Hamas offensive against Israel

Phosphorus bomb

"Experts have called out Israel after a video purportedly showed the alleged use of white phosphorus bombs in densely populated areas.

The matter is contested, but WION here decodes everything you need to know about the white phosphorus bombs.

What are white phosphorus bombs?
White phosphorus is a waxy crystalline solid, which turns dark on exposure to light. This toxic substance comes in white to yellow transparent. White phosphorus has a match-like or garlic-like, acrid odour, however, it is not feasible to depend on odour for its detection.

It is used by the military in the form of various types of ammunition as an incendiary agent because it spontaneously catches fire in the air when it comes into contact with oxygen.

The substance is also used by the militaries across the world as a smoke agent because it produces clouds of irritating white smoke.

The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, an intergovernmental implementing body for the Chemical Weapons Convention, has not listed White Phosphorous in any of the three Schedules of Chemical Weapons.

White phosphorus can ignite fast-burning and fast-spreading fires on the ground, and several reports have claimed it is extremely difficult to extinguish once ignited."

"White phosphorus does not occur naturally as it is manufactured using phosphate rocks. As per international laws, the use of white phosphorus shells is prohibited in heavily populated civilian areas. However, the laws allow its usage in open spaces to be used as cover for troops.

White phosphorus weapons are not banned, but their use in civilian areas is considered a war crime.

Human Rights Watch has said that there have been documented civilian deaths from the use of white phosphorus in war zones in countries and areas such as Syria, Afghanistan, and Gaza."

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Phosphorus bomb

"Experts have called out Israel after a video purportedly showed the alleged use of white phosphorus bombs in densely populated areas.

The matter is contested, but WION here decodes everything you need to know about the white phosphorus bombs.

What are white phosphorus bombs?
White phosphorus is a waxy crystalline solid, which turns dark on exposure to light. This toxic substance comes in white to yellow transparent. White phosphorus has a match-like or garlic-like, acrid odour, however, it is not feasible to depend on odour for its detection.

It is used by the military in the form of various types of ammunition as an incendiary agent because it spontaneously catches fire in the air when it comes into contact with oxygen.

The substance is also used by the militaries across the world as a smoke agent because it produces clouds of irritating white smoke.

The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, an intergovernmental implementing body for the Chemical Weapons Convention, has not listed White Phosphorous in any of the three Schedules of Chemical Weapons.

White phosphorus can ignite fast-burning and fast-spreading fires on the ground, and several reports have claimed it is extremely difficult to extinguish once ignited."

"White phosphorus does not occur naturally as it is manufactured using phosphate rocks. As per international laws, the use of white phosphorus shells is prohibited in heavily populated civilian areas. However, the laws allow its usage in open spaces to be used as cover for troops.

White phosphorus weapons are not banned, but their use in civilian areas is considered a war crime.

Human Rights Watch has said that there have been documented civilian deaths from the use of white phosphorus in war zones in countries and areas such as Syria, Afghanistan, and Gaza."

the top vid is, the second vid isn't
What is this “this” you are referring to? Printer’s inaccurate labeling or the irrelevant random article he posted when that was pointed out? For me to realize something it has to be real or at least realistic and not just the construct of someone trying to patch the symptoms of their own cognitive dissonance.

“if you are offended by the misplaced antisemitism fueled parroting of hamas propaganda and whataboutisms after such a heinous terrorist attack you must support humanitarian injustice against said terrorist who use the same nonsense to justify their unjustifiable acts.” Your straw man mixed with a non-sequitur veiled ad hominem smells like church.

What is it about this topic that makes people throw critical thinking skills out the window? The same reason Trump is popular, the same reason Russians don't storm the Kremlin, the same reason there are anti-vaxxers. Cognitive dissonance, an inability to handle the truth (Palestinians aren't the victims Hamas propaganda makes them out to be, Palestine does not exist because of Palestinians, Israel is not the aggressor, and Gaza isn't Gaza because of the Israelis but because of Hamas), so you make up more untruths to try and solve the equation. It won't work, things remain what they are, not what you try to make them to fit your preconceived notions.

View attachment 5334299

“This” is why sane leaders in the west with a functioning moral compass are forced to stress that no, this is not the time for pointing fingers, shifting blame, and the tu quoque which is seemingly all you got. This is not the time to pretend you know anything about the history and apply your search bias to fuel more anti-semitism that gets jewish tourists shot or synagogue's attacked.

10/11 was not the time to post random articles about the US bombing people in the ME to suggest they brought 9/11 on themselves and murdering civilians is 'understandable'. People insist Israel must be tolerant towards the ultimate intolerance and risk the lives of more people. Rather than acknowledging that's madness and is not expected of any other people/nation, they go double down... triple down, and end up applying search bias to gather a cherry picked list of 'history' and things Israel did (in response to terrorists as all the major media outlets are now wise enough this time to make clear in even headlines).

