Gun control is coming

The NRA and their gunmaker masters have got the wrong attitude, there is profit in mandating safety! Think of all the gun safes and trigger locks they can sell, if they did it right they could exploit their customers even more before they kill themselves! Getting the law changed to mandate your gun safes could be profitable, control the lobbyists and you control the specifications. The NRA could market it for them, for a piece of the action, these people just aren't creative enough!
I've seen reports of panicking gun nuts buying 12 or 24 guns due to the passage of measure 114 in Oregon. Unsafety - not gun safety - sells. It would seem.

Agree these people aren't creative.
Yeah hillbillies with guns are why we have never been invaded :roll: Nothing to do with spending 100x the next closest country in military budget:hump:

Money spent is not always equivalent to level of result produced though. Especially when the Pentagon has never been audited. Nobody knows where all the money really went.

Also poorly funded Afghan "hill billies" and VietNamese "hill billies" put up some pretty good resistance didn't they ? I sometimes think USA wars of aggression are waged not to be "won", but to benefit those in the military industrial complex and those who collect interest from all the new money that is created when wars are going on.
I suspect that James Madison would wonder how his reference to "Well Regulated" in the 2nd Amendment could ever possibly have been interpreted with a straight face to mean "no regulation".

James Madison and the bill of rights aren't why people have the right to use weapons to defend themselves. Rights don't come from "the bill of rights", some rights are enumerated there, but not all of them.
That's why amendments 9 and 10 were included in the bill of rights.

Something can be regulated by legislation which strips people of rights, so looking at government words for why people have rights is a bit of a distraction and non sequitur. Government COULD protect rights, but more often tramples them or removes them. Cannabis prohibition for instance.

People often confuse rights with government granted privileges, which is the path to their own mental and physical enslavement. I suspect "well regulated" meant something different than you are implying when James Madison used it, but it wouldn't matter anyway, since rights don't come from government scribbles on paper.
If they showed him certain Twitter accounts he might rethink the first amendment too.

He might think the government was involved with twitter, thus making twitter a kind of arm of government to suppress free speech. That appears to be the direction some of the evidence points to.

He might also think, when looking at a cell phone, "what kind of witch craft is this" ? :D
Note the use of a rhetorical fallacy. This type of debate behavior is common among people with no valid argument.
Not arguing, clarifying. Theres plenty of people that were told by "the news" that Chicagoans can just mosey on over to Indiana and legally purchase whatever guns theyd like. Its 100% false. Even at a gun show. Obama went on national television and said this was a thing, lying to millions that im sure didnt double check.

Arguing with your crowd is useless. a brainwashed circle jerk of fantasy talk. This thread started in 2019, and not much has changed. The line at gun stores near me are quite long these days, not covid levels but close. Theres millions more guns here than there were when this thread was started 30 pages ago. 30 pages of fantasy land talk that will probably go on for 30 more, spinning your wheels. spin away boys, ill be at the range training and ogling the big scary machine guns
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Not arguing, clarifying. Theres plenty of people that were told by "the news" that Chicagoans can just mosey on over to Indiana and legally purchase whatever guns theyd like. Its 100% false. Even at a gun show. Obama went on national television and said this was a thing, lying to millions that im sure didnt double check.

Arguing with your crowd is useless. a brainwashed circle jerk of fantasy talk. This thread started in 2019, and not much has changed. The line at gun stores near me are quite long these days, not covid levels but close. Theres millions more guns here than there were when this thread was started 30 pages ago. 30 pages of fantasy land talk that will probably go on for 30 more, spinning your wheels. spin away boys, ill be at the range training and ogling the big scary machine guns
Must be quite proud to be the lube that spins the wheel as opposed to steering towards a semblance of sanity when it comes to gun ownership. The “your” crowd you refer to has offered many reasonable ideals that would help stem the flow of senseless killings. As a gun owner I’m all for using any tools available to do that, while still allowing reasonable access to firearms. Guess that’s an unreasonable request for some.
He might think the government was involved with twitter, thus making twitter a kind of arm of government to suppress free speech. That appears to be the direction some of the evidence points to.

He might also think, when looking at a cell phone, "what kind of witch craft is this" ? :D
defund twitter....
Not arguing, clarifying. Theres plenty of people that were told by "the news" that Chicagoans can just mosey on over to Indiana and legally purchase whatever guns theyd like. Its 100% false. Even at a gun show. Obama went on national television and said this was a thing, lying to millions that im sure didnt double check.

Arguing with your crowd is useless. a brainwashed circle jerk of fantasy talk. This thread started in 2019, and not much has changed. The line at gun stores near me are quite long these days, not covid levels but close. Theres millions more guns here than there were when this thread was started 30 pages ago. 30 pages of fantasy land talk that will probably go on for 30 more, spinning your wheels. spin away boys, ill be at the range training and ogling the big scary machine guns
if you can afford to feed a machine gun with todays price of ammo you're a better man than i planking is enough for me
Not arguing, clarifying. Theres plenty of people that were told by "the news" that Chicagoans can just mosey on over to Indiana and legally purchase whatever guns theyd like. Its 100% false. Even at a gun show. Obama went on national television and said this was a thing, lying to millions that im sure didnt double check.

Arguing with your crowd is useless. a brainwashed circle jerk of fantasy talk. This thread started in 2019, and not much has changed. The line at gun stores near me are quite long these days, not covid levels but close. Theres millions more guns here than there were when this thread was started 30 pages ago. 30 pages of fantasy land talk that will probably go on for 30 more, spinning your wheels. spin away boys, ill be at the range training and ogling the big scary machine guns
Yes, with your strawman argument you deflected to a conversation of your own agenda. It is what a person who has no valid argument against reasonable gun regulations does.

I don't do that kind of bullshit. I'd like to reason with reasonable people but a person who uses logical fallacies to deflect is not one of them.

Good day sir. You may have the last word. I won't respond.
if you can afford to feed a machine gun with todays price of ammo you're a better man than i planking is enough for me
Haha no i cant either, i worded the post ironically. Machine gun is the term a handful of the uneducated anti gun folks here have used to refer to any scary looking semi auto rifle.