He has changed America, that's for fucking sure
But really, has he?
He opened a door with a mirror behind it that reflected back on us the reality of being an American today & it sucks, doesn't it?
Yea, the GOP has been finally/truly exposed as the lying, self-serving cunts that they truly are, but at what cost?
But, it also showed the really dark underbelly of America today.
United States?
Give me a fucking break/drink.
A melting pot?
Blow me

It's alway's been divisional, it was founded on division, a perfect example being the Civil War which too this fucking day, 135 years later is still having consequences
A generation has been lost existing in Trump's America.
Because of his incompetency in dealing with the Virus, millions of students have been forced too only learn online (tough shit if your low-income/no Wi-Fi/computer)
Oh well, it is what it is, right?
Anyway, I just got back from voting & burnt a bowl with my wife (she worked remotely today) & am going too have a drink & chill & listen too this
Take care/wear a mask