Growitup Greenhouse 2011


Well-Known Member
do u grow inside too?
Hi dababy, Not as much now that I have the green house.
I have about a dozen indoor grows under my belt so I kinda know what I'm doing but now I mainly use the cabs to germ/veg then move to the green house. Six months out of the year I got 12 or less hours of daylight. So If I time it right I can get a couple grows in before the spring. This last indoor flower was mainly to test Fox Farms Cha Ching before I used it on the whole summer crop.

Question on lighting: will one day of irregular lighting stress a plant to go hermie or hurt yield? I had them outside all morning til 12 then had to put them in my shed had a little party until 4 when I put them back outside? Also ever hear of blacklights increasing trichrome production? And one more question ever hear of hammering a nail into the stem to increase bud production? Supposedly an old farmers trick lol Ty Ty for the input. Greatly appreciated.
One day? naw, I dont think so. A couple days yes that will stress it, happened to me once. Black lights are good for posters not plants. UV lighting will increase trichome production so will the ceramic metal halide bulbs. Hammering a nail into the stalk? No, I havent heard that would increase bud production, I have heard that's a good way to kill a tree, with copper spikes. The way I see it, when a plant is going into flower its the beginning of the end of its life so it stretches to get as tall as it can before producing seed sites to be pollinated. Marijuana is a tough plant to kill once it gets a good root structure, my guess is a galvanized nail wouldn't do a thing.

Funny thing, seems everyone has there own tricks but in reality if you stick to the basics you are better off.


Well-Known Member
Hey Wilbur, good to see ya again, I guess I'm guilty of tricks in a way too.
I was using hygrozyme this grow and SM-90 along with the nutrients. Now I plan on using cha ching.

Fed them today with their Earthjuice nutrients along with sm-90


Well-Known Member
still no issues from the earth juice? I may pick some up for my outdoor and garden plants next year, always wanted to try it!


Well-Known Member
Hi droman, (no pun intended, well maybe) I have always felt all these nutrient company's provide the same product. Honestly I haven't looked at the actual ingredients, I can only speak from experience. Fox Farms has worked well for me. grow big, big bloom and tiger bloom. I had less pH issues then flora nutes or dutch masters but it has a tendency to clog my chiller. Their beasty bloom and cha ching definitely is worth trying too.
Alright still a noob on riu, lol I am having trouble posting pics I know there are professionals here so help would be awesome. I want to put up some pics to see if anyone can identify this strain I have going. A few posts back I stated I got the seeds from two bags of sour diesel, not 100% sure it was sour d nonetheless it was really good stuff. So I'm just trying to figure out what I have going. The main problem I encountered when posting pics was identifying it's URL? Lol that's what Is creating the problem for me. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cruzer you are the deity of growers like everything you do and have checked out all ur journals and greenhouse grows all I can say is superb and jealous lol thanks. Peace from the middleeast


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the compliment, I can help you out.
First thing is the picture size. The best size I have found to post is 800 by 600 pixels. You can set that on your camera or re size to that with Microsoft picture manager.
Once you have the right size then you upload to a server on the internet (like photo bucket) and this gives you an address, or URL (uniform resource locator) The address is located at the top of your browser and starts with http/www. Thats the url, copy that. Then when you post look at the top of the little window. you will see small icons, mouse over them and you will see insert image. click that and paste the url there. click advanced to check it.

If you dont have a server to upload to you can use RUI's server by downloading attachments.
Here you go to post (same deal pic size 800x600) first select advanced on the bottom right, type in the text you wanna say, then click the paper clip icon, click add files, then insert inline. you load your pics and they will be displayed as thumbnails at the bottom of your post.

When posting in someone else's journal it is better to do it this way.
When posting in your own journal go ahead and click on the attachment and get the url, copy and paste like before and it will show full size.
thanks cruzer for putting this into perspective it definitely helped me what do you think? as i said not totally sure what kind this is, but didn't know if you might be able to tell just by looking at it, i me know what your opinion is on what you kind you think it might be, and in general in what you think of how they look....all feedback is welcome and necessary!!!! ty ty.


Well-Known Member
There ya go!
Good job man. Yeah, I see some narrow leaf so it makes me think sativa dominate but the bud build up looks indica so i assume its a cross.
Looks about 5 weeks into flower or so, good structure. If she hasn't been pruned/topped I would say there is some Kush in her too. That's my guess.
I did actually top her both of them if u look at the front view of the one pic cut it in half and u can almost see the difference the one a couple weeks behind has fatter greener leaves and bigger than the other one with skinnier saliva like leaves so who knows I'll find some other pics to show the difference. Peace from the middleast


Well-Known Member
That's ok, you don't need to do that. It looked like you topped them.
Nobody's gonna be able to tell you exactly what strain it is by looking at it anyway.


Well-Known Member
Hey Jig, good to see ya. Or should I call you MR Vertical. :wink:
Hope all is good with you an yours. Thanks for stopping by.


Well-Known Member
So like I go in there to train them again today and I pretty much have run out of room.
The last two tangerine dream are taking their sweet time.

Hope these girls stop stretching soon.
I been able to keep them about 2 foot shorter then last year, hope it's gonna be enough.

Bubba looks sweet, she is all frosty and filling out, same for the trainwreck.


Well-Known Member
Well not all of them, This last week every time I bend over I get real dizzy, got under the screen and looked up for a tie and fell on my ass.
Its got something to do with my ear cause that closed up too. Getting better though.

I rolled up one out of a couple popcorn buds from a bubba kush in cab grow today, they been in a paper sack about a week while the rest is drying. Very nice.
Well, I mixed it with a little headband I got left from last winter cause I knew that shit was dry but I could tell the difference.

Ya know if you smoke the same strain for a while you build up a tolerance, switching strains works yeah but mixing them works too.
One of my favorite mixes is headband and that Casey Jones but 50/50 of just about any two strains works for me.