Hamas offensive against Israel

They are actually seen a refuges that Israel created and bore the responsibility for.
If they did incorporate them, Israel would win.
Too bad that seemingly the only losers are the Palestinian people.
But they're all terrorists, right?
So, who really gives a fuck?

About 1.7 billion Muslims do, that's who.
And yet, even the Palestinians in refugee enclosures on uncontested Arab land are enduring awful conditions. The Arab world wants them no more than Israel.

Hamas is essentially a rogue organization owned and operated by Iran. This article suggests that the emerging Saudi-Israel rapprochement is pure poison to Iran’s foreign policy (in two words, end Israel). Iran cares for the population of Gaza even less than Russian command cares about its conscripts, and probably manipulated Hamas into this attack to scuttle the peace process that the Saudi-Israeli agreement would have ensured.

I do find it to be quite the repudiation of the supposed premium Muslims place on hospitality. Everyone is treating Palestinians like shit.

However, sympathy for Hamas is the wrong response and only abets the program from Tehran.
manipulated Hamas into this attack to scuttle the peace process that the Saudi-Israeli agreement would have ensured.
I don't think Hamas needed any manipulation to attack Israel and as far as that farce named the Abraham Accords goes, all it did was open the door for normalizing trade between UAE and Saudi Arabia.
It did jack shit for the Palestinians.
But it did make Kushner a very, very rich man.
What is this “this” you are referring to? Printer’s inaccurate labeling or the irrelevant random article he posted when that was pointed out? For me to realize something it has to be real or at least realistic and not just the construct of someone trying to patch the symptoms of their own cognitive dissonance.

“if you are offended by the misplaced antisemitism fueled parroting of hamas propaganda and whataboutisms after such a heinous terrorist attack you must support humanitarian injustice against said terrorist who use the same nonsense to justify their unjustifiable acts.” Your straw man mixed with a non-sequitur veiled ad hominem smells like church.

What is it about this topic that makes people throw critical thinking skills out the window? The same reason Trump is popular, the same reason Russians don't storm the Kremlin, the same reason there are anti-vaxxers. Cognitive dissonance, an inability to handle the truth (Palestinians aren't the victims Hamas propaganda makes them out to be, Palestine does not exist because of Palestinians, Israel is not the aggressor, and Gaza isn't Gaza because of the Israelis but because of Hamas), so you make up more untruths to try and solve the equation. It won't work, things remain what they are, not what you try to make them to fit your preconceived notions.

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“This” is why sane leaders in the west with a functioning moral compass are forced to stress that no, this is not the time for pointing fingers, shifting blame, and the tu quoque which is seemingly all you got. This is not the time to pretend you know anything about the history and apply your search bias to fuel more anti-semitism that gets jewish tourists shot or synagogue's attacked.

10/11 was not the time to post random articles about the US bombing people in the ME to suggest they brought 9/11 on themselves and murdering civilians is 'understandable'. People insist Israel must be tolerant towards the ultimate intolerance and risk the lives of more people. Rather than acknowledging that's madness and is not expected of any other people/nation, they go double down... triple down, and end up applying search bias to gather a cherry picked list of 'history' and things Israel did (in response to terrorists as all the major media outlets are now wise enough this time to make clear in even headlines).

Russians steal Ukranian children: "take Putin to the Hague!"
Hamas terrorists steal Jewish children: "But Isreal..."

Tolerating "THIS" is exactly why Americans & Canadians ended up sacrificing lives in europe in the 1940s...
Human rights abuse is wrong and should not be tolerated regardless of the excuses.

We can't prevent Hamas or Israel from committing them We can only control who we support. When Netanyahu says this:

Netanyahu Vows Assault That Will 'Reverberate... For Generations'

I hear Hitler in his words. I'm neither defending Hamas or condemning Israel. I simply want the US to end its massive support for a fascist state. No good will ever come from that.
Everyone is treating Palestinians like shit.
Even the Palestinians. But than while Hamas = Palestinians, Palestinians IsNot Hamas. More than half of the Palestinians in the west bank do not support Hamas, opposite in Gaza.

Instead of accepting any of the peaceful solutions and roads to peace their goal is to destroy Israel.

"Russia’s military casualties, the officials said, are approaching 300,000. The number includes as many as 120,000 deaths and 170,000 to 180,000 injured troops. The Russian numbers dwarf the Ukrainian figures, which the officials put at close to 70,000 killed and 100,000 to 120,000 wounded."
Even the Palestinians. But than while Hamas = Palestinians, Palestinians IsNot Hamas. More than half of the Palestinians in the west bank do not support Hamas, opposite in Gaza.

Instead of accepting any of the peaceful solutions and roads to peace their goal is to destroy Israel.

