Happy Election Day

If Biden gets Pennsylvania then it is all over. If he doesn't he has a shot but not as easy. There will be a court fight over it if either of the two just squeaks out a win. Don't expect a clear winner this week. Unless Biden blows it away that is.
If Biden gets Pennsylvania then it is all over. If he doesn't he has a shot but not as easy. There will be a court fight over it if either of the two just squeaks out a win. Don't expect a clear winner this week. Unless Biden blows it away that is.
If Biden gets any one of FL, AZ or NC it's all over. We will know pretty early on all those states.
I'm glad it will be over soon, but either way the damage is done. We now have two of Dubya's crooked lawyers from Bush Vs. Gore on the Supreme Court. These people have a track record of stealing elections for the Republican party and we are stuck with them for life.
Yep, elections matter. Trump and his Republican party won in 2016. It was a disaster for us, the environment, democracy at home and abroad, for Black people, Hispanic people, women's rights and the generations who will be saddled with the national debt that ballooned under Trump. Wwe'll be dealing with the headwinds from the 2016 election for the rest of our lives. So, yes, elections matter.

To those who say there is no difference between the two parties, I invite them to read your post. Also to them I say, eff you.
Yep, elections matter. Trump and his Republican party won in 2016. It was a disaster for us, the environment, democracy at home and abroad, for Black people, Hispanic people, women's rights and the generations who will be saddled with the national debt that ballooned under Trump. Wwe'll be dealing with the headwinds from the 2016 election for the rest of our lives. So, yes, elections matter.

To those who say there is no difference between the two parties, I invite them to read your post. Also to them I say, eff you.
I actually think that a nice post-WW2'esque tax structure for a couple years might be a good idea to get some major work done as a nation for a while.

I think of it like getting ready for work, you got to get set up right, we as a nation need to set up our entire population's children up for the next generation, and just bust our asses for a few years and let the kids take it over from a strong position.
I actually think that a nice post-WW2'esque tax structure for a couple years might be a good idea to get some major work done as a nation for a while.

I think of it like getting ready for work, you got to get set up right, we as a nation need to set up our entire population's children up for the next generation, and just bust our asses for a few years and let the kids take it over from a strong position.
I'm busting ass right now, just trying to keep up. Not saying I can't do more but I'd sure like to see my government do more than sitting on its hands while Republicans steal our nation and the future of our kids away from us.

I so much agree with you that I want an active government that puts the future of the nation first. I don't think Biden is that guy. I also don't think this country is ready for that guy or woman. Biden is going to be a caretaker, not an activist. That's enough for now. Congress needs to step up. Maybe it will. A lot depends on what GOP Senators do when our Democratic Party congressmen send activist legislation to the Senate.
Nothing at all too be happy about today, just the possibility that Trump will be relegated to the fucking trash bin of fucking History as a failed POTUS.
He spent 4 fucking years of our/my time only fixating on attacking Obama/Clinton, eliminating 8 years of progress achieved under Obama.
Where's the Health Care plan?
Where's the development of our fucked up infrastructure that he promised?
Where's the peace deal between Palestine & Israel that he promised?
Where is the plan to address climate change (that one is inexcusable)
Where the fuck is his plan to deal with COVID-19?
Nope, nothing at all actually too look forward too.
4 fucking wasted, detrimental years.
What a fucking shame
Be safe/wear a mask :)
Donald will change America, you are hours away from seeing it, in fact Donald will be the biggest agent of change in a hundred years and all he has to do is lose and take the republicans down with him. Change is painful and often caused by pain, in this case Donald was a monumental pain in Uncle Sam's ass and Sam is about to have a real good shit.
I'm busting ass right now, just trying to keep up. Not saying I can't do more but I'd sure like to see my government do more than sitting on its hands while Republicans steal our nation and the future of our kids away from us.

I so much agree with you that I want an active government that puts the future of the nation first. I don't think Biden is that guy. I also don't think this country is ready for that guy or woman. Biden is going to be a caretaker, not an activist. That's enough for now. Congress needs to step up. Maybe it will. A lot depends on what GOP Senators do when our Democratic Party congressmen send activist legislation to the Senate.
I agree. Nancy had a nice stimulus package in the news a couple days ago, but mostly I am hoping Biden can help fix our world alliances and get us out of this dangerous situation with Russian social media military attack.

Then in 2 years, build on the senate and keep the house (by not freaking out the people that have to mentally rebuild after Trump) and have 2 more years to set up the next POTUS to move us forward.

Trump broke too much shit to think that the next president could just day 1 do all the big items on our lists and not lose either the house or senate (or state seats) in 2022. Everyone is on edge and just wants some calm and compassion to care for the people economically (and health) destroyed, while stimulating the economy with a great stimulus package, fix the tax cut for the mega rich Trump got, and maybe fix the SCOTUS/Fed court packing Trump and the Republicans did.
I so much agree with you that I want an active government that puts the future of the nation first. I don't think Biden is that guy. I also don't think this country is ready for that guy or woman. Biden is going to be a caretaker, not an activist. That's enough for now. Congress needs to step up. Maybe it will. A lot depends on what GOP Senators do when our Democratic Party congressmen send activist legislation to the Senate.
I believe Joe will be a one term president and I think he can restore things to what passes for normal fairly quickly. His team will do the heavy lifting and Joe is gonna do a lot of PR and get a lot of glory. Nancy will most likely retire soon, after Donald is dealt with and the country is in safe hand, both Nancy and Joe will have plans of succession, leadership is not about one person, it is about managing a team of people, any one of whom could replace you if required. The graveyards are full of indispensable people, but not ideas, they live on and the democrats are driven by ideas, not individuals.

