Guys. Being friends with a woman?


Well-Known Member
lol i agree, but i live in a city with a big college and a big university. people come from all over the globe to our university...the vast majority of the guys around here are insecure superficial students lol. and not to say all students are like that...but theres A LOT of that type around here. theres also a whole ton of drop dead gorgeous girls from the uni too, so its like with sports games...i get picked last lol. but in all honesty, im not exactly bothered by the fact that the insecure douche bags dont like me haha. im relieved to be fat actually...then i dont have to deal with them at all. and then the only guys im left dealing with are the ones who are actually really nice and fun to hang out with. its a win-win ;-)
lots of benefits to being fat


Well-Known Member

The images of the 250 and 120 pound women is not a thermal body scan. I don’t know if it’s an MRI or cat scan, but the slice goes through their bodies, and clearly shows internal organs and the bones in their arms and legs. This is much more informative than thermal imaging anyway. You may have heard the saying that inside a fat person is a skinny person trying to get out. The muscles seem to look about the same, but the over layering with fat is pretty evident in these images.


Well-Known Member
lots of benefits to being fat
especially living in gets cold here :bigjoint:

my best friend is about 5'6 115ish pounds. she's constantly shivering all winter and she complains about the cold lol. i look at her and i tell her "dont bitch. you could have ordered 2 cheeseburgers but you didnt. so stop whining."

hahahahahahahahahaha its just a joke, i dont actually want her to be big and unhealthy...but if you're gonna bitch about being thin then im gonna tell you to shut it. ;-)


Well-Known Member

The images of the 250 and 120 pound women is not a thermal body scan. I don’t know if it’s an MRI or cat scan, but the slice goes through their bodies, and clearly shows internal organs and the bones in their arms and legs. This is much more informative than thermal imaging anyway. You may have heard the saying that inside a fat person is a skinny person trying to get out. The muscles seem to look about the same, but the over layering with fat is pretty evident in these images.
the majority of my weight is in my midsection. i have really muscular legs and arms...obviously i do have fat in those areas, but its not as bad as my middle. i have abs somewhere they're just in hiding :lol:


Active Member
dude its understandable... you like the girl so you want to think there is a chance. Just search deep down and think if its really worth it. Theres like 6 billion people in the world and im pretty sure some of them are girls, find another one and get some ass

Mrs. Worm

Active Member
Ok, I don't feel like reading all the pages to this. Being female, here's MY opinion. She keeps you around because you're probably the only dude who shows her that kind of attention. She probably loves the way you look at her. Of COURSE she's gonna act sad when you talk to other females. She doesn't have your undivided attention. She's not stupid. She knows she can fuck other guys, act any type of way, and all she has to do is kiss you or tell you she has feelings for you, and you won't go anywhere. As someone else pointed out - you're her DOOR MAT. Move on or keep getting played.