Hamas offensive against Israel

It makes me terribly squirmy when Saudi Arabia and nuclear are used in the same sentence,that tech in a country that predominately contributed the 9/11 "ALLAH AKBAR" attackers is cause for serious worry. For all the $$ spent on hardware from the US their military is pretty poorly trained and inept( they couldn't subdue the rag tag Houthi's in 10 yrs of war)so I wonder if their security services would demonstrate the same ineptitude w/nuclear tech.?????
Their military suffers from concentrating on tech, like the latest jets.

Since Korea we have had one lesson after another that a high-tech fighting force cannot root out a much lower-tech insurgency. The Saudis did not gear up for anything like the Houthis.

Closest was the Soviets in Afghanistan. They had an infantry-heavy approach to securing territory, along with the necessary institutional cruelty. The Afghani irregulars routinely handed them their asses.

Fighting irregulars in the rocks and trees is a heartbreak, no matter what military doctrine is brought to bear. The only way to exterminate dug-in insurgents is with maximum barbarity. Scorched earth and the rivers running red. It’s a cure that is almost universally seen as worse than the disease. For one thing, it leaves the winner society lastingly, generationally scarred by what they did.
Their military suffers from concentrating on tech, like the latest jets.

Since Korea we have had one lesson after another that a high-tech fighting force cannot root out a much lower-tech insurgency. The Saudis did not gear up for anything like the Houthis.

Closest was the Soviets in Afghanistan. They had an infantry-heavy approach to securing territory, along with the necessary institutional cruelty. The Afghani irregulars routinely handed them their asses.

Fighting irregulars in the rocks and trees is a heartbreak, no matter what military doctrine is brought to bear. The only way to exterminate dug-in insurgents is with maximum barbarity. Scorched earth and the rivers running red. It’s a cure that is almost universally seen as worse than the disease. For one thing, it leaves the winner society lastingly, generationally scarred by what they did.
I agree,highly industrialized,technically advanced military's struggle w/low tech boots on ground opponents who have the grit and the cause to endure. and the people who come back from the down&dirty,up close/personal combat inevitably come home w/scars(mental /physical) that there is seemingly no cure for. I see in the eyes of some Marine vets who cleared Fallujah ,.that they are different and forever changed from the experience,it's hard define,but it's there. It's not the blank,shell shock stare, it's a intensity that seems a combination of the confidence of a survivor,fidelity/trust,courage, and horror.
With the heat Israel is taking for reducing much of Gaza to rubble in it's pursuit of what is roughly 1.25% of the population in terms of combatants,it has now been reported to have desecrated more than 15 cemetaries in Gaza w/bulldozers,tanks,etc.
I'm really disgusted w/Netanyahu and his intrangisent,head strong approach,as I've said to reduce Gaza w/a pop. of 2.5 million to absolute rubble in pursuit of 20-25K Hamas fighters while also descecrating over 15 cemetaries in the process over objections/advice by Biden is more than disrespectful. While the attack on Oct 7 was vile and no doubt required a forceful response it is as Biden said "over the top". In spite of the vile nature of the Hamas attack it was still limited and Israel is responding as it's national sovereignty is at stake in a total war. Truth is that they have destroyed almost all functioning infrastructure in pursuit of what amounts to 1.5% of the existing pop and in spite of tunnels it seems senseless.The weeks have gone on and on,and the plight of the pop. more dire ev. day,and now BiBi wants to turn the last bastion of encampments into rubble in pursuit of the last Hamas pockets in Rafa. Humanitarian aid could have been dropped by the USAF and still could be,Biden needs to threaten aid suspension. Hard line Israeli's are talking about settling in Gaza in addition to their illegal West Bank settling. I have always respected Israel and I believe a majority of them are moderate.But the radical side is calling the shots and until they are put in the closet Israel will always be at war under their fanatical religious doctrines
Dutch court orders halt to export of F-35 jet parts to Israel

"It is undeniable that there is a clear risk the exported F-35 parts are used in serious violations of international humanitarian law," the court said.
The Netherlands houses one of several regional warehouses of U.S.-owned F-35 parts, from which the parts are distributed to countries that request them, including Israel in at least one shipment since Oct. 7.

The warehouse is for spare parts for all F-35s in Europe and Israel. Effectively probably won't change much, but it does send a message.
Dutch court orders halt to export of F-35 jet parts to Israel

"It is undeniable that there is a clear risk the exported F-35 parts are used in serious violations of international humanitarian law," the court said.
The Netherlands houses one of several regional warehouses of U.S.-owned F-35 parts, from which the parts are distributed to countries that request them, including Israel in at least one shipment since Oct. 7.

