Guerrilla Guide

Any more feedback, next chapter will be up sometime this week.
How about a section on avoiding detection from tbe air? Or is that not an issue anymore I wonder? I know it sure as heck used to b. Maybe also a section on the legal repercussions if popped. I think some states the laws have changed but not sure
Just caught this thread and wanted to contribute a few things.

If you have no access to water, better start digging a dam, line it with plastic and cover with natural tree's, etc.
Once it rains and fills up with over 3000 liters or rain water you will thank yourself for spending all those hours digging.

Just be careful there are no snakes lying in the dam when you go to retrieve water.
Get a pump with a hose, carry a battery with you and pump your water out.

If your lucky enough to find a plot with a nearby stream/creek etc then you have struck gold...outdoor growing takes a little physical prowess, so get ready for many..many return trips back and forth hauling everything, water barrels, etc.

Some plots may be blessed with good soil.
Then if that's the case you destroy all surrounding root systems where your plants will be, turn that soil over and dig as deep as you can, deeper the hole, bigger the yield.

What if your have shit soil but don't want to carry 30/40/50+ pots?
Ever tried 100liter black garbage bags?

Poke drainage holes in the bottom and fill them up with whatever you want, coco, soil, blood and bone, dynamic lifter,. etc.
Yes just grow them like that and maybe thank me later.

Once a plot has been established, never walk the same way back that you did walking in.

Horse riders can be a pain in the ass you wont hear them especially if your digging.

Deer hunter's are an even bigger pain in the ass.

Forestry...let's just say when you walk, watch every single fucking foot step you make, DO NOT LEAVE TRACKS.
Forestry will see them and follow them to your plot, you need to make it look like you were never there.

Look for other tracks, you will see trail bike tracks, deer and horse tracks and whether their fresh or not.

It's a must to fence off your plot, deer love the smell and will investigate and once found they will eat them everything.
If you don't fence it off then don't bother, either fence with proper wire fencing, expensive but works, or if enough tree's use them, all depending on the growth in that plot area.

Bait for rodents, you hang them from the fence, run wire through the hole and attach to lowest part of the fence.

If planting in tee-tree's those roots must be pulled out of they will suck your plot dry.

Sunshine as we know is very important, so if there are tree's in your way pull them down out of the way which bring in more light and helps camo the outside of your plot/s.

When it gets to that know what i mean, cover your face..just in case your plot has been discovered and LE have a camera sitting somewhere.
Doesn't hurt to be safe.

Same goes for you, why not have a camera or two looking at over your plot, you can see the deer at night and what they get up to, and also to see if anyone has found it, because if someone has, they will wait and let you do all the hard work and then rip the lot when you least expect it.

Another good reason to watch for tracks is when your walking to your plot, never go in blind.

If you have a partner then try not to speak unless you really have to.

Establishing a plot takes hours, so better believe it take plenty of water and food to keep you going or you will struggle to get back to your car.

Hope that was of some help to some..
Apologies if i have repeated what others have written, i didn't read through the whole thread.

When you start you will know why they call it guerilla growing.
A wide hole is better than a deep hole. 12" deep and 24" wide is better than the other way around.

Use a TEASPOON of Soil Moist in each hole. Makes all the difference in the world.

If you really want to use a tablespoon, make sure your hole is at least 24" wide and spread that stuff around. (fair warning).
After finishing high school I wanted to go to university. I wasn't sure what I wanted to take, perhaps medicine or biology. I didn't want to go only 4 years, but go all the way and get into research. But money was an issue since I left home before I finished high school at 17 years old (a long story I will not go into here). Big dreams for a little stupid kid. So I started gorilla growing in NS after moving there from Ontario with my old GF which I still talk to today at age 61 Lol. Mostly I grew along the slope of North Mountain in Annapolis Valley with the great help of a few people into the business there who helped with marketing and distribution, and also profited of course.

