Happy thread :)

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I'm back
Covid-19 almost killed me and did seriously fuck me up but I survived
I'm in a rehab facility now because of muscle loss and because of general weekness I can't walk without assistance
They tell me 3 weeks and I can go home
Añyway, I seem to have been missed and there was concern for my well-being
Thanks very much, it's greatly appreciated
I love you guys
Glad you made it, good luck getting back on your feet man.

Was it the bleach injections or light being put inside you that saved you?
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Looks like @Rob Roy is still pushing the lies that the Republicans need to have their cult think is reality again.

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Fauci has been vaccinated since late December 2020. Your bullshit propaganda spam pushing Trump/Putin/Republican lies is from late July 2021.


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It must really suck to have to pretend like you believe this garbage man. Best of luck to you and your family in real life.

I got trolled before I drank enough coffee and was wrong about the date, that is Fauci outdoor with his wife and one other friend socially distanced from everyone in July 2020, prior to being vaccinated.

It doesn't make me wrong about the bs spam that Trump and the Republicans are trying to play off as anything but their own incompetence to their cult.
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is it real?
Yeah he was with his wife and friend last July. It is still just more spam propaganda pushing Trump's agenda though.

They are trying to turn Fauci into a bogey man so Trump can snow flake about how it was some Democrat conspiracy that he sucked so hard at doing the only real job he has ever had.
I'm back
Covid-19 almost killed me and did seriously fuck me up but I survived
I'm in a rehab facility now because of muscle loss and because of general weekness I can't walk without assistance
They tell me 3 weeks and I can go home
Añyway, I seem to have been missed and there was concern for my well-being
Thanks very much, it's greatly appreciated
I love you guys
Wow man, a full tilt bout you've had,glad your going to beat it, and surely hope your not a long hauler w/this shitccguns
is it real?
He has photographers following him around with telephoto lenses, so if say during a couple of hours, someone has their mask off for a second or two, to let's say have a drink, they catch it and it looks like they spent the whole afternoon like that. They follow Fauci because rightwing disinformation sources will pay thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of dollars for the picture. Then idiots like Rob can post memes about it that they find on the NAZI and right wingnut websites they frequent that tell them what to think.

If they have a few seconds of video, it worth even more, then Foxnews can play a loop of it dozens of times a day to try and distort reality as best they can.
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