The warehouse is for spare parts for all F-35s in Europe and Israel. Effectively probably won't change much, but it does send a message.
Don't think they need F-35's for a pretty primitive opponent,but yeah it send a message,to bad we already sold them to Israel,their tactics in Gaza have really turned me off,I like and respect Israeli people but the religious fanatics in gov. are akin to the inmates running the asylum.Talk of Israelis now settling in Gaza as well as their stubborn settlers in the West Bank have me convinced that a portion of Israelis have no interest in a righteous settlement and their hatred of Palestinians is on par w/Hamas/Hezbollah/Iranian hatred of Jews .Netanyahu wanting to move on Rafah now needs to be met by Biden w/threats of aid removal,he is litarally pissing in the face of World opinion in extending hostilities to delay his own reckoning and placating his fanatical right-wing govt.
Right, but anything that will make it harder for Israel to get parts will be perceived as a national security concern and will hopefully help push Netanyahu out.

Israel had a real chance to gain props. Internationally had they responded w/more restraint,total war tactics for such a small % of combatants,blocks and neighborhoods reduced to rubble reeks of ulterior motives,there is a pop in Israel and in control of it's gov. that are no diff.than the opponents they claim to be animals. A lot of settlers on the West Bank are fanatical thugs perpatrating the same atrocities as Hamas(without rapes) and some hard right Israelis want to start settlements in Gaza as well.Biden needs to come down hard w/a ultimatum threatening US aid to Israel as it's gov. has paid lip service to anything he and Blinken have advised.
One thing I most surprisingly have not seen used. I mean if you cannot trust a Congresswoman, whom can you trust?



Maybe they only passover.
So, 2 wks. ago I threw out the ides that a humanitarian airdrop over Gaza by the US would have been a humane and well received gesture . Hamas is pretty pocketed and some food,winter jackets/blankets, and medical supplies wouldn't have threatened the Israeli beatdown.
Looks like it takes roughly 2 months before the Biden administration processed and executes the better suggestions in this forum.

NO shit,no bows here,at least it's happening but 2 months ago would have been a way better look for my country,FK Netanyahu and Israel has lost the "high road" w/this operation. SLEDGEHAMMER for ants,bad look,TOO many innocent people.
He is nothing but a dictator in the same cloth as any of the others attacking our nation.

But I've been doing a lot of thinking on this, and see this as one big troll trying to trigger us into either 1. cutting off a ally at which point China gets to attack Taiwan and Russia gets to out their relationship with Iran, North Korea and the rest of the dictators/terrorist organizations they control throughout the world and in our backyard in Southern Americas to trigger ww3. or 2. forcing us into keeping Iran and the other terrorist nations from killing all those innocent Jewish people in Israel when we withdraw our support.

The terrorists using the Palestinians as propaganda tools for their suffering to trick our people into voting (through voter suppression) need to be stopped, as much as Netanyahu does. Ever single time something starts moving towards peace they manufacture a crisis using that is killing these poor people.
He is nothing but a dictator in the same cloth as any of the others attacking our nation.

But I've been doing a lot of thinking on this, and see this as one big troll trying to trigger us into either 1. cutting off a ally at which point China gets to attack Taiwan and Russia gets to out their relationship with Iran, North Korea and the rest of the dictators/terrorist organizations they control throughout the world and in our backyard in Southern Americas to trigger ww3. or 2. forcing us into keeping Iran and the other terrorist nations from killing all those innocent Jewish people in Israel when we withdraw our support.

The terrorists using the Palestinians as propaganda tools for their suffering to trick our people into voting (through voter suppression) need to be stopped, as much as Netanyahu does. Ever single time something starts moving towards peace they manufacture a crisis using that is killing these poor people.
The correlation of the crap in Israel, the sudden activity by the Houthis, and war fatigue in Ukraine with our House blocking war aid (to the point of scuttling a compromise bill that gave Republicans what they said they wanted) sticks out in my mind. That man, and the antigovernance machine he helped Congress become, are committing a quieter but more damaging insurrection than the one three years ago.

What frightens me is that the last bastion of our republic, and the single institution beyond consequence, has proven complicity, most recently by announcing consideration for the obviously untenable claim of Presidential immunity, delaying or even aborting that man’s conviction.

