Happy thread :)

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I think that it is in large part because they are used to being able to scream into a void at anytime of the day and getting a response (ontop of the almighty listening to them anytime they have something on their mind), that builds up a lot of narcissism and no reasonable amount of time spent on what those particular people want to focus on what it is that they care about can fill that void like the trolls/bots have been, so any real world answer is not satisfying for them.

Trump is the cult leader that everything that the people in his cult are being spammed is his messaging, they are completely immersed in it across any platform (TV/Radio/Internet/Books/papers (like Epoch times)/email spam/etc).
I was sent a free issue of Epoch Times, so I spread it on the floor for my cat to shit on. (My cat has Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
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I have people in my family just like that. Principled, honest people who will assist anyone in need, anytime. Beef ranchers in Colorado. Still, they're gullible and foolish to believe the big lie, and stubborn to admit they were wrong. They keep voting the same way in the hope that they'll be vindicated at some time.
Maybe exposing this shit and sending Trump and his cronies to prison will help break the spell for some. Judges hear cases if the prosecutor has one and juries convict by unanimous vote, the courts are independent, which is why Trump's enemies and Biden aren't behind bars now. They might be whittled down enough with the constant scandal and coming court cases to at least stay home in 2022 and keep the republicans out of power in the house. What they are doing in the states with voting rights, suppression and counting ballots, might backfire on them and affect their "infrequent" voters too.

People are aware of the threat to democracy that Trumpism poses, it's in the news constantly and hopefully it will drive them to the polls in 2022. Donald should be in a NY maximum security prison by the end of 2021 and constantly on a video link to his other trials from a cell in Sing sing.
I have people in my family just like that. Principled, honest people who will assist anyone in need, anytime. Beef ranchers in Colorado. Still, they're gullible and foolish to believe the big lie, and stubborn to admit they were wrong. They keep voting the same way in the hope that they'll be vindicated at some time.

forget about making them admit- it's a core thing with them..just get them to see the facts and recognize. wow! red states are withholding Federal money but you've got a really good Governor who won't do that. There's got to be one in your family who's getting UI because of the pandemic.
I wouldn't know. It just appeared in my mailbox one day.

OMG! you picked up a cursed paper! someone keeps sending me to my apartment to a name that's not mine or 'occupant' that's how they get around that shit. no return addy filled with religious bullshit. I'm glad they finally put a garbage can there.
I wouldn't know. It just appeared in my mailbox one day.
They are a pain in the ass here too, propaganda the old fashioned way, kinda reminds me of the old commie papers the fanatics used to give away decades ago. They must have some serious bucks behind them, Falun Gong, but perhaps Taiwan and some Asian billionaires? They and their sister organizations have a big presence online too.

i read this before- they used to have much larger heads but because they no longer need to forage for food becoming pets their heads because smaller their whole existence now is to please us and they are born this way- you are everything to them..you are their food, comfort and happiness.
one reason why they tend to follow you around- evolution and they might get something to eat dropping scraps while making dinner they are usually aorund.
My yard rabbit hops into the bushes when I walk in the back yard. More of a half hearted attempt of showing her independence. Mind you I have not been feeding it any more bread now that it is green out.
forget about making them admit- it's a core thing with them..just get them to see the facts and recognize. wow! red states are withholding Federal money but you've got a really good Governor who won't do that. There's got to be one in your family who's getting UI because of the pandemic.
Oh, I avoid the aggravation of talking to cult members, even my family. There's no talking to them. Like this "bipartisan" notion.
I had a discussion with my brother-in-law about the Midwest "white belt". I was trying,(badly), to point out that by and large they're good people who feel they've been left behind. They feel that the East coast and the "left coast" have taken over society. Telling them how they should live. It's not that they don't want change, they just don't want it rammed down their throats. I said, "They're just simple people living simpler lives than us."
"Right.", he said. "They're Simpletons!"
"No." I replied. "They're scared. They're scared of such drastic, fast change. They need time to adjust."
"They've had time. Plenty of time. Tell them to get used to it."
To an extent he's right. They should have seen the writing on the wall. But the message some how got confused. We have, as a society, left behind the "bread basket" of the world. We've taken them for granted. That as "Simpletons" we will drag them along. Treating them like a crying three year old. Rather than stopping to talk with them. Do our best to help them understand that this IS the progress that IS coming. Where did were did we go wrong to not be able to make this progress happen while still having our right leaning, Republican, Brothers and Sisters walking beside us. They have ideas. Their help is essential in this trip. We are making mistakes. Big ones. This is one of them.

