Guys. Being friends with a woman?


Active Member
When I talk to another girl in front of her, she really has a problem with it. I had my ex girlfriend over to my apt once, while she was there. Shes friends with my room mates, so shes always over. Well when I had this other girl there, she acted way different. Like she was sad that I would be talking to another girl.


Active Member
Well then grow a pair of balls and ask her out straight whats the story with you and me gettin it on baby lol


Well-Known Member
the dreaded friend zone with women. its how they let you down easily while billy dirtbag with the tats is bangin her in the club bathroom after they just met. you know....she just likes to take things slow and get to know people.


Active Member
the dreaded friend zone with women. its how they let you down easily while billy dirtbag with the tats is bangin her in the club bathroom after they just met.

Sounds about right.. ain't none of the guys she gets with about shit though. I've got a grip on the situation now. Im just going to quit trippin on her and get back into the game. I made the mistake of actually being her friend though. Trying to make her feel btter when she got dumped and all that shit. My dad always told me if you want to get it on with a woman, you last thing you want to do is be her friend. Nice guys finish last he said.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
hey dude, you're an asshole. Just sayin' :finger:
I'm sure you're gonna call me an asshole as well for agreeing that this is pathetic, but look at what you're doing - you're a pathetic puppy doll that this girl is toying with like a puppet.

Don't ask for advice if you don't wanna hear the truth - frankly, the two people who you probably feel are the most "asshole-ish" have given you the best advice.

Tell this whore to hit the curb and that it's too painful for you to hang out with her and not be able to "be" with her, and watch her come crawling back.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it is Great being Billy Dirtbag :hump::hump::twisted:

Signed: Billy Dirtbag lol
that was you, you're the dude she said she was kissing for like an hour. sweet bro!! i took her pic before she went out.

Sounds about right.. ain't none of the guys she gets with about shit though. I've got a grip on the situation now. Im just going to quit trippin on her and get back into the game. I made the mistake of actually being her friend though. Trying to make her feel btter when she got dumped and all that shit. My dad always told me if you want to get it on with a woman, you last thing you want to do is be her friend. Nice guys finish last he said.
yeah no doubt. when i was younger i was too nice and fell into that zone a few times. once i became self absorbed and a scumbucket thats when they wanted to date. there are lots of women, find one that thinks the world of you and nobody else. when a man is too nice, women always say he is too plain and boring and smothering. when a man disappears on a 3 day strip club and crack bender, they say he is mysterious and exciting. of course take everything i say with a grain of salt lol. just do you and find someone that likes you for being yourself.



Active Member
that was you, you're the dude she said she was kissing for like an hour. sweet bro!! i took her pic before she went out.

yeah no doubt. when i was younger i was too nice and fell into that zone a few times. once i became self absorbed and a scumbucket thats when they wanted to date. there are lots of women, find one that thinks the world of you and nobody else. when a man is too nice, women always say he is too plain and boring and smothering. when a man disappears on a 3 day strip club and crack bender, they say he is mysterious and exciting. of course take everything i say with a grain of salt lol. just do you and find someone that likes you for being yourself.
Probably the most helpful advice so far. I know shes just fucking with me, I just wanted that pussy bad dude..haha.


Well-Known Member
I've told her countless times. Theres been times when she tells me she has feelings for me, but nothing ever comes of it. She'll say 'just keep being my best friend, okay?'
move on.

trust me.... unless your a glutton for punishment.


Well-Known Member
So can guys not be friends with girls?
I have lots of friends that are girls, we get along great. But thats the point, were friends, not someone with a crush masquerading as a friend to get in her pants...

...ive been in those shoes before, and it just doesnt work out. and ironically, me and my 'friend' did seal the deal, one night when we were both shitfaced. high expectations totally ruined it for me, and i wish i never did it to this day, i would have been better off keeping the fantasy.

in the OP's case, if she really was into him like he is into her, then they wouldnt be in this situation, because she would not reject his advances; and try as you might, you cannot MAKE someone like/love/lust you. even genies know that shit :p

even if she does get jealous if he talks to other ladies, well, in the real world we call that COCK BLOCKING! if she was a 'true friend' she would find a hottie for him, or at least let him hit it one time to get it out of his system. nope, to me, sounds like she is a typical attention whore (as in thats all she wants, is everyones attention)


Well-Known Member
Yes, I am friends with many girls. I just spent way too much time with this girl.
When you said something about moving on and not making the same mistake with the next one, I thought maybe you meant like you've decided you can't be friends with girls period.

But yeah, I would recommend not letting a girl you like romantically put you in the friend zone...but at the same time I know plenty of people who started off as friends and then moved on into a relationship. And that's usually pretty chill, since they were friends first they share common interests and friends and what not...although it is a bitch if they break up and expect their friends in common to take sides...but anyways

I've known a guy who's been in a similar situation for YEARS. He's in love with this girl who considers him a friend, he's told her he loves her, and sometimes she'll drop hints or send signals that she might feel the same way....but they never get together. He just keeps watching her get with other guys, watches them break her heart, and then he's the shoulder to cry on when she needs it.

I'll tell you what I tell him: she's stringing you along because she likes the attention. I'm sure if you started ignoring her, she'd start paying YOU more attention, but it would only be to get you back as her...I dunno, back up? Person who makes her feel good about herself?

Because if she really liked you romantically, she'd have done something about it by now, knowing you feel the same way. And if you ask me, if she really cared about you as a friend, she wouldn't string you along like she's been doing. If she really cared about you as a friend, and didn't have any intention of being more than that, she would TELL you, straight out.

I say forget about her romantically, and start distancing yourself from her friend wise.