The Federalist Society’s very long game is coming to fruition. Their slow, steady packing of the bench with people who lied during their confirmation hearings and laughed about it is the final piece in their grand game to cut the still-beating Constitution out of the nation’s thorax. I hope I am wrong, but my fear has been engaged.
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The correlation of the crap in Israel, the sudden activity by the Houthis, and war fatigue in Ukraine with our House blocking war aid (to the point of scuttling a compromise bill that gave Republicans what they said they wanted) sticks out in my mind.
Shows how bad of a idea it is to not vote against a would be dictator trying to evade justice IMO.

That man, and the antigovernance machine he helped Congress become, are committing a quieter but more damaging insurrection than the one three years ago.
I think it is hard to blame 'that man' (unless you mean Putin, or the Koch's), since this has been building since Obama was running for office and we were dealing with all the shit we have been trying like hell to sweep under the rug for centuries here in America.

But I do agree that the 8 year + head start that the hatemongers have had is as if not more damaging than jan 6th 2021.

What frightens me is that the last bastion of our republic, and the single institution beyond consequence, has proven complicity, most recently by announcing consideration for the obviously untenable claim of Presidential immunity, delaying or even aborting that man’s conviction.
I really did not expect much from our course system after McConnell and the GQP stole Obama's picks (people talk shit about RBG not retiring and giving Obama the option to pick someone to take her place, but I don't think he would have gotten the option to replace her either, meaning she had little choice but to try to outlive Trump's presidency) for SCOTUS.

The last bastion is 'we the people' and we have already proven our ability to vote out the idiots not saved by deeply gerrymandered districts/states by several million votes. I think we got this, but it is scary with all the idiots radicalizing themselves to the hate mongers positions (from Putin's anti-democracy to Hammas burning grandmothers alive in their homes and causing horrible wars to break out being somehow Biden's fault) and nothing pushing back on them outside of the Democratic Party.

I think it is hard to blame 'that man' (unless you mean Putin, or the Koch's), since this has been building since Obama was running for office and we were dealing with all the shit we have been trying like hell to sweep under the rug for centuries here in America.

I’ve opined before that that man is more of an effect than a cause of a de facto conspiracy decades old.* I consider the Federalist Society and its progenitors to be at the heart of the attack. Kochs, Murdochs etc. are working with (I’ve lost track. Are they neoliberals, neocons, neonazis, what?) Minority Rule Central.

Mobilizing non-Republican voters is about all we can do. Although I’m surprised that nobody has organized massive demonstrations in front of the big building with eight columns. What Scrotus has been doing these last few months is a scandalous insult to the rule of law and the Constitution.

So I’m nonplussed that there isn’t more of an opposition presence speaking truth to Potomac power.

*over six, if one entertains the notion that Oswald and Ruby knew one another.
He is nothing but a dictator in the same cloth as any of the others attacking our nation.

But I've been doing a lot of thinking on this, and see this as one big troll trying to trigger us into either 1. cutting off a ally at which point China gets to attack Taiwan and Russia gets to out their relationship with Iran, North Korea and the rest of the dictators/terrorist organizations they control throughout the world and in our backyard in Southern Americas to trigger ww3. or 2. forcing us into keeping Iran and the other terrorist nations from killing all those innocent Jewish people in Israel when we withdraw our support.

The terrorists using the Palestinians as propaganda tools for their suffering to trick our people into voting (through voter suppression) need to be stopped, as much as Netanyahu does. Ever single time something starts moving towards peace they manufacture a crisis using that is killing these poor people.
I'd say that it doesn't take a vivid imagination to be grappling w/the thought that some kind of pseudo axis of anti-Western power/geo-political goals is/has forming/formed to disrupt our vision and further THEIR vision as to how the world should run.China,Russia,Iran,and N.Korea make up a pretty formidable opponent if they seriously co-operate and not fall out w/each other over TRUST, (we're dealing w/big ego's here),a combined opponent that can set the world ablaze even leaving nuke use off the board. A multi front action initiated w/a integrated strategy involving these 4 would be a lot to handle militarily,not to mention their cyber,intelligence services, and terrorism capacity(Iran). I got to stop now as it's TOO depressing/scary to go any further down the road mentally,I'll just hope their TOO FKN evil to operate/succeed and that chance and karma are with us,fingers crossed.

After the vote, the US envoy, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, said Russia and China had opposed the resolution because they could not bring themselves to support the clauses in it condemning Hamas.

“The second reason behind this veto is not just cynical, it’s also petty,” Thomas-Greenfield said. “Russia and China simply did not want to vote for a resolution that was penned by the United States because they would rather see us fail than to see this council succeed.”

Fuck Russia, fuck China.