Happy thread :)

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it was reported this morning he had the readership of The Tennesseean newspaper so it was shut down.

but in other INSURRECTION news someone texted me a link to recruit me signal.org/install + a few others it was a group message..the number it came from was our Area Code + 567-9718, encouraging me to go to this site.

they're out their putting up stickers new. they're being taken down as quickly as being put up but this is not over....................................
It is not a lie if you believe it.

that's the scary part- but does he really believe the con?..c'mon he knows what he's doing..he's getting his 15 minutes good or bad. no such thing as bad press?

it's all good as long as someone is talking about you.
that's the scary part- but does he really believe the con?..c'mon he knows what he's doing..he's getting his 15 minutes good or bad. no such thing as bad press?

it's all good as long as someone is talking about you.
A lot of them do believe because otherwise you have to question aspects that your life is built upon.
A lot of them do believe because otherwise you have to question aspects that your life is built upon.

yeah he does dope and found God like every other freakshow that says same out there. he hasn't learned what the Bible is teaching you because if he did he wouldn't be a conman.
It is not a lie if you believe it.
You can lie to yourself as well as others and we see examples of it with Trumpers and born yesterday pseudo Christians all the time. Trump lies and repeats it until he probably believes it, swallowing yer own shit can poison you.
i want to get VR but i don't know which starter pack. i was looking at this.

I got that for my kid for Xmas, its pretty damn cool and fun. The 360/vr type travel videos are awesome. Would recommend.

For happy stuff, took the family to go watch an outdoor movie at some sorta ranch/wilderness area near me. Made me pretty grateful to be able to do that, it was picturesque in a way I wasn't really able to imagine growing up. I was really lucky as a kid and had wacky hippie parents that took me lots of cool places, but still grew up in the shitty midwest and that had a bigger impact, so I am interested in seeing how it goes when cool stuff isn't far away.
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