Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

anyone think I can run 1 -1000 hps in a hood that has 2 vent holes on it. without venting it rt now since its winter. Will this hurt the bulb? the area it would be going in is kinda drafty so its like 50F rt now. With the glass still on. I understand it will get hot but will it hurt anything. This would only be for tempory till I get the vent blower motor and venting. Thanks peace

I'm running a 1000 hps right now with the vents not hooked up. It keeps the room warmer in these winter months. Youll be fine without venting. Just don't burn your plants, check the heat with your hand at plant hight.
I have the same issue with my light. The fan only runs when the light comes on and simply pulls attic air through and back into attic. I have seen some burns where it drips on the plants and then gets magnified by the light. I am pretty sure that the cooler air pulled through causes the moisture to collect on the outside because warm air holds more moisture than cold so where it contacts cold it condenses. How are you planning on fixing it? I may not have to because I am putting my light on a mover and the the light won't be intense constantly plus I am about to increase circulation.
I have a question for you about the light mover made from a garage door opener. I have it mounted above the ceiling and built a track that a skate board is pulled back and forth on and it supports the sheet rock since I have a slot cut 1" wide for the attachment to the light and skate board. The last thing to do is wire it up to work. This is were my question lays. When you complete the circuit (momentary contact) it goes one way and stops. Then when you complete it again it goes the other direction and stops. If you complete it in the middle it stops and again it goes. I plan on having it only come on with the light and fan, so it isn't running in the dark, so I am going to hook up a contact that will be activated by the 120v comeing on. My plan was to have a switch at the end so it would come back BUT if it hits it before the end it will just stop and when it stops it will be hard for it to hit anything then so. . .is their a way that you can think of that would give me a double pulse type contact so right before it hits the end it can trigger once to stop it and once to reverse it? Then I can put one on each end and the relay to restart it when the power/light comes on and wahlah. I thought about some double relay so one activates and flips the other but I think it will be too fast unless it goes through some type of timed delay like 1/2 second. The other choice would be some type of timer that would activate the contact but it would have to be able to be set for the right number of seconds so that it reaches the end and stops and then the timer sends it back and starts counting down again so that it reaches the othe end and stops right before it activates again. You get what I am saying right? I KNOW it can be done I am just not sure what the best way is. Any suggestions? I know you have a good grasp on relays/contacts. Thanks bro! You might need to smoke on it first!
Quick question.

Running a modified StinkBud setup.

My well water is about 700 ppm. The plants seem to be o.k. with it. DO I need to purify the water?

Should I run my flower nutes at 2700-3200? To take into account the high starting ppm.
Or should I stay with 2000- 3000?

I have a RO/DI unit but my Eco Plus 396 won't push it.
I have a 1096 Eco unit I will hook up soon. Hopefully that will push it! But until then.....should I feed them the well water?

Some of the guys here on this thread are modifying my design to use smaller reservoirs and just one fence post.

I also have experimented with a small version of my flowering unit. It has 6 holes and works great. It uses a 10 gallon res.

This is the one you want to build! Check out the photo.
Do you have the dimensions for this? Most specifically, what length are these posts cut to. I'm sure I can figure the rest out. It did get me thinking though, a bit longer res and 3 posts could fit across for a 9 plant system. Has anyone tried that yet? I'm thinking the foot print would be more square allowing more plants under the same single 600w lamp (that's what I'm using). OTOH, doing 3 separate one post systems would allow to do your every 3 week rotation and allow me to flower different strains at the same time.
Decisions, decisions....:|

Anyone that has downsized this flowing setup, whether you used one or two posts, please post pictures along with some of the dimensions please.
anyone think I can run 1 -1000 hps in a hood that has 2 vent holes on it. without venting it rt now since its winter. Will this hurt the bulb? the area it would be going in is kinda drafty so its like 50F rt now. With the glass still on. I understand it will get hot but will it hurt anything. This would only be for tempory till I get the vent blower motor and venting. Thanks peace
mine would run 30 min and cut off w/out the fan and its 600w
I recommend using feminised seeds. That way you won't have to pull any males and kill all the females in the process (the roots all grow together).

