Happy thread :)

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ohhhhhhhhh c'monnnnnnnnnn..not from what i saw. @Budzbuddha has the twitter link + he wouldn't leave. check his feed or maybe he'll leave the link here..it seems as if the pundits know he's gonna get psych soon and wish to be kind.
It looked like it was taken on a phone from TV. It was fuzzy enough to make it look like a big sweat pant diaper combo, but obviously it was just someone trolling Trump. And it is funny, because Trump is just the worst. I won't hate on old (hell even younger ones too I guess) from having issues with their body purging at bad times (I have no idea actual words), so don't want to poke fun at him, but again, Trump is a horrible tossed aside would be dictator so I am all in favor of laughing about his diaper pants he wore while giving his hateful dangerous but ultimately ridiculous insurrection speech.
It looked like it was taken on a phone from TV. It was fuzzy enough to make it look like a big sweat pant diaper combo, but obviously it was just someone trolling Trump. And it is funny, because Trump is just the worst. I won't hate on old (hell even younger ones too I guess) from having issues with their body purging at bad times (I have no idea actual words), so don't want to poke fun at him, but again, Trump is a horrible tossed aside would be dictator so I am all in favor of laughing about his diaper pants he wore while giving his hateful dangerous but ultimately ridiculous insurrection speech.
I'm sure his wardrobe malfunction and the ridicule he received over it burned his ass and distracted from his bullshit message, all in all a good thing. Those wrinkles in his pants sure were odd for a guy who wears tailor made bespoke suits and added much to the impression of backward pants. Like his tottering trip down the ramp wearing high lifts in his shoes, he will whine and explain it during upcoming rallies. He knows that most people who caught the story, won't catch the fact check correction.
I'm sure his wardrobe malfunction and the ridicule he received over it burned his ass and distracted from his bullshit message, all in all a good thing. Those wrinkles in his pants sure were odd for a guy who wears tailor made bespoke suits and added much to the impression of backward pants. Like his tottering trip down the ramp wearing high lifts in his shoes, he will whine and explain it during upcoming rallies. He knows that most people who caught the story, won't catch the fact check correction.
It is funny.

My guess it was the shine on the tv picture being why it looked so real, maybe they touched it up, but who really cares.

I agree about the 'squirrel' troll on Trump, it was hilarious.
I'm sure his wardrobe malfunction and the ridicule he received over it burned his ass and distracted from his bullshit message, all in all a good thing.
What we need is more of his brain malfunctioning. I'll admit though for his age his thinking process, warped as it is, seems pretty sharp. Pumping him full of Focus Factor.
Ivanka: "Come on Donny. Take your pills. We got a country to destroy. That-ah boy! Did you swallow them all? Let's check... open wide. Good, now hears your phone. Go play."
trump wears diapers. I thought that was established a long time ago.
Probably does. I won't hold that against him. Most of us are probably heading towards that path. Half of Congress is probably dealing with issues like this. Gets petty when either side hunts for these tidbits. I'm sure guilty of that. I don't care about what's going on downstairs. It's the upstairs that's bothering me. He wants a revolt so badly.
I can envision him in his bedroom sitting on the floor with a Lego set of the white house. Little MAGA Lego people climbing all over it, tearing it apart. A Lego scaffold with Lego Pence swinging from it with a little penciled "traitor" sign around his neck. Others lined up for the same.
Probably does. I won't hold that against him. Most of us are probably heading towards that path. Half of Congress is probably dealing with issues like this. Gets petty when either side hunts for these tidbits. I'm sure guilty of that. I don't care about what's going on downstairs. It's the upstairs that's bothering me. He wants a revolt so badly.
I can envision him in his bedroom sitting on the floor with a Lego set of the white house. Little MAGA Lego people climbing all over it, tearing it apart. A Lego scaffold with Lego Pence swinging from it with a little penciled "traitor" sign around his neck. Others lined up for the same.
It may be petty and an example of a lowbrow sense of humour, but it’s still funny to me that he shits his pants.
I can envision him in his bedroom sitting on the floor with a Lego set of the white house. Little MAGA Lego people climbing all over it, tearing it apart. A Lego scaffold
That is a well thought out Lego set. I can see it in my mind's eye, and it is impressive. I can see the little police lego people too with nightsticks. All the MAGA flags zip tied to poles.
Jesus Christ, the country is sacrificed on the altar of her vanity! :lol: The onion came up with as good a reason as she did!
It's sad when The Onion is closer to the truth than any real media outlets.
wasn't that leaked from the Apprentice? where they had a diaper assistant? or am i thinking of something different
It's a shame a really rich progressive couldn't somehow buy the outtakes from that show. Oh wait. . . .

Another official resigns over censored Memorial Day speech (yahoo.com)

Another official resigns over censored Memorial Day speech

HUDSON, Ohio (AP) — Both organizers of a Memorial Day ceremony have now resigned under pressure after they silenced a retired U.S. Army officer’s microphone while he was talking about how freed Black slaves honored fallen soldiers just after the Civil War.

Cindy Suchan, chair of the Memorial Day parade committee and president of the Hudson American Legion Auxiliary, stepped down nearly a week after the ceremony, the Akron Beacon Journal reported Tuesday.

Suzette Heller, department adjutant for the American Legion Department of Ohio, said she was told Sunday that Suchan had resigned. Jim Garrison, adjutant of American Legion Post 464, resigned last Friday.

The American Legion Department of Ohio said censoring the speech about the role Blacks played in how Memorial Day was premeditated and planned by Garrison and Suchan.

“They knew exactly when to turn the volume down and when to turn it back up,” said Roger Friend, department commander for the Ohio American Legion.

The organizers of the ceremony in Hudson, Ohio, initially defended their decision, saying the section of the speech that was silenced was not relevant to the program’s theme of honoring the city’s veterans.

In the days before the ceremony, Suchan said she reviewed the speech and asked retired Army Lt. Col. Barnard Kemter to remove certain portions. Kemter said he did not see the suggested changes in time to rewrite the speech.

Kemter, who spent 30 years in the Army and served in the Persian Gulf War, said he was disappointed that his microphone was turned off for two minutes.
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