"Russia’s military casualties, the officials said, are approaching 300,000. The number includes as many as 120,000 deaths and 170,000 to 180,000 injured troops. The Russian numbers dwarf the Ukrainian figures, which the officials put at close to 70,000 killed and 100,000 to 120,000 wounded."
Which is why the collective punishment expected to be leveled against Gaza is wrong, Hamas is the government of Gaza like any other fascist organization driven by hate is, it rules by terror inside Gaza as well as inflicting it on Israel. The population is oppressed, propagandized and have their own personal grievances. The Children are always innocent however, but the only thing I think keeping Bebe from leveling Gaza and driving its people into the sea are the hostages being held by Hamas.
What's the role of Hamas with the Palestinians?
They filled a void left when Arafat died and the PLO essentially dissolved.

When you're freezing to death you really don't care who hands you that blanket.

And Britain fucked over the ME with the Balfour Declaration and the world has been paying for it ever since.
10/11 was not the time to post random articles about the US bombing people in the ME to suggest they brought 9/11 on themselves and murdering civilians is 'understandable'. People insist Israel must be tolerant towards the ultimate intolerance and risk the lives of more people. Rather than acknowledging that's madness and is not expected of any other people/nation, they go double down... triple down, and end up applying search bias to gather a cherry picked list of 'history' and things Israel did (in response to terrorists as all the major media outlets are now wise enough this time to make clear in even headlines).

Russians steal Ukranian children: "take Putin to the Hague!"
Hamas terrorists steal Jewish children: "But Isreal..."

Tolerating "THIS" is exactly why Americans & Canadians ended up sacrificing lives in europe in the 1940s...
I posted from the UN and UNICEF on the history. Guess I am bad to see both sides of the conflict. Tell me where I said Israel deserved this, then tell me where I said the Palestinians deserve what they are living through.
Even the Palestinians. But than while Hamas = Palestinians, Palestinians IsNot Hamas. More than half of the Palestinians in the west bank do not support Hamas, opposite in Gaza.

Instead of accepting any of the peaceful solutions and roads to peace their goal is to destroy Israel.

"Russia’s military casualties, the officials said, are approaching 300,000. The number includes as many as 120,000 deaths and 170,000 to 180,000 injured troops. The Russian numbers dwarf the Ukrainian figures, which the officials put at close to 70,000 killed and 100,000 to 120,000 wounded."
Hamas is not able to destroy Israel.
Smite them ALL
Fuck you I won't do what you tell me....
hamas called the reckoning..now its time to BRING IT

Like david and a goliath..SMITE
They filled a void left when Arafat died and the PLO essentially dissolved.

When you're freezing to death you really don't care who hands you that blanket.

And Britain fucked over the ME with the Balfour Declaration and the world has been paying for it ever since.
Same thing goes with Britain, they promised to handed out blankets in order to end the German danger. Blame to be had but the alternative could have been worse, everybody taking German lessons.
Hamas's role in Gaza is a political and military arm, just like Fatah(aka PLO) is a military and political arm in the West Bank....
No, not just like. If they would have kept control over Gaza the situation would be different. Hamas is poison, especially for youngsters. Every casualty right now is on them.

Human rights abuse is wrong and should not be tolerated regardless of the excuses.

We can't prevent Hamas or Israel from committing them We can only control who we support. When Netanyahu says this:

Netanyahu Vows Assault That Will 'Reverberate... For Generations'

I hear Hitler in his words. I'm neither defending Hamas or condemning Israel. I simply want the US to end its massive support for a fascist state. No good will ever come from that.
As I mentioned in a previous thread, I do believe that is an entirely different issue, and when Trump was elected, or is elected again, I will not support anyone suggesting to punish the US and all Americans for the bad choices of part of their electorate. When Mexicans come to Texas to drag away women and children I'll not go "but the US...". That's not how you treat allies and friends, that's not how you maintain influence or achieve peace. Netanyahu should quit, of course. But it's not like Hamas wouldn't want to destroy Israel if Netanyahu wouldn't have won. I've pointed out the massive amount of rockets Israel gets to endure before, the only reason there are not many more civilian casualties is because of their advanced defense systems.

You hear Hitler in his words... :-( Yes, sucks to be a Palestinian right now, Netanyahu will not hold back. It's concerning, just not my first and primary concern.
Human rights abuse is wrong and should not be tolerated regardless of the excuses.

We can't prevent Hamas or Israel from committing them We can only control who we support. When Netanyahu says this:

Netanyahu Vows Assault That Will 'Reverberate... For Generations'

I hear Hitler in his words. I'm neither defending Hamas or condemning Israel. I simply want the US to end its massive support for a fascist state. No good will ever come from that.
It’s the national addiction. Too bad there isn’t a twelve-step program.

tangentially, this puts the lie to maga ideas of fortifying the US southern border. The entire wall malarkey* is a vast money pit.

Oh well, better to spend a trillion on a xenophobic boondoggle than public education that might benefit brown andor penisless people, among other counterhumanitarian priorities of the white straight protestant male right.

*thank you Brandon!