Guys i need help and advice

Counciling? Now i feel like this is a troll post. At 21 for a relationship you had/ have as a child. If shes sexting, at best she’s contemplating physically cheating on you. You know how it feels right now? Imagine when you catch her in another 5 or 10yrs.
your call but don’t say I didn’t warn you lol. I get it shes your first it stings but there’s a saying, once a cheater always a cheater. Move on. Do you really want to continue with that in your head. Being at work or school and can’t even focus cause your constantly wondering what shes up to? You haven’t mentioned having any other investments in her execpt 5 yrs of life. No kids no financial obligations to complicate shit or worth sticking it out and trying for. Your 21 hit the reset like xbox and move on.
Nah man not a troll post ik the counseling part sounds dumb . The thing is I know i have to cut her off but I'm just not ready coz as i had no friends she was the only one who i had close contact to so it hurts like shit ( ik i sound pathetic here )
If he doesn’t already know one person at the party theres more to address than a shifty girlfriend. My .02