Opposite for me. Tried coco almost 20 years ago and it worked the shits. Was using Sunshine Mix #4 at the time. Crappy coco tho in a rock hard brick that likely needed a good flushing before use but I had no idea.
ProMix makes many blends with coco too but we never see anything but HP, Veg and Herb and their potting soil blend around here so that's what I use and have gotten used to it. Just using the HP now.
romix can be HOT and is not consistent and a shit mix to grow in!
used outside it goes to shit fast!!!!
Their Veg and Herb has time release nutes in it and seems to give the same problems as Miracle Gro crap but at least the nutes in ProMix are organic. Even says on the bag to mix 50:50 with inert stuff to dilute the nutes. I've used it with just some added perlite to veg pot to 2ft tall and it worked really well. The HP has no nutes but all the perlite I want right out of the bag so as I use hydro nutes it's perfect for that.
I don't grow pot outside but why would it go to shit out there? Mostly peat and should break down fairly rapidly from bacterial decomposition but that's to be expected as just plain peat will do the same. I could see coco lasting longer as it seems to be a tougher fiber.
When you prefer a different product there is no need to get all up in arms about your preferences. Makes you look petty and trollish.
Different strokes for different folks ya know. I prefer an overhand grip with coconut oil and you may prefer a traditional grip with vaseline. Whatever rocks your boat is fine with me.