Guess i'm sleepin in the tent till harvest...

...and a small army of robot badgers with lazers taped to their ears.

Badgers? We don't need no stinking badgers!

i would just try to scare him off without harm, hurt him and watch him sing to the cops. Paintballs are just going to piss him off and he will be making an annonymous phone call. Sleeping in a tent should be enough deterent. If you must harm him do it right and make sure he is to scared to ever come back and or make a phone call to leo. i would not grow there anymore either, so many people on here talking about plants being stole year after year, they are lucky they are not in prison, without enough brain power to say "maybe this year i would like to keep my crop so maybe a new spot is a good idea "
rotties are great at scaring away thieves, but my Rottie loves my plants. Had to put a cage around them cause he was eating them! Punk Ass dog!
ppl put poison in food and toss it to the dogs not a good idea unless you train your dog only to eat out of his/her bowl :) if not you just may have a dead dog if the guy want to kill it. jeff
Well I have to say that the responses to my little query have ranged from mildly helpful to possibly genious to downright fucked up... While I haven't seen or heard anyone in the back yard since that night, I ended up pitching a tent and I've been staying out there with the paintball gun AND the Glock 40, just in case. I also took some planks leftover from building the fence and putting about 30 of these shiny new 16-penny nails through each one. If homeboy leaps the fence and I ain't there to fuck him up, he'll catch at least a couple pieces of iron in each Nike. Of all the responses, this one might be the most disturbing:

...but I wouldn't put this much time and effort into a pot plant.

Shit man I would!!! First of all, I ain't got "a pot plant", I got 15 fuckin trees which, by November, will be the source of great happiness and elation in my life. Second, anyone here that says it wouldn't be a whole mess of fun sprayin some Mexican with about 20 paintballs as he tries to hop back over a fence with holes in his zapatos is a damn liar! Third... well, shit, its my weed brotha!!! Those is my babies I gotta protect em by any and all means necessary!

Anyway, learning about the ways yall protect yall's crops was fun and scary and hilarious and disturbing all at the same time. Thanks for the ideas yall.

people will pay good money for working body parts dont kill them. eyes, liver, arms and legs. youd make more than 20 fields of pot
i ve been camping for last 3 months me my pit and my 9m just seen a chopper fly down the road or above it i mean not more than a hour ago lucky for me he was at a bad angle to see anything or at least i hope
NYCJB , That is so true and so Fucked Up at the same time. SAD!

I'm all about smokin some weed and makin some love like the 60's but I was born in the wrong time alittle late.
Try leaving a couple of stiff metal rakes lying around in the dark, he's bound to step on one during his nightly visits and get a rake in the face.

I like this idea best, simple and effective.. I think it will work. The bad guy is bound to step on one. Instant Karma!

I like this idea best, simple and effective.. I think it will work. The bad guy is bound to step on one. Instant Karma!


like someone said, might as well try an acme anvil setup. were talking thousand dollar plants and two people suggest a rake in the grass, lol
I feel your pain my friend. I am in the mts of northern Ca and even though I am on 30+ acres it's still always scetchy these last weeks. I run battery operated window alarms ( cheap and effective) with trip wires as my booby traps as they make great noise when triggered. I also sleep with a 12 gauge a Mossberg Defender model, pistol grip and short barrel....just incase I need to move quick in tight area's.

All the above and I am now sleeping in the tent in the middle of the fenced in patch also. You can never be to careful this close to the finish line.

Good Luck
Yeah man no wonder the price is high. Its not just creepers trying to saw a plant and run in the middle of the night. We gotta watch for nosy neighbors, snitch neighbors, snitch passers-by, cops and now the feds. My town has been completely overrun by feds for the past week or so. Some crazy shit went down and the feds went into overdrive mode.

Last week they raided a 20,000 plant crop in the Mendocino National Forest and found a dead body buried with three slugs in it. They linked the running of the crop to two Mexican American citizens (both of whom ive known for about 10 years, I went to grade school with em) and found 5 pounds of bud and 15 pounds of meth and like 5 loaded weapons in their house when they served the warrant. The very same day on the other side of the valley, a pig hunter stumbled upon some crop and was shot in the leg by some Mexican dude guarding it. The hunter turned his rifle on the Mexican guy and blasted him away, then proceeded to call the cops.

Those two events, combined with the fact that the harvest coming outta my particular corner of Cali is supposed to be insane this year, snapped the feds into butt-fuck weed-eradication mode. A good friend of mine ive known for like eleven years just got his 300 plant crop raided and has basically gone into hiding for a while. I went up to his casa just to smoke one and say whats up and I ended up helping him burn all his clothes and pack 5 duffle bags full of money and weed so we could leave the county. On the way outta the town we passed 7 (yeah fuckin 7!) military Humvees headin into the valley. Then my mother in law told me she was driving down main street and feds in camo with machine guns were walking down the road just bustin houses one by one. Whether you had your 25 plants or just 1 or 300 the feds don't give a fuck they were just bustin fools. Another friend of mine had his three year old german shepard shot and killed when he attempted to guard his 20 plant crop (which is 5 under the limit on plants alotted to him with his 215) from the encroaching task force members.

Lotta crazy shit goin on right now. This year has been especially hot and its only gonna get worse as we get closer to the heart of harvest time. I got a lot more to worry about than some sneeker trying to hop my fence and jack an unfinished plant in the night...but i'll still be sleepin back there with the tin cans & spike strips laid out and my paintball gun and the G40, just in case!
I wonder if the FEDS know something we don't. Like maybe pot being decriminalized on a federal level is going to pass so they're just trying to rack up those last busts to make their boss proud.

I think it's bullshit, raid someone with a prop card and kill their fucking dog. What asshats. If you wear a badge I automatically hate you.

When the revolution comes, lets parade through town with DEA heads on a stick!