Guerrilla Guide

Yo Balzac can you post any information on how to avoid detection?i skimmed through the Plot selection post but i didnt spot anything about avoidjing detection from air? i was gonna plant in spots of 2 each spaced out about 100-200feet. but i heard they can spot pairs of 2 from the air? any advice on how to camo them and get full sunlight?
They dont fly here no more,,Dont have to worry to much...I pick plant that stays green al year. Plant yours by it...We have some bushes that stay green all year
I use a pump with 2 12v batteys small ones...I have been doing this since 76 i know a little bit....
I bought a boat spray down pump with about a 30’ hose this summer and tried it at my spot. Works pretty good at spraying the whole plant. But yup I always used 12v bilge pumps and batteries. We had a network of clear tubing set up to do 10 plants at a time and just moved the pump. The spot was in a swamp, back in the day when they had eyes in the sky, and it was all access by boat, so easy to get water to each plant. I got ya beat by a year lol, started growing in ‘75 at 15 :), retired from the big ones 10 years ago and only lost one field :(.
Yes you do...Back in the day..Had few field taken by po po was on T.V twice showed plants Have seen it all..Card tack to tree Thank god i had a plan Thread across trail Now i only water when i have too.Only got to plants 4 to 7 time a year..If i need too We have great weather here rains a leased 1 time a week here so i dont have to see them..Been doing a long time.Outdoors Thanks Dixie


So you want to grow some weed? Well there are some steps that need to be taken in order to be successful at any venture that involves cultivating Cannabis. When cultivating Cannabis one must always recognize that it is illegal under the current Federal Laws to cultivate Cannabis. Even in states that harbor medical marijuana users it is illegal to possess, sell and or manufacture Cannabis. A medicinal user approved by state government is still violating Federal laws. The first step when growing Cannabis illegally in the United States or any other country is to accept what you are doing is illegal. Society is slowly evolving and one day in the future Cannabis will be legally consumed by all adults as a choice of freedom. Cannabis cultivators are the Mahatma Gandhi’s of the drug culture of the world. We as a group must stand up and represent ourselves as a peaceful group of resistors. We are resisting using civil disobedience as our tool in our arsenal. The consumption of Cannabis in one’s own home is a victimless crime and such is cultivating Cannabis.

To circumvent such laws Cannabis cultivators must be resourceful to avoid detection. We must take a chapter from history and the founders of the United States during the Revolutionary War. The states we confounded with the overwhelming power of the British Empire. The Revolutionaries had to be resourceful to take on the power that was the British Empire. Guerilla tactics were used against the British Empire to turn the tide of the Revolutionary War. We as cannabis cultivators must use these tactics to our own advantage when peacefully protesting Federal and State law. I propose that all Cannabis Cultivators take Cannabis back to its rightful place under the open skies. Guerilla cultivation has been used for many years, but as of recently fewer cultivators has moved indoor to avoid further detection and to produce the highest quality Cannabis under strictly controlled environments.

The production of Cannabis in an indoor environment is seen as the only way to produce the highest quality and most valuable Cannabis in today’s underground market. The legal liabilities involved with cultivating Cannabis indoors are astronomical. In the majority of the United States cultivating even one cannabis plant is a felony. Not all Cannabis cultivators can afford the equipment and risk involved with indoor cultivation. The factors that need to be controlled are numerous and will keep a cultivator on the edge constantly. The factors that play a large role in detection are odor, light leak, electricity consumption and supply movement. When a cultivator decides to conduct cultivation outdoors the liabilities are limited. When deciding to guerilla cultivate one must avoid liabilities by choosing a plot of land that is not by any means is associated with the cultivator or persons relating to the cultivator. The most necessary step to successful Guerilla cultivation is to avoid liability if the plot is discovered.

Guerilla cultivation is growing Cannabis in an uncontrolled environment outdoors.

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This is just the preface to the guide I have started to write. It is going to have pictures and tons of info. Want some feedback!

indoor or outdoor which is preferable?
Indoor for quality. Outdoor for bulk.
That said, I did have one outdoor strain that everyone thought was AA-AAA indoor. The yield wasn't fantastic, but every bud was a golf ball. Original Glue from Nirvana in 2017.