There are a ton of proven ideas and methods to get money and corruption out of politics and better represent the needs of the people. The political science departments of America are full of them, they have been tested and proven in other democratic countries, other countries can do it, so too can America.

Just the 200 plus improvements to America stalled on Mitch's desk would make a big difference and they might be strengthened and rolled into one or two bills for rapid passage, next problem... It's easy if ya win. Elections shape the future, sculp yourself a great one.
NPR played a clip of his fox and friends call this morning. He sounded like a drunk after an all nighter.
Here's a little of it. "We have to get the children back to work", "Barren Trump had it for about 2 seconds", "We're going to have vaccines, the likes of which nobody's seen before". Think about that one. He sounds like a hangover on 2 hours sleep. He's just relying on the standard phrases he uses for many things. Limited vocabulary and simply repetitious. "If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it, yourself." -Joseph Goebbles, Nazi Minister of Propaganda.

Olbermann vs. Trump #20 - Exorcism Or Dictatorship

If the news organizations declare him President-Elect, Joe Biden WILL immediately address the nation as its new leader, per Axios.com's reporting this morning. It is not merely a good strategy, it is the ONLY one, given that if he sees the slightest opportunity tonight - even a transient lead - Trump is planning his "Rosie Ruiz" coup-by-television (so named for the runner who crossed the finished line first at the 1980 Boston Marathon and declared herself the winner, and was acclaimed such by authorities - even though it proved she'd only actually run the final mile).

Biden's reported plan lines up with the essence of bold action on behalf of truth as expressed by John Stuart Mill more than 150 years ago: “Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm, if he takes no part, and form no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on, and do nothing.”

And the TV networks must take heed of Mill's words and assert journalistic responsibility and bravery and not cover Trump live unless they have declared him the winner. Trump’s victory lie would not suffocate without live coverage by ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and PBS. But without that oxygen, nor would it be able to explode into a conflagration that would consume this democracy.
Donald will change America
He has changed America, that's for fucking sure
But really, has he?
He opened a door with a mirror behind it that reflected back on us the reality of being an American today & it sucks, doesn't it?
Yea, the GOP has been finally/truly exposed as the lying, self-serving cunts that they truly are, but at what cost?
But, it also showed the really dark underbelly of America today.
United States?
Give me a fucking break/drink.
A melting pot?
Blow me :)
It's alway's been divisional, it was founded on division, a perfect example being the Civil War which too this fucking day, 135 years later is still having consequences
A generation has been lost existing in Trump's America.
Because of his incompetency in dealing with the Virus, millions of students have been forced too only learn online (tough shit if your low-income/no Wi-Fi/computer)
Oh well, it is what it is, right?
Anyway, I just got back from voting & burnt a bowl with my wife (she worked remotely today) & am going too have a drink & chill & listen too this :)

Take care/wear a mask :)
I dropped our mail ins yesterday at city hall. Early voters around the block waiting to do it in person. Never saw a line over 5 -6 minutes in 32 years. All calm and properly spaced and attired. Hope they were voting in their own best interest. Drove through the local polling locale this afternoon. A decent line and and steady in flow of vehicles. I'm optimistic.

And all but one yard sign that were republicon are strangely Biden today..?? We just may be okay. Best wishes to all.
He has changed America, that's for fucking sure
But really, has he?
He opened a door with a mirror behind it that reflected back on us the reality of being an American today & it sucks, doesn't it?
Yea, the GOP has been finally/truly exposed as the lying, self-serving cunts that they truly are, but at what cost?
But, it also showed the really dark underbelly of America today.
United States?
Give me a fucking break/drink.
A melting pot?
Blow me :)
It's alway's been divisional, it was founded on division, a perfect example being the Civil War which too this fucking day, 135 years later is still having consequences
A generation has been lost existing in Trump's America.
Because of his incompetency in dealing with the Virus, millions of students have been forced too only learn online (tough shit if your low-income/no Wi-Fi/computer)
Oh well, it is what it is, right?
Anyway, I just got back from voting & burnt a bowl with my wife (she worked remotely today) & am going too have a drink & chill & listen too this :)

Take care/wear a mask :)
Political polarization is painful, but it changes things and if Biden wins bigly things will change, he won't drive it as much as respond to it and embrace it. Joe's first job is to get back to square one, a sense of normalcy, the CDC and pandemic response team will handle covid with the defense production act pumping out tests, PPE and antibodies when required.
Happy to have wasted my vote today (in a hard stuck state so it makes little difference there) but hopefully Libterarians reach that 5% number or better to have the money to reach voters in a couple years. BTW, the parties are the same corrupt parties that cater to money not citizens.