The best grew I ever did was in an alder swamp. In the spring the water can be up to a foot high, but in the fall I went in with a shovel and made mounds of swamp muck to always be above water level. The following spring I went in with high rubber boots and planted my seedlings. I only visited them a few times, always taking a different route, especially when the water receded during summer. By mid-October they were higher than the alder "trees", and thick with huge buds. It was so freaky, I was like "wholly shit, what do I do now?!" sort of situation. Hahaha

Taking out these plants branch by branch was quite an adventure in itself when it was completely done just before Halloween. I could hear the gun shots of hunters in the bush nearby, and it freaked me out to no end. But no hunter is going to venture into a damn alder swamp in NS with standing water in NS. Lol

It paid for a good part of my undergrad schooling, and later Psilocybe semilanceata (liberty caps) became the main source of income that paid for my graduate school. Once delivering many kilograms of liberty caps to Ontario for Christmas, we got stopped for speeding. I was very nice to the officer about it. He said "well, considering you seem to be an okay guy, I'll just give you a warning this time" trying to hide my nervousness of the wrapped present in the back seat. Hahaha

Edit: There is a dark side to gorilla growing, and that is that some pretty crazy people were involved in the business due to its illegality and a great deal of money was involved. There used to be some serious shit going down, with at least one death I know of. Then again, the number of people murdered (homicide) by any means in Nova Scotia is 6 people per year, and that was out of almost a million people in the province. I think it's around the same today. lol

But honestly, that's the black market I want my government to stamp out, and if they can do that with every other drug, I don't think it's a bad thing to own your own body. Like what the fuck gives our government the right to criminalize us due to what we want to do with our own body during off time? If we pay taxes and go to work able and ready for our leaders like every other person in society otherwise as programmed, shouldn't that be enough if what we do doesn't affect anyone else?
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After finishing high school I wanted to go to university. I wasn't sure what I wanted to take, perhaps medicine or biology. I didn't want to go only 4 years, but go all the way and get into research. But money was an issue since I left home before I finished high school at 17 years old (a long story I will not go into here). Big dreams for a little stupid kid. So I started gorilla growing in NS after moving there from Ontario with my old GF which I still talk to today at age 61 Lol. Mostly I grew along the slope of North Mountain in Annapolis Valley with the great help of a few people into the business there who helped with marketing and distribution, and also profited of course.

The best grew I ever did was in an alder swamp. In the spring the water can be up to a foot high, but in the fall I went in with a shovel and made mounds of swamp muck to always be above water level. The following spring I went in with high rubber boots and planted my seedlings. I only visited them a few times, always taking a different route, especially when the water receded during summer. By mid-October they were higher than the alder "trees", and thick with huge buds. It was so freaky, I was like "wholly shit, what do I do now?!" sort of situation. Hahaha

Taking out these plants branch by branch was quite an adventure in itself when it was completely done just before Halloween. I could hear the gun shots of hunters in the bush nearby, and it freaked me out to no end. But no hunter is going to venture into a damn alder swamp in NS with standing water in NS. Lol

It paid for a good part of my undergrad schooling, and later Psilocybe semilanceata (liberty caps) became the main source of income that paid for my graduate school. Once delivering many kilograms of liberty caps to Ontario for Christmas, we got stopped for speeding. I was very nice to the officer about it. He said "well, considering you seem to be an okay guy, I'll just give you a warning this time" trying to hide my nervousness of the wrapped present in the back seat. Hahaha

Edit: There is a dark side to gorilla growing, and that is that some pretty crazy people were involved in the business due to its illegality and a great deal of money was involved. There used to be some serious shit going down, with at least one death I know of. Then again, the number of people murdered (homicide) by any means in Nova Scotia is 6 people per year, and that was out of almost a million people in the province. I think it's around the same today. lol

But honestly, that's the black market I want my government to stamp out, and if they can do that with every other drug, I don't think it's a bad thing to own your own body. Like what the fuck gives our government the right to criminalize us due to what we want to do with our own body during off time? If we pay taxes and go to work able and ready for our leaders like every other person in society otherwise as programmed, shouldn't that be enough if what we do doesn't affect anyone else?

Enjoyed reading your post, and i agree the government does not give a damn about anybody.

No one has ever died from cannabis, but alcohol and tobacco are in the top 3 of major death contributors to the human race.

The vicious circle would stop turning....if it did, hospitals woulds be empty, doctors, coroners, police, the list goes on, if everyone smoked weed and not tobacco and stopped drinking alcohol in excess, well the human population would be much bigger, anyway that's my interpretation of it.

If i was president i would ban tobacco and make weed legal, tobacco god if i had a time machine...

Haven't heard anyone getting lung cancer from weed, strange that..

In regards to guerilla growing, there is indeed a dark side...but there is a dark side to everything, Yin and Yang.

Where I'm from, if your caught in someone's plot, expect to get a round from a 30.06 from someone high up in a chopper, big money, big guns..big trouble..

