Guess i'm sleepin in the tent till harvest...

Vietcong booby trap.

Dig a hole, or a bunch of them along your fence where someone would jump down. Save up some dog shit and some piss, and anything else super nasty. Put sharp objects like some stakes in the hole that will penetrate shows, dump piss and shit all in the hole. Cover it with something that isnt going to negate the idea. Big leaves, some extremely fluffy dirt, etc.

This can kill someone or cause them to lose a limb if untreated, and thats really the point. If your thief isnt completely brain dead, once this happens to him, he will realize that you are not afraid to kill trespassers, and he might think you're too nuts to fuck with.

BTW - If he ends up stuck in your yard, don't call him an ambulance or the cops. Throw his ass over the fence and tell him he has 20 seconds to get out of shooting range.
Dam Dudes! WTF? Marshal Law, basically, shooting dogs, suited up weenies, booby-traps, Fuck, it sounds like a war zone. 1,000's of Lbs comes across the boarder daily, now they are bringing in illegals to tent-up at big grow-ops here in the states, and the Feds worry about a few plants here & there. Yeah, right. It's fucked up.
Then my mother in law told me she was driving down main street and feds in camo with machine guns were walking down the road just bustin houses one by one.

Every house? Or did they only go into houses with Grow ops?

This is the police state Alex Jones has been screaming and yelling about for a decade.

Did this incident make the local news? Im guessing No.
Every house? Or did they only go into houses with Grow ops?

Did this incident make the local news? Im guessing No.

To answer the first question - you know that the local cops know who does and doesn't have weed in their back yard...I mean its right on main street in a town with a population of under 1000. So yeah i'm sure they just hit people they knew had plants back there. Currently there were 5 houses confirmed hit in town, plus four or five big crops in the surrounding hills.

As far as news goes, I heard a 15 or 20 second report during the news section on the local country station pertaining to the dead body found and the two Mexican americans they had in custody, but no names and no details. There was a small article in the local paper about three days after regarding the hunter who stumbled on the patch, but again there were no names, no details and no follow-up articles since. Of course the door-to-door raids going on in town recieved no coverage whatsoever, but I have spoken with at least 30 people who witnessed the guys in camo parading down main street in their hummers, and I myself saw 7 of them headed into the valley.

Yeah it is bullshit. I can't say I didn't see something like this coming though...the feds are getting smarter while the growers around here are getting dumber and dumber...19 year old kids driving around huge lifted yellow Hummers they paid for with cash, dudes dropping ten grand in one night buying the entire bar like 5 rounds in a town where 35 grand a year is a fuckin awesome job (you would not believe what I rent a three bedroom house for - like Oklahoma prices). I can't speculate as to the reasons they had for hitting those 5 houses down in the valley for maybe 100 plants the same day they either wiped out or quarantined over 20 thousand plants in the hills. Maybe they were trying to find someone with suspected links to the bigger grow ops, I couldn't say for sure...

Scary shit goin on yall...I'll keep an ear to the ground as they say and let everyone know if I hear of any more horror stories. Meanwhile, i'm going to mind my own business and stay busy tending my little plot of land.

Most of what I have heard is the feds/sheriffs just really stepping up the busts on the huge illegal pot gardens in Shasta and Mendo area's being grown by the Mexican Nationales.

Hate to say it. I'm glad they are cutting Mexican Nationales shit down. The fuckers are very dangerous, use harmrful pesticides, fertilizers that are not even allowed in the US as they bring all the crap over here fucking up OUR forest's water supply and most importantly then move all the cash back out of California and the USA.

All us 215 growers at least funnel cash back in the local economy creating more jobs, sale taxes ect.....By busting all the huge illegal Mexican gardens it keeps our product at a decent price (sort a ) otherwise all those huge gardens making it to market would crash our prices drastically making it really not worth all the fucking stress and trouble.

I haven't heard anything about that incident of police and or feds going house to house. Where are you talking about? I have friends in Mendo and out of Covelo up in the mts of Mina and report nothing like that going on so far.

Wish all my fellow farmers a great harvest and as the good Snake Dr would your six, mr brown!

Covelo is particularly quiet this year, and based on the events of past grow seasons, I predict that its the calm before the storm for folks up there. Usually by this time there are at least a half dozen murders and two dozen big busts up there.

And as far as the Mexican National problem goes, you nailed it on the head. The feds are going after these Mexican gangs/cartels just like you said, and in general could care less about 215 people with their 25 plants. Thats why the 5 houses on main street gettin ran up in for no apparent reason is so confusing and disturbing to people like me. We'll se how things turn out...there will probably be more action like this as we get closer and closer to the heart of harvest time...