Russians steal Ukranian children: "take Putin to the Hague!"
Hamas terrorists steal Jewish children: "But Isreal..."

Tolerating "THIS" is exactly why Americans & Canadians ended up sacrificing lives in europe in the 1940s...
Bullshit. Nothing that Printer linked to or posted could be thought of as Hamas propaganda. Just because you don't like the light being shone on human rights abuses doesn't change the fact it's happening. Hamas is a terrorist organization, but not the only ones committing terror on innocent people. Anyone that doesn't blindly support Israel is going to fuel antisemitism and just parroting Hamas' talking points? Better tell the U.N. and Amnesty International.

I didn't see anyone else trying to dog whistle about Muslims and Palestinians, the only reason why I pointed out it's not just Muslims, and that even Christians are facing contempt. I am not ignoring what the Jewish population are facing, threats and violence against them are horribly wrong. I don't give a shit which book anyone follows ("you follow" wasn't directed at anyone specific), everyone should have the right to PEACEFULLY follow whatever religion they want. When someone is holding up their book to justify abuse on another human being is when it becomes an issue. It doesn't matter which religion is being followed when something abhorrent is happening, wrong is wrong.

Now is exactly the right time to discuss all the issues and loss of innocent lives, while the entire world is paying attention; just maybe a few less innocent lives are lost with more scrutiny.

The world would be far more peaceful without any and all of those books, and most certainly without those that practice and preach religious fanaticism.
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Meanwhile Hamas still shooting rockets at Israel...
By now Israel has every square inch of Gaza under continuous drone observation from dozens of drones, perhaps hundreds. Every launch will be met with a rocket or GPS guided bomb, before they get around to leveling the place.
Bullshit. Nothing that Printer linked to or posted could be thought of as Hamas propaganda. Just because you don't like the light being shone on human rights abuses doesn't change the fact it's happening. Hamas is a terrorist organization, but not the only ones committing terror on innocent people. Anyone that doesn't blindly support Israel is going to fuel antisemitism and just parroting Hamas' talking points? Better tell the U.N. and Amnesty International.

I didn't see anyone else trying to dog whistle about Muslims and Palestinians, the only reason why I pointed out it's not just Muslims, and that even Christians are facing contempt. I am not ignoring what the Jewish population are facing, threats and violence against them are horribly wrong. I don't give a shit which book you follow, everyone should have the right to PEACEFULLY follow whatever religion they want. When someone is holding up their book to justify abuse on another human being is when it becomes an issue. I doesn't matter which religion is being followed when something abhorrent is happening, wrong is wrong.

Now is exactly the right time to discuss all the issues and loss of innocent lives, while the entire world is paying attention; just maybe a few less innocent lives are lost with more scrutiny.

The world would be far more peaceful without any and all of those books, and most certainly without those that practice and preach religious fanaticism.
The more important religion is to people the more the tendency to be bigoted and believe you are God's "chosen people" and the rest are damned to Hell anyway. We used to have a lot of religious bigotry between protestants and Catholics and antisemitism was ramped among Catholics especially, guess the romans executing Christ was too much for the Roman Catholic church, so blame the Jews. Less than 100 years ago my hometown was still divided between the protestant and Catholic ends with Catholics having their own school system. As religion has faded in importance, so too has religious bigotry.

The rise of the religious right in Israel is driving a lot of the division and trouble with an outright conspiracy to take over the west bank along with plenty of government help and arms. They are heavily armed, and the Palestinians are not, and they covet thy neighbor's land in defiance of the commandment that supposedly drives their behavior and gives them their values. What about thou shalt not steal too, as well as coveting their neighbor's land and oppressing their ass. Sounds like pseudo-Jews, like Pseudo Christians and what kind of gun would Jesus own, do unto others before they do it to you sort of stuff, pop philosophy. All in the name of a religion that forbids such things to Christians and Jews, but I suppose people can rationalize anything or any feeling.
No article or any amount of search bias or cherry picking or whatever double downer Hamas apologists do to solve their cognitive dissonance is going to change the fact your label of "gorilla warfare" is both wrong and appalling. Fortunately for Israel the leaders of the free world don't have that problem.
OK, let us put this to rest. I never said that Hamas was fighting a gorilla war, I said that we would not throw stones at the Ukrainians if Russia actually captured Kiev in three days and mopped up in a week. We all expected Russia to set up a puppet government and partisan activities would nip at their heels making their occupation untenable. Sorry, thought we have all watched that war from the beginning and my post would have been understood. One of the problems when not spelling everything out.