Know of a good way to get real blood and bone into a plot?

Don't freak out its not from a human, if you want to know I'll say it here, but there will be some people who will want admin to delete what i have written...lets just say 11pounds from one single plant is easily possible...

The DNM's have a positive side amigo, there are people out there with zero connections, but they can get what they need, medicine, weed, etc.

There aren't many good egg's in the game, my crew are fantastic, but not to be fucked with.

Just remember when you go to harvest just take the tops, because you will not be able to carry everything in the one go, next day is when you grab the rest.

You know there are guys who get paid to fly and find people's plot's, their called Plot Busters.

Mate of mine used to be one, me personally i wouldn't do to others what i wouldn't want done to me.

But as he says, if you don't rip their them then they will rip yours, but again i simply don't like that way of thinking, everyone deserves a chance, it's a lot of hard work, hours of labor to get it right, i just couldn't do it.

Watch out for planes and choppers.
someday I'm gonna do this on a hidden plot on state land or some shit lol, simply too risky to do on your own property after learning firsthand how unforgiving law enforcement is, i'm out a grand and that was just for driving high. only thing is if they find a plot they might watch it and wait for you to come back to harvest it
someday I'm gonna do this on a hidden plot on state land or some shit lol, simply too risky to do on your own property after learning firsthand how unforgiving law enforcement is, i'm out a grand and that was just for driving high. only thing is if they find a plot they might watch it and wait for you to come back to harvest it
They will set up cameras
Typically here they just cut the shit down and now they aren’t really even looking much and it’s mostly tips that get people caught. Back in the day we did a few 500 plant grows and lost one. They just came in and took it and left a business card lol. Most of the stuff we did was in big swamps accessible by boat only, they were smallish 50 plant grows and it was a shit load of work and bug infested hell lol. I’m retired now lol.


So you want to grow some weed? Well there are some steps that need to be taken in order to be successful at any venture that involves cultivating Cannabis. When cultivating Cannabis one must always recognize that it is illegal under the current Federal Laws to cultivate Cannabis. Even in states that harbor medical marijuana users it is illegal to possess, sell and or manufacture Cannabis. A medicinal user approved by state government is still violating Federal laws. The first step when growing Cannabis illegally in the United States or any other country is to accept what you are doing is illegal. Society is slowly evolving and one day in the future Cannabis will be legally consumed by all adults as a choice of freedom. Cannabis cultivators are the Mahatma Gandhi’s of the drug culture of the world. We as a group must stand up and represent ourselves as a peaceful group of resistors. We are resisting using civil disobedience as our tool in our arsenal. The consumption of Cannabis in one’s own home is a victimless crime and such is cultivating Cannabis.

To circumvent such laws Cannabis cultivators must be resourceful to avoid detection. We must take a chapter from history and the founders of the United States during the Revolutionary War. The states we confounded with the overwhelming power of the British Empire. The Revolutionaries had to be resourceful to take on the power that was the British Empire. Guerilla tactics were used against the British Empire to turn the tide of the Revolutionary War. We as cannabis cultivators must use these tactics to our own advantage when peacefully protesting Federal and State law. I propose that all Cannabis Cultivators take Cannabis back to its rightful place under the open skies. Guerilla cultivation has been used for many years, but as of recently fewer cultivators has moved indoor to avoid further detection and to produce the highest quality Cannabis under strictly controlled environments.

The production of Cannabis in an indoor environment is seen as the only way to produce the highest quality and most valuable Cannabis in today’s underground market. The legal liabilities involved with cultivating Cannabis indoors are astronomical. In the majority of the United States cultivating even one cannabis plant is a felony. Not all Cannabis cultivators can afford the equipment and risk involved with indoor cultivation. The factors that need to be controlled are numerous and will keep a cultivator on the edge constantly. The factors that play a large role in detection are odor, light leak, electricity consumption and supply movement. When a cultivator decides to conduct cultivation outdoors the liabilities are limited. When deciding to guerilla cultivate one must avoid liabilities by choosing a plot of land that is not by any means is associated with the cultivator or persons relating to the cultivator. The most necessary step to successful Guerilla cultivation is to avoid liability if the plot is discovered.

Guerilla cultivation is growing Cannabis in an uncontrolled environment outdoors.

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This is just the preface to the guide I have started to write. It is going to have pictures and tons of info. Want some feedback!

I am a outdoor grower.I grow the same way here since 76