Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
It can't fall out of your pants, etc. That is the same as Assault With A Friendly Weapon.
made that lulzier for you
It can't fall out of your pants, etc. That is the same as Assault With A Friendly Weapon.
You read that from an Agenda rag. A talking point handed to you. Martha Stewart is "felon."If you knew of the gigantic pile of non-violent crimes that constitute felony, perhaps you could think more clearly.
The Agenda has even managed to queer the word felon. Covering your ass is a felony level crime.
And what about paying your debt to society fair and square? And what about DUI? Not a Felony, in all cases. but DUI killers often have a string of DUI conviction.
Pot possession is a felony.
I did not take this from anywhere. It's a question.....potentially a divisive one for gun people, that is all.
It seems like the gun community would logically support ones inalienable right without exception. Do not overcomplicate a simple question. A felon is a felon, I am not a dictionary. I am just curious where, if at all, gun regulations make sense or are they just bad. A parolee cannot own a firearm....is that fair? A mentally unfit person cannot as well....is that fair?
It seems like the gun community would logically support ones inalienable right without exception. Do not overcomplicate a simple question. A felon is a felon, I am not a dictionary. I am just curious where, if at all, gun regulations make sense or are they just bad. A parolee cannot own a firearm....is that fair? A mentally unfit person cannot as well....is that fair?
You know what? There is no such thing as the gun community. Another bunch of divisive horse shit.
Look, you obviously want a kiss ass chorus to feed you compliments like some Sultan. I respect your intelligence, but at the point where I ask a question and you respond with no heart, no fucking ability to show me where you draw the line. I am not trying to insult you...even though you don't care. I resent you being evasive. You know what I am asking and intentionally misdirecting the focus. Relax, and just say how you feel for once. Where is the line????
You know what? There is no such thing as the gun community. Another bunch of divisive horse shit.
I crave to know why the same pitiful character assaults are necessary? I crave to get perspective, there are divides in every issue. "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." Elanor Roosevelt
The line is when you try to put gun owners in a group. That opens the window to put labels on people, and then ultimately demonize us as outcasts. "What a bunch of weird people gun owners are. They must be a bunch of crazy people. Who do they want to kill? This second amendment is turning people into psychopaths." etc, etc. Liberals do it all the time.
Look, you obviously want a kiss ass chorus to feed you compliments like some Sultan. I respect your intelligence, but at the point where I ask a question and you respond with no heart, no fucking ability to show me where you draw the line. I am not trying to insult you...even though you don't care. I resent you being evasive. You know what I am asking and intentionally misdirecting the focus. Relax, and just say how you feel for once. Where is the line????
I crave to know why the same pitiful character assaults are necessary? I crave to get perspective, there are divides in every issue. "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." Elanor Roosevelt
you are a group because you own guns....that is not demonizing.
What is the politically correct nomenclature for gun owners? you are a group because you own guns....that is not demonizing. I don't understand what is demeaning. No answer needed. Thanks.
What is the politically correct nomenclature for gun owners? you are a group because you own guns....that is not demonizing. I don't understand what is demeaning. No answer needed. Thanks.
What is the politically correct nomenclature for gun owners? you are a group because you own guns....that is not demonizing. I don't understand what is demeaning. No answer needed. Thanks.
Your character is not being assailed. Your premise is.
And right there you run aground on your own quote. You are projecting your emotion on the three of us (Doer, FW, me) who have called you on a wrong assumption. You have the option instead of engaging the issues and premises. I am waiting to see that.
"The gun community" is a phantom, a deliberate demonization. What there is instead is a rather diverse and large number of "many individual gun owners". If you want a meaningful debate, begin to define your terms, and engage your interlocutors on the issues and particulars.
The truth is, I apologize sincerely to anyone offended by me calling you something you don't like....it was not my intention. When I ask a question, it comes from curiousity. Do not assume that it implies antagonism. It is just a question. Let us rewind. I was curious if particular groups are withheld gun ownership like the mentally ill or violent felons or any other such group is acceptable to you? Does it violate their rights?