I have a few republicans friends and have heard the exact same thing. The problem as I see it, though, is that it's self created. That whole "telling them how to..." is the dumbest shit ever, though yes I recognize it's exactly how they feel. In reality, there is no "telling" people anything. Someone can tell me to eat their butthole, but I'll ignore it and go on about my day, not eating any buttholes. It's effing meaningless to be "told" something, but they feel so incredibly imposed upon and complain about it to no end, yet all they have to do is ignore it. This is still America. You can ignore anyone you want. When it comes to the n-word, oh boy they completely understand the concept of not giving the word such power, yet are completely lost, blind and oblivious when it comes to using that tool in their own life.

I'll give you what I see as two major examples, actually three of how desperate the right wing base is.
Soy Beans, Steel and Coal.
Dump put tariffs on two.
He destroyed the soy bean industry. His farm base rallied thinking, (hoping), that China would yield. Instead they went looking somewhere else to buy soy beans. Our gov't is still subsidizing that industry. Foreclosures on farms quadrupled and they still supported that fool.
I mean they really held on to the hope that he was doing good for them. Still do. That they were willing to fall on their swords believing he had their best interests in mind by doing this. They never saw that they were only tools. Still don't. And because of our arrogance they won't hear different by us.

Steel industry. Sure foundries loved the tariffs. Gave them a better chance to compete. But prices in steel, aluminum, copper and other special metals,( some we don't even make), jumped and that went right up the production chain. View it as an upside down pyramid. You help tens of thousands of people at the bottom, (foundries in Pennsylvania as an example), produce for the nation but the costs go right up to the tens of millions of people above. Cars, GM talked of layoffs and production slowdowns. The company I work for saw 10 to 15% raw material price increases and we can't pass that on. We are not in a position to be able to do that. A lot of our industry felt that punch.
Thank God our manufacturing niche was hot. We got VERY lucky. We had been upgrading our machine tools. Making components 25 to 100% faster. Buried the costs. It has since leveled out. Nothing gained.

Coal. Dump talked big about renewing coal usage. Roll back environmental restrictions.
Nobody wanted coal any more. Power plants had been shifting to natural gas. They weren't going to shift back. Gas was cheaper and cleaner anyway. Coal production took off and died a fast death. One of the biggest coal mines shut down over night. Literally.

This was where the constant praise bit these people in the ass. When he tried to "fix" these industries and actually fucked them up more, republicans should have gotten together in a unified voice against his efforts. Instead, they kept sucking him off to their own demise, but that's exactly what happens when you focus on a god, instead of merit. Lessons should have been learned, but they're forever in god mode, so I guess...tough shit, stupid hurts.

Bill Maher should take a trip out to the midwest. Stay for a week or two at a farm. Take ride in a combine. Break bread with these people. He may not agree with their thought process. I don't. But I've never met kinder, "simpler people" who are willing to give you the shirt off their backs. For some of those who I have met. It was the only one they had.

I'm in a super white pro-trump area and yes, that is the good side of things, but there's a bad side too. There's no shortage of tweekers that'll steal anything that isn't nailed down and they're all too happy to dump their trash in the nature they claim to love. I've heard the n-word in town and while they wouldn't physically assault someone for being different, they're predisposed as fuck to do it, should society take one more step into the gutter.
I had a discussion with my brother-in-law about the Midwest "white belt". I was trying,(badly), to point out that by and large they're good people who feel they've been left behind. They feel that the East coast and the "left coast" have taken over society. Telling them how they should live. It's not that they don't want change, they just don't want it rammed down their throats. I said, "They're just simple people living simpler lives than us."
"Right.", he said. "They're Simpletons!"
"No." I replied. "They're scared. They're scared of such drastic, fast change. They need time to adjust."
"They've had time. Plenty of time. Tell them to get used to it."
To an extent he's right. They should have seen the writing on the wall. But the message some how got confused. We have, as a society, left behind the "bread basket" of the world. We've taken them for granted. That as "Simpletons" we will drag them along. Treating them like a crying three year old. Rather than stopping to talk with them. Do our best to help them understand that this IS the progress that IS coming. Where did were did we go wrong to not be able to make this progress happen while still having our right leaning, Republican, Brothers and Sisters walking beside us. They have ideas. Their help is essential in this trip. We are making mistakes. Big ones. This is one of them.

