Growitup Greenhouse 2011

I understand it is important to wash out the nutrients between feedings. Do you guys do this in a drain to waste or do you recirculate it.

In coco they say you should never flush mid grow, because you wash away all the micro life that has been building up in there. Nutes every time man. People say they get better results when they reuse the coco because it as all those micro life that has been building up over the last grow.
My mate reuses his coco but he says his yield decreases every time he reuses it mind you he doesn't use any enzymes so maybe that's the problem.
Larger pots for bigger plants, just using smart pots because it's the cheapest re-usable option for a 300gal pot. Our 5-7ft indoor plants will have a huge root mass that takes up the whole 20gal by harvest. The plants in the greenhouse should take the whole 300gal because they will end up well over 10ft tall and be close to 20ft wide. Coco can handle some pretty extreme stuff though, I grew a plant in a 5gal pail for 7-8mo without transplant. I don't mix my coco with anything else either, for reuse just treat with an enzyme and a little cal-mag then let it compost for about 30days.
The chunks hold a lot of water too . . .
Cool, thanks for the info. I am thinking of making the switch from hydroton.
If you dont mind could you tell me what to buy in regards to an enzyme and how much to use?
I have been building the scrog screens, I got four done and I'm working on the last one.
Should be up today and not a moment too soon. I'll get some pics.
I haven't been on much lately and haven't been updating my journal. Thought I'd stop by n check out the greenhouse tho. Looking forward to your pics. I think u would like the coco lol we love it! O btw a couple of my outside girls are tryin to flower on us! :( Should we try to re-veg em? Ive read about ppl taking the buds off so they don't rot so the new buds can form??
Oh that sucks.
Yeah, I had a few do that last year. I lost patients and took those and flowered them indoors so I haven't rev-egged a plant.
Thats what I read, let it go and she will go into re-veg, cutting the buds off I think would be if you were gonna harvest her though.

Maybe someone else here can help.
OK, got some pics and a vid of the setup.
I used 2x2 sticks and attached welded wire fencing with horseshoe nails, made six 2x6 screens and that small one. drilled holes and made pins to hold it together so its easy to take apart. I figure I will train them all to the right with a couple lower select branches topped to fill the screen directly above each plant.




They also make nice shelves for the little ones.

Lovin those SCROGs!! Very nice and neat, but that's to be expected from u I suppose lmao ;). Yea kinda sucks about my flowering girls lol but u did forewarn me! My SCROG'd WWs that were in bad shape are looking great tho :) nice update will keep comin back if nothin else to check out your greenhouse!
WOW, Props for still making the GH produce DANK shit, sad i missed this winter grow, i've been very busy myself. i bet youll love the scrog its makes perfect plants imo. I agree with the coco, i use it and since the switch my yield have increased like 60%, and u can reuse it which is nice. i havnt yet because its so damn cheap but i know people that do. ill try and stop in and watch this jungle this year, last summer was awesome hopefully this year is even better! GH is in great shape BTW
Looking awesome cruzer! Any enzyme product will work, hygrozyme is just a re-marketed floor cleaner. I'm using zyme brand tabs because they are cheap. I use about half the reccommended rate or a little more just depends on how well the roots break down. Flush coco with a mild nutrient solution or you alter it's cation charge.
Very nice handywork there cruz, so whats the plan with those screens? scrog them and then let them grow up or just there for support?
Thanks everyone,

Yeah it's gonna be pretty packed in there this year. The plan is to train all the main branches of the TD clockwise by tying them down to the screens and top a couple of the lower branches to help fill it up. Once they go into flower there will be no foliage under the screens, just stalk.

Hopefully that will give me 2 foot thick canopy all around the thing and then a couple plants on casters in the center I will make bushes out of. If it works I'll be able to roll the bushes out, do any training I need to the plants in the screens then roll them back in. Thats the plan anyway.

I got some more clear panels, gonna get a little more sunlight in there this time.
After last year my neighbors already know I'm growing so I figure what the hell.
Cruzer are you running C02?

I forgot, if not get it & if you are using good

I have been using it outside & the growth this time of year is just crazy


No I'm not using co2, I got no problems getting size out there without it.
I got a tank w/regulator I'm gonna use later on though. Gonna gas the mites in flower with it.

Thanks for the input though... How do you control it outside?
No I'm not using co2, I got no problems getting size out there without it.
I got a tank w/regulator I'm gonna use later on though. Gonna gas the mites in flower with it.

Thanks for the input though... How do you control it outside?

Tank & reg setup

I also came up with these, I call'em C02 halos

I use them since I am using a dark shed to flower my plants out & harvested one last week with 4 to go in the next 2 weeks

It makes it easy to plug & unplug from the tank

I love it

This is a shot from last year at the beginning of flower.


What I'm trying to do is have them finish at about that height this year.