I'm still looking for a replacement.
Yes ..I know when you start with bad seeds you get shit pot..I grow outdoors and Killer smoke each plant. I have a few that work here..But inside grow to much trouble....I have friends that do.. Cant hardly leave there house .. Power Water P H. and alot more.I just cant see doing it.I can buy 175 to 250. ya'll have to spend that in all the stuff you have to buy. For mostly small plants..( not all of ya'll ).How much money in a crop per oz
It looks to me here .That im one of the few that do grow Like this..I Did read this. Alot good but some dont work in the read world..One of my best tool is Green Thread....Saved my ass 4 or 5 time...
They dont fly here no more,,Dont have to worry to much...I pick plant that stays green al year. Plant yours by it...We have some bushes that stay green all year
Most states (on the east coast) as far as I know gave up there Mary Jane eradication programs. I think ur biggest challenge b nit getting ribbed by plant thevies and wildlife eating ur plants.
Well i don't have them problem's. I have been doing it my hole life this way. Sometime's hunter's will find a couple.But all mine are done by then that is why i grow what i do . They are done in late Sept. before hunting season .Critter's i have under control Exp. with all the year's it took to over come them ..Termite's here are your worst enemy here.If you can't get past them you will never make it. I don't think they look too much here anymore for plant's.And i am too old to do large scale anymore. I grow 15 plant's every year. That is all i can handle anymore. P. S Here in the Heart of Dixie they have not stopped looking for it 1 plant will get you jail time here.
Well i don't have them problem's. I have been doing it my hole life this way. Sometime's hunter's will find a couple.But all mine are done by then that is why i grow what i do . They are done in late Sept. before hunting season .Critter's i have under control Exp. with all the year's it took to over come them ..Termite's here are your worst enemy here.If you can't get past them you will never make it. I don't think they look too much here anymore for plant's.And i am too old to do large scale anymore. I grow 15 plant's every year. That is all i can handle anymore. P. S Here in the Heart of Dixie they have not stopped looking for it 1 plant will get you jail time here.
Do they still do fly overs down there? I remember in the 80s/90s the "Marijuana eradication programs". It was terrifying. Anyhow I am looking for a strain that would finish in September as I am having horrible issues with bud rot from the disgusting tropical like dank wet air we now have for summer weather. Anyone have any ideas?
No they don't look too much anymore..But they still do.. With people growing hemp here so might be hard..I know Mazar ..Monster Profit ..Durbin White Widow .. All finish end Sept..
i believe it i have barrets esophagus (fun!!!) i went to mexico got worms took wormwood cloves etc to kill them took them for too long and it fucked up my lining. on another note i haev a quote from 80mg he needs to get banned for lieing lol he said he never said that but look at this post in the cfl forum for beginners"Lumens is also impodant. You want ATLEAST 5300 for veging, the more the better. When you begin to flower you want below that or atleast a 25% decrease." so we have him caught in a lie. once again sorry for clogging but it needs to be said. hes going to F-up someones grow with his falsehoods and then lie about it and i would ignore him but im more concerned with rebuking him where ever he is to save newbs everywhere from his calamities. and so to be fair more guerrilla grow info, cornfields!.yes cornfields, already fertilized from years of corn and 20-20-20 ferts, perfect for guerilla . sprinkle a few seeds here in there and come back to harvest thast all u gotta do.
except for early finishing corn
Greetings from cheerful Croatia !!! This year I decided on the first grow and I opened some mini diary. I will ask a few questions about outdoor grow.

- How important is the type of soil in which cannabis matures? I am currently using mixed garden soil with vegetables and some common flower soil (pH 6.5)

- I have a secured plot for planting, but when the plants show sex, I will plant them in pots, what kind of land do you recommend for further development of cannabis?

- The plants are a month and 6 days old, temperatures are 27-35 degrees on average and the light regime is 14/10. If I understood well outside the plants show sex on the 12/12 regime or is it possible for the sex to show as soon as possible?

/ As I was amazed by the development of this wonderful plant and the insight into how suitable it is this time outside, I decided to take 4 autoflower seeds for outdoor, so I do not want to mess up, so any advice would be welcome!