Growing with your girl?

You guys that are saying "never", some of you will end up in prison one day. Sorry, but it's the cold hard truth that you can't trust lovers with these kinds of secrets, especially if that lover is just a gf/bf. If you are married and have a stable relationship, it's still a gamble but the odds are in your favor.

Toss a mandatory minimum in your girlfriends face, and she'll be sucking the cop off while she narks you out.
Either way man just becareful its a scary road to go down with someone its a big secret to tell, like someone said before its like having a partner in a crime like murder do u trust her this much? can you see her being around for harvest??? lol those are the questions you need to ask yourself, if your comfortable about it then hell an extra set of hands is always welcome around trim time.
You've been with some shitty women haven't you

Nope, happily married for 7 years, had alot of fun with past girlfriends before I met my wife, never had a nasty breakup, they were always a good move for both parties involved.

I'm just basing my facts on the cold hard statistically reality that many human beings would do anything to save their own ass.
Nope, happily married for 7 years, had alot of fun with past girlfriends before I met my wife, never had a nasty breakup, they were always a good move for both parties involved.

I'm just basing my facts on the cold hard statistically reality that many human beings would do anything to save their own ass.

I really have to agree most people will do what they have to to save their ass idk man it sounds awful but seriously having incriminating evidence of them helps ex tried to say he had pics to use against me but I had pics of him over his limit so hence why he changed his mind about pining me with a charge if you are going to tell her make sure you cover your ass all I'm saying better safe then sorry
All she has to do is tell 1 person and you're done..."the rules of man dont apply when blood gets in a womans eyes"
All she has to do is tell 1 person and you're done..."the rules of man dont apply when blood gets in a womans eyes"

Ok you men are starting to get on my nerves not all women are bitches and or woman it all boils down to if they are vindictive or not as I said men are just as bad fucking ex got stopped by us marshals and for no reason pined it on me sure I was pissed about that but I got out of it and never even yelled at him sounds like you guys may have had some bad chicks but doesn't give you a right to say its just women who act that way there are exceptions..
hey rene hows it going tonight

Ok you men are starting to get on my nerves not all women are bitches and or woman it all boils down to if they are vindictive or not as I said men are just as bad fucking ex got stopped by us marshals and for no reason pined it on me sure I was pissed about that but I got out of it and never even yelled at him sounds like you guys may have had some bad chicks but doesn't give you a right to say its just women who act that way there are exceptions..
oh shit i knew this was coming lol
ok give me a second to view the opinions of some of the other posters
i think i met a few already lol

Hey fab its going alright but seems some men feel all woman are the same what's your take on the situation here?
Rene I understand there are lots of women that are not vengeful and a bitch as you said, but open your eyes everyone said the words "IF" and "BETTER SAFE THEN SORRY" they're not pinning it on all women. Just a lot of them.:)
well for one if u r just with a women for sex then no need to let them know of grow and works they other way to for female growers
but if u say u love them then a part of love is trust and if u cant trust your partner or spouse then u do not need to be with them
Just because you're awesome and grow doesnt mean other chicks are...just from personal experience, I have met two (2) women who didnt mooch buds and actually threw down. Also, I never said that men dont snitch, but when they do we call them "bitches"
then maybe the women they r with should trust them either
good for the goose good for the gander

Rene I understand there are lots of women that are not vengeful and a bitch as you said, but open your eyes everyone said the words "IF" and "BETTER SAFE THEN SORRY" they're not pinning it on all women. Just a lot of them.:)
Well it was directed at the majority of women the post wasn't directed at you I'm just saying tis human nature to be vengeful and to reference one sex or the other is irrelevant to your situation it matters do you plan to keep her around and if you plan to drop her unexpectedly just make sure your cover man or woman always play it safe :)
thats funny a snitch always been called a snitch even in the chain gang

Just because you're awesome and grow doesnt mean other chicks are...just from personal experience, I have met two (2) women who didnt mooch buds and actually threw down. Also, I never said that men dont snitch, but when they do we call them "bitches"