I'm trying to understand this a bit better would you mind elaborating. What happens if I have regular seeds and want to keep them growing until I can determine their sex. What's the deal with male and female roots sharing an aeroponic reservoir? :peace: Thanks!
Hey Rep, did you grow those power skunks too finish? I have 2 flowering now and the buds are sparse! I have 2 clones from them but unless the smoke is unbelievable I think I;m just gonna toss those for some more Jack herer clones, doubt the PS is better than JH!

yes, in fact the net pots from that site are higher quality. Get the neoprene's from that site at the same time--the are the thicker foam that work WAY better http://www.plantlightinghydroponics.com/ezclone-neoprene-inserts-p-2389.html sorry to promote a website.. it would be preferred to get from a local hydro store if possible...

Bud pics above are Blue Cheese (Big Buddha) but I would recommend Barney's Farm over Big Buddha for better stability. You get more variety from Big Buddha... their cross is blueberry x skunk#1 and I definitely have some that are leaning skunky and taking forfuckingever. On the other hand I have some that were done at 6 weeks--skinny narrow and potent! I finally weeded out the blue cheese losers.

You know... experience goes a LONG way. Everything I have learned I have done by trial and error. Mostly error. When I recommend something.. it fucking kicks ass is the only reason :mrgreen: Pic your strains carefully, get good genetics (Barney's Farm, Dutch Passion for example) try to get strains that will finish at the same time. If you are shooting for the 9 week rotation, you will find a mix of indica/sativa, more towards indica, will be perfect. ps - if you get Power Skunk (G13 Labs) free--just throw it out the window when you are driving--I have never been as disappointed in a strain before. Yeah... they are free... whatever... but I swear bag seeds are better than that shit.

I'm currently selecting strains. I'm going through Durban Poison, Blue Cheese, Blueberry, White Berry, G13 haze, White Widow. So far.. based on growth.. 100% keepers will be: White Berry, Blue Cheese, Durban Poison. Haven't decided on the rest, but they appear to be slow. Anything >9weeks is out for me. I don't think Cheese can by hyped up enough--a real crowd pleaser. Kicking myself I don't have it. Would go with Cheese over Blue Cheese next time... if I had to choose. Also have heard good things on strawberry cough, but never tried so can't really say. Bubble Gum is clone only I believe. Can't get clones where I live!

Following StinkBud's nutrient regimen for the most part--gonna start tweaking the Sweet ratio soon. Tap water hear is 300ppm lately--I just skip out on cal-mag+ (ok maybe 1ml per rez!). I have an idea of adding different amounts of sweet based on stage.. or rez change.
anyone think I can run 1 -1000 hps in a hood that has 2 vent holes on it. without venting it rt now since its winter. Will this hurt the bulb? the area it would be going in is kinda drafty so its like 50F rt now. With the glass still on. I understand it will get hot but will it hurt anything. This would only be for tempory till I get the vent blower motor and venting. Thanks peace

No problems running your lights with fans. The fans are to keep the room cool not the light.

Your room should end up about the right temp with your light on.
Andy i think i may have some info you are looking for.I had an unvented 1000w hps in an area that is 4wx7hx7d. This brought my temps up to over 93 degrees f and my humidity to 0. I then bought a vented hood like what you described and what i did was just vented from outside thru the hood and then back outside. This brought my temps down to around 82f without a fan. I then went to harbor freight and bought their $80 8 inch ventalator fan along with a speed controler and i am good. I can set my speed on the vent up to 1500cfm so if i needed more i had the power already without changing anything else. Right now i have it set very low and am keeping my temps a solid 75 to 78 during lights on.

The only draw back i have as of right now is my humidity is between 50 to 65% because water in condensating on the aluminum duct work. I am working on a way around that now.

The vent fan is 8 inch so you will have to reduce it to 6 inches to make it work but it does a great job and it is actually pretty quiet, not stealth but quiet. hope this helps

Since you have the light and just waiting on the fan i would at least hook up the duct working to an outside the room source and vent it back outside the room. This should help with the temps.

Unless you are running CO2 you are better off pulling the air from grow room and venting that into the attic.

If your room is too cold put a timer on the fan and adjust it until you get the proper room temps.

You want it on a timer anyway because you don't need to vent at night.
Quick question.

Running a modified StinkBud setup.

My well water is about 700 ppm. The plants seem to be o.k. with it. DO I need to purify