I built a 15 place cloner from a 5 gal bucket. I used the eco plus pump stink uses, pvc and the red aero sprayers. It works awesome.
I Took a hole saw the size of the aero cloner neoprine discs to make the 15 holes in the bucket lid. I used a bit and as a tap to make some threads in the pvc pipe for the sparyers to screw into.
I simpley take clones and dip them in a small amount of rooting gel. I put NOTHING in the water. I run the pump 1 min on and 5 min off. Having the timmer WILL keep the water temp down.I have a small round flouro above it.
100% success
I had always done soil and clones were 90% succcess but with 100% more work(misting,humidity dome)
The bucket is ridiculously easy
I notice that many people think the sprayers are "Misters" There are "sprayers". They shoot out 2 streams of water. Those streams hit the top/side/roots/other streams of water and then basically splash all over. Think about what a garden hose dose if you spray it against a wall, now imagine many smaller sprays against a wall in a confined space like a bucket or a fence post.
A mister will actually atomise the water into a mist. Similar to the fans they have in long lines (six lags)that cool people off with a misting of water. Those are way to small not to clog up with root or nuiet
The aero grow (not cloners)systems for sale that I have seen do not have any sprayers on them. They have the pvc pipe that has holes in it that is mounted to the top left corner. As the pump turns on it sprays the water/nuiet solution against the inside of the fence post and then it spashes about
As a side note you can get a pump that is designed for a parts washer tub at meanards for @20 bucks. It is a great heavy duty pump for the price. You have to hard wire it for a plug but its easy
as always thanks Stink and the rest of the group here
Nice, Bro! I would love to see a pic of that!