Growitup Greenhouse 2011


Well-Known Member
Yeah, high humidity slows them down. I took a plant out of the green house and hosed it off a couple times last year. Slowed them down some but didn't stop them.
Caterpillar under a leaf? Good catch man. Those things can really eat away at the buds, not to mention all the crap they leave.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, high humidity slows them down. I took a plant out of the green house and hosed it off a couple times last year. Slowed them down some but didn't stop them.
Caterpillar under a leaf? Good catch man. Those things can really eat away at the buds, not to mention all the crap they leave.
It was already full grown,starting to wrap its silk cocoon!! I did not catch it early enough apparently if it was almost halfway through its life cycle, lol.


Well-Known Member
No update today, seems we had a sort of emergency.
Max got the "snip snip" on Friday and is just now recovering. So today he started to develop these small bumps on the bridge his nose, I didnt notice them this morning but saw them around noon. Then about 2:00 I noticed there were more of them and getting larger, he was scratching his nose on the carpet and biting like hes got fleas and he's never had fleas. I thought it may have something to do with the surgery, like an allergic reaction to the anastasia or something. So after searching the internet and posting at a golden retriever forum I took him to visit an emergency vet (its sunday) and two hundred dollars later I find out he is allergic to bee stings. He got a couple shots and the swelling went down but it could have been much more serious. I swear he looked like he was a prize fighter who lost the fight with all those lumps. Oh and the vet said I should put on the e-collar (lampshade) I got for him cause, although I didn't see him hes been messing with stiches.


Well-Known Member
Thats what Im talking bout, that could have been bad. Silly dog just learnt a little bee can easily whoop his ass!! Glad he is gonna be fine, could have definitely been much worse.


Well-Known Member
Yeah and he is still fucked up. I found out today on top of everything he has worms. Another trip to a different vet. Not mine she couldnt see him till tomorrow, fuck her I am only going back there to take the stiches out and thats cause I already paid for it. So, another $250 a buncha shots and some special food and pills.

Poor guy never experenced pain in his life then he gets his nuts cut off, stung by a wasp and has an allergic reaction and constant vomiting and diarea from the worms over a period of three days. It's pretty sad man. Im out $650 altogether and I still got a sick dog. This sucks. I want my happy buddy back.


Well-Known Member
This does suck man, I hate to hear it :( I know he will pull through and be back to himself in no time!


Well-Known Member
grow looks very nice. bummer about the dog i had the same stuff with one of mine a few weeks ago sucks when your happy buddy aint so happy...


Well-Known Member
He certainly was not happy here, swellings has gone down now though.

I've found and killed three small wasps nests in the yard. Hopefully that will do it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, oh well, on with the grow,

Fed them earth juice twice this week and once with with hygrozyme. One TD didn't like it to much and some leaf burnt but the other three loved it. I'm backing off on the carbos until flowering sets in, I got enough size.

I was a little worried the TD haven't turned yet so I double checked and the site says 60 day flower and they will be done late October so I am pretty much on track but again, running out of room. now I wish I would have thought about sinking those pots earlier.


Well-Known Member
Well ya know... I just may need to. I got six plants in there, The thee closest to the door will be alright but the three in the back, man they just keep growing.
I'll get in there today and pull them down again. I really didn't wanna go down that road but saved the hoop roof I made last year just in case.


Well-Known Member
Well ya know... I just may need to. I got six plants in there, The thee closest to the door will be alright but the three in the back, man they just keep growing.
I'll get in there today and pull them down again. I really didn't wanna go down that road but saved the hoop roof I made last year just in case.
Yeah it doesn't look much different than last year this time, but I wasn't gonna say anything :bongsmilie:


Well-Known Member
Ha ha cruzer let them go bro u know u wanna lmfao lookin crowded everyday and before u know it you ll b trimming boy im thinking sore fingers it takes me roughly 3 days solid to trim 20 3ft bushes so i feel for u bro! Not!!


Well-Known Member
No man, I really have kept them down. Here is where they were last year.

Last year this time the roof was coming off.
I can put them at about one foot below the roof right now, deal is I think I need two.
I took a good look at it today, figure I got one more shot at it. Go back to the original placement of plants. Move the train wreck, dig another hole towards the back center but not as deep. Then I got room to bring the tall TD down, I thought it was further along and done stretching. Then train the TD so they are at about eye level all the way around, roll bubba back in and I can keep the roof on.

Well, that's what I plan on doing in the morning. I wanna give them as much daylight as possible afterwords.