I'll give you what I see as two major examples, actually three of how desperate the right wing base is.
Soy Beans, Steel and Coal.
Dump put tariffs on two.
He destroyed the soy bean industry. His farm base rallied thinking, (hoping), that China would yield. Instead they went looking somewhere else to buy soy beans. Our gov't is still subsidizing that industry. Foreclosures on farms quadrupled and they still supported that fool.
I mean they really held on to the hope that he was doing good for them. Still do. That they were willing to fall on their swords believing he had their best interests in mind by doing this. They never saw that they were only tools. Still don't. And because of our arrogance they won't hear different by us.

Steel industry. Sure foundries loved the tariffs. Gave them a better chance to compete. But prices in steel, aluminum, copper and other special metals,( some we don't even make), jumped and that went right up the production chain. View it as an upside down pyramid. You help tens of thousands of people at the bottom, (foundries in Pennsylvania as an example), produce for the nation but the costs go right up to the tens of millions of people above. Cars, GM talked of layoffs and production slowdowns. The company I work for saw 10 to 15% raw material price increases and we can't pass that on. We are not in a position to be able to do that. A lot of our industry felt that punch.
Thank God our manufacturing niche was hot. We got VERY lucky. We had been upgrading our machine tools. Making components 25 to 100% faster. Buried the costs. It has since leveled out. Nothing gained.

Coal. Dump talked big about renewing coal usage. Roll back environmental restrictions.
Nobody wanted coal any more. Power plants had been shifting to natural gas. They weren't going to shift back. Gas was cheaper and cleaner anyway. Coal production took off and died a fast death. One of the biggest coal mines shut down over night. Literally.

Bill Maher should take a trip out to the midwest. Stay for a week or two at a farm. Take ride in a combine. Break bread with these people. He may not agree with their thought process. I don't. But I've never met kinder, "simpler people" who are willing to give you the shirt off their backs. For some of those who I have met. It was the only one they had.

they continue to be simpletons of their own accord; they live and age in the same town what do you think is going to happen? farmer get welfare and i don't feel one iota for them..who the hell ever heard of a state restricting a Federal Bill because nobody wants to work for sub-human wages?..just remember the welfare receiving farmer who can't afford to pay more, the employee still pay $5.20 for a Starbuck in town.

you cheap ass pieces of shit:finger:
Well... anyway. Happy thread to all of you.
The thing is, Trump was not elected in 2016 because of "economic anxiety" or due to economic hardship among his base of support or due to non-college white men being left out from this society.

The truth is more complicated: many of the voters without college educations who supported Trump were relatively affluent. The graph below breaks down white non-Hispanic voters by income and education. Among people making under the median household income of $50,000, there was a 15 to 20 percentage-point difference in Trump support between those with a college degree and those without. But the same gap was present — and actually larger — among Americans making more than $50,000 and $100,000 annually.

There is plenty of information that points to Trump's racist and misogynistic rhetoric resonating and attracting people like no other presidential candidate since Wallace. So, yeah, I'm trying to understand what's going on but I don't thing there is good reason to think that Trump won because White men are ACTUALLY suffering. They might believe they are. Some actually are. But it's not as if they are being singled out for an extra dose of hardship. That's what white men dish out.
The thing is, Trump was not elected in 2016 because of "economic anxiety" or due to economic hardship among his base of support or due to non-college white men being left out from this society.

The truth is more complicated: many of the voters without college educations who supported Trump were relatively affluent. The graph below breaks down white non-Hispanic voters by income and education. Among people making under the median household income of $50,000, there was a 15 to 20 percentage-point difference in Trump support between those with a college degree and those without. But the same gap was present — and actually larger — among Americans making more than $50,000 and $100,000 annually.

View attachment 4922578
There is plenty of information that points to Trump's racist and misogynistic rhetoric resonating and attracting people like no other presidential candidate since Wallace. So, yeah, I'm trying to understand what's going on but I don't thing there is good reason to think that Trump won because White men are ACTUALLY suffering. They might believe they are. Some actually are. But it's not as if they are being singled out for an extra dose of hardship. That's what white men dish out.

when they becomes slaves themselves and truly suffering perhaps i'll listen.
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