Guerrilla Growing Drones DIY


Well-Known Member
So I had thought of an idea, not sure if it has ever been attempted before. Outdoor growing has been something I've always thought about, but could never find a suitable spot and also the risk involved. When I began watching videos of DIY drones, a lightbulb went off! I know little about what is involved to have a successful guerrilla, but the idea of having extended eyes seems like it would be a great asset! When it comes to checking the status of plants, I'm sure that is a nervous time when the grower goes to check his work. This way you would know for certain there is no one else there, and the coast is clear. Perhaps with an automated setup a physical check would no longer be required. Or in the event of a flyover by a helicopter, you would know exactly where it is and where it's going.

Even in the initial stage of scouting a location, a drone would easily have a range of over 7 miles and/or a 30 minute flight time with current hobbyist technology. This would be a realtime, aerial view of said location, so you would know exactly what you'd be getting into. This would allow you to sit comfortably and fly using a pair of goggles, which allows the pilot to see exactly what the plane does. The technology is almost exactly like conventional R/C aircraft, except more advanced electronics. The total cost would be in the ballpark of approximately $600. Mountainous terrain would be absolutely perfect, as an aircraft would care little about steep hills.

Johnny Appleseed mode:
You can probably guess what this would be ;) Load up that badboy to the gills with the special seed. An island, hard to reach locations, etc. As you are flying, hit a button and let nature take its course. The human travel required would be absolutely minimal, the progress of said seed could also be checked remotely as well. The possibilities are numerous! Well it was just a random idea I had, I'd love to hear if anyone thinks that could be beneficial.


Well-Known Member
but you will need real helicopters to haul out yer load! I suppose there are areas that broadcasting seeds like that could work, but in addition to decent soil, you'd need fairly steady rainfall throughout the summer if you're looking at minimal tending. I do like the idea of scouting out an area with a rc chopper - that makes a bit more sense. then go back to your computer when you think you have found a good spot and google earth it, so you can use the sun clock feature to see the sunrise/set and shadow patterns.


Well-Known Member
Just look at the scouting you can do with one of license required....[video=youtube;QzGg_F0tlwU][/video]


Well-Known Member
Yes.......this video was shot during a drought year. The lake should have more water this can see the boat ramp at about the 8:00min mark.....


Well-Known Member
Better solution on this = live cam feed to monitor via PC.

It ain't cheap though.

You can get a decent wifi game camera for about 140$

The great thing about these is they all have night vission and motion dectors ,time,date,temp. stamps, Some also have timelapse modes which is cool to watch a plant grow from seed to fruit in minutes


Well-Known Member
Not everyone lives in unpopulated areas

besides it gives piece of mind knowing that LE was not their , doing their own surveillance


Well-Known Member
It is just another tool in the toolbox. Plus, the drone itself would be a completely legitimate reason for being out in the woods! We wanted to film some amazing aerial views over this beautiful area to impress this girl I like ;) Also, try not to call it a "drone" as that has negative connotations with all our military use of them and whatnot. Call it a "toy airplane" or "remote control airplane" as that invokes imagery of total nerds building model airplanes in their basement.

Now mind you, a drone can be ANY VEHICLE which has the capability of being operated remotely. The obvious ones are aircraft, but land and sea based vehicles are also equally possible. This is just a brainstorming session and just helping give people ideas. Following the laws of technology advancement, the capabilities of this technology will only increase. For instance, the feds might have wireless cameras trained on your location (probably unlikely for a small grow) but still... What if your drone could somehow scan for any outgoing transmissions which would be out of place in the wilderness? You would know for CERTAIN there was no company waiting for you at the growsite! Worst case scenario, unwanted company decides to show up, you would have an eye in the sky monitoring their positions in real time.

Perhaps with enough development, an entire grow could be done in this manner (wouldn't that be something!?) The most difficult to access locations no one in their right mind would attempt to go. An island surrounded by alligators, a cliff 500 ft high, etc. I saw an article talking about how this technology is highly sought after by smugglers. Its common knowledge that they have been using manned submarines for years now. Perfect example of removing a human from both physical and legal danger. In case of apprehension, hit one button and sink that baby to the bottom of the ocean, and fry all the electronics just for good measure. Also, no need for air or any other life support equipment, win-win. Oh and BTW, all the technology for someone to do this is already open source, you're welcome ;)


Well-Known Member
I want this one..........[video=youtube;SNPJMk2fgJU][/video]