Happy Pi Day

Bob, I cannot un-supersize your wife's roast beef. You're going to need a vaginal rejuvenation specialist.
When's the last time a woman touched you?

Answer carefully. You may not remember that you already told me in PM about a year ago.

(It was over 10 years according to you)

I think I'll start posting your old PMs to me. They're GOLD. :)

I particularly like the one where you admit you aren't black OR Jewish.

Bob, NONE of you have any idea about my sex life, yet seem very concerned about it. What does that say about you? I have never discussed sex or religion with you personally. Why would I?

You're not making sense bobby. "Publishing pm's", you really have gone of the rails with that threat. Sorry about the meat drapes comment, apparently it upset you.
What's really amusing bineer is how much both you and c2g pleasure-yourself in seeing two of your flukies go after me; first farmer (a suicidal rapist junky) and now bobby. You actually groom your little pawns, knowing how impressionable and stupid they are. You really are the saddest old farts on the entire forum.
Yeah, well your grammar sucks. So there.

Thank you.

When's the last time a woman touched you?

Answer carefully. You may not remember that you already told me in PM about a year ago.

(It was over 10 years according to you)

I think I'll start posting your old PMs to me. They're GOLD. :)

I particularly like the one where you admit you aren't black OR Jewish.

It's fascinating that he targets your wife for his abuse and why my 'lawn chairs' are welded to the deck of the Abetannic. Every paranoidal ideation he has revolves around females. He might try owning his homosexual desires and his bitterness might begin to subside.

As for his admitting he's neither black nor jewish he did that on forum ages ago! Check my sig. But you know how he lies to himself as well as others.
What's really amusing bineer is how much both you and c2g pleasure-yourself in seeing two of your flukies go after me; first farmer (a suicidal rapist junky) and now bobby. You actually groom your little pawns, knowing how impressionable and stupid they are. You really are the saddest old farts on the entire forum.
What you conveniently forget is that you were best buds with the alleged suicidal rapist for years, fully aware of his boast. @StonedFarmer can confirm. I further note the speciousness of you recoiling at all the rapists who suddenly surround you ... while approving of murder.

Christ is that your go-to always now. "Abe deleted it" Sorry pal, if something was deleted from yesterday it was an admin or a mod. Your rapist buddy farmer has pulled that suicidal smack talk for at least the 3rd time in a row; Now, he's proceeded to tell me to kill myself numerous times yesterday. Wake up bineer.

Never thought I'd see the day for you, bineer, to voluntarily line right up and become a rapist apologist. c2g, bob and srh, well yeah.... they ARE srh, bobby and c2g.

Haaaaa.... That's one way to speak to a death peddler and unapologetic complicit rapist. I thought this was a pot forum, not a fkn crime show. Buncha greasy enablers, the lot of you.
How the fuck do I keep getting dragged back in to this lame shit fest.

Yes I am suicidal

No I am not a rapist,

I posted the story on the board when it actually occurred, I am too lazy to search but it would have been about 2 years possibly last year, I have been feeling gaps in time more.

Finally, Who Am I battling here?

I got a more interesting flame war currently underway on a diff forum and personally this one has grown old and stale.

Yawn, abe keep it up for 11 more days ok, I bet 3 weeks. Maybe do it for me out of past friendship.

ok stop tagging me into this bs now k thanks, or at the very fucking least step up the autism a notch or two. You all are lacking the autism it takes to battle a shit poaster that is stoned farmer.

Cannabineer- keep accusing me of being best buds w farmer, a known unapologetic rapist. I have no contact with him. Is it not you two that break bread and share drinks with him in tiny chat regularly? Yes, you do. And you both use farmer as your insane mad dog. Farmer has no credibility for anything but crack and herion.

It's obvious, you both revel in making any inroads to perpetuating fighting amongst forum members, you always have. I like Annie's newest accusation today, declaring I'm a homo. You two are desperate to ridicule me. You are two sadists and reaching for anything to attempt to swat me with. good luck
Use me anyway you want just dont put the @ before stoned farmer. I don't care if you want to use me as a pawn, but it clutters my alerts and I am waiting for tomcat to cone talk shit about music right now.

Now let me get back to writing down my sassy comments before I forget what they are.
haha, well shit, in all seriousness.. herb and chess together isn't a good idea..
you'll lose..
or at least I do, but I usually play against someone who doesn't smoke..

LOL Just stumbled in after walking the dogs, after trying my new Kosher girl, :eyesmoke: gotta say I love playing chess when I'm smoked up. I almost always lose but the thoughts are sensational! Chess bends my mind in a good way.