On the Palestinians. They have fought with Israel a number of times, throwing stones or other resistance type of activities which could be seen as gorilla warfare. Strike and melt away before they get nabbed. Mind you, lot of the under 18 population did not exactly melt away so maybe it was not a gorilla war per se but an uprising?

My post with the link to the number of Palestinians being held. One of the main reasons Hamas said they attacked Israel was that Israel raid the Al-Aqsa Mosque and carted a lot of worshippers off to jail.

Palestinians arrested and injured in Israeli raid on al-Aqsa mosque
OK, let us put this to rest. I never said that Hamas was fighting a gorilla war, I said that we would not throw stones at the Ukrainians if Russia actually captured Kiev in three days and mopped up in a week. We all expected Russia to set up a puppet government and partisan activities would nip at their heels making their occupation untenable. Sorry, thought we have all watched that war from the beginning and my post would have been understood. One of the problems when not spelling everything out.

On the Palestinians. They have fought with Israel a number of times, throwing stones or other resistance type of activities which could be seen as gorilla warfare. Strike and melt away before they get nabbed. Mind you, lot of the under 18 population did not exactly melt away so maybe it was not a gorilla war per se but an uprising?

My post with the link to the number of Palestinians being held. One of the main reasons Hamas said they attacked Israel was that Israel raid the Al-Aqsa Mosque and carted a lot of worshippers off to jail.

Palestinians arrested and injured in Israeli raid on al-Aqsa mosque
Like I said before, there is too much ambiguity to root for either side, this is not a black and white situation like in Ukraine, the only ones I'll be rooting for are the innocent on both sides. The slaughter of innocents is disgusting in all cases, by Hamas or by Jewish settlers as is the injustice based on ethnicity and religion. What will Bebe do to Gaza and the people living there, will it be genocide in the name of retribution? What he does to Iran short of nukes is of little concern to me as long as it helps Ukraine and I think it will in the end, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Like I said before, there is too much ambiguity to root for either side, this is not a black and white situation like in Ukraine, the only ones I'll be rooting for are the innocent on both sides. The slaughter of innocents is disgusting in all cases, by Hamas or by Jewish settlers as is the injustice based on ethnicity and religion. What will Bebe do to Gaza and the people living there, will it be genocide in the name of retribution? What he does to Iran short of nukes is of little concern to me as long as it helps Ukraine and I think it will in the end, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
If Hamas was smart they would have only attacked military targets. Other than their normal backers they gained no countries to their side.
If Hamas was smart they would have only attacked military targets. Other than their normal backers they gained no countries to their side.
They gained a can of whoop ass and Israel will hunt them down, even in Canada! I just hope they go easy on the civilians the whole world is watching and they should have absorbed lessons from Ukraine and Russia. What interests me the most is what impact it will have on the war in Ukraine, with Russia and Iran being allies. Both Israel and Ukraine have Iran as an active enemy and perhaps the Russians, we will see. I expect Israel to strike Iran, how is yet to be determined, but shutting off the lights in Iran with a fleet of cheap suicide drones would sure stop production of anything for a long time to come, including arms, if they wanna live like the prophet did 1300 years ago they might have the chance.
They gained a can of whoop ass and Israel will hunt them down, even in Canada! I just hope they go easy on the civilians the whole world is watching and they should have absorbed lessons from Ukraine and Russia. What interests me the most is what impact it will have on the war in Ukraine, with Russia and Iran being allies. Both Israel and Ukraine have Iran as an active enemy and perhaps the Russians, we will see. I expect Israel to strike Iran, how is yet to be determined, but shutting off the lights in Iran with a fleet of cheap suicide drones would sure stop production of anything for a long time to come, including arms, if they wanna live like the prophet did 1300 years ago they might have the chance.
I would be surprised if they attacked Iran. Very surprised. The usual playlist is we (we as in US of Fuckn A) let Israel ground n pound until "we" feel enough is enough then hand Israel a couple billion for nice job done and paint it as a cease fire incentive.
If Hamas was smart they would have only attacked military targets. Other than their normal backers they gained no countries to their side.
Perhaps civilian terror was the intent, so as to scuttle the emerging accord. In that (successful accord) scenario, Iran would be the big loser.

Hamas terrorism echoes barbaric playbook from Putin to ISIS, warns historian

70,025 views Oct 10, 2023 #msnbc #hamas #israel
“Hamas terrorists paid no attention to any modern laws of war, or any norms of any kind” in their attacks on Israel, says historian Anne Applebaum, a barbarism that reflects a wider attack on the institutions built to defend human rights after World War II. The Pulitzer winner discusses her essay and the war with MSNBC’s Ari Melber.