none at all.


Active Member
Get the zombies stoned, no one has ever done an experiment with cannabis and a zombie brain before!
Lmao I was just saying that with my friends, had my mom laughing too, could u imagine bweing stoned and getting eaten and the zombies are running around laughing becaused they became zombie from a stoner. Or chaining some up and giving them contact high an lot them suffer through munches and cotton mouth


Staff member
While I consider this subject to be kind of silly, I will say....
The writers of Walking Dead are idiots....

If I were in that situation, I would simply head for the mountains. Every area of the world has mountain ranges with 100s of miles of uninhabited areas. I know places near by that with a little bit of climbing you can get to wide open valleys, completely enclosed. You have all the space you need for growing food/weed. You have plenty of fresh water. And unless the zombies can learn how to climb they are no longer a concern. Then you are so far away from civilization that the chances of running into wandering gangs of people are slim to none at all.
good idea however zombies are the LEAST of your problems in a zombie app. its the living humans who are like everyone else in this thread willing to shoot first ask questions later for your water bottle.


Well-Known Member
good idea however zombies are the LEAST of your problems in a zombie app. its the living humans who are like everyone else in this thread willing to shoot first ask questions later for your water bottle.
I agree with you that living humans would be the real danger. And i'm not to trusting of people even without a zombie apocalypse to drive them to do bad things. You do realize there are SOME good people who would keep there humanity and morality right ?


Staff member
I agree with you that living humans would be the real danger. And i'm not to trusting of people even without a zombie apocalypse to drive them to do bad things. You do realize there are SOME good people who would keep there humanity and morality right ?
doubtful , i mean the SOME good people will probably be killed and raped of their food supplies within 2 years lol too many bad will outweigh the good. and if there are good and they accept the bad they will either be killed by the bad or taken for everything they have which will leave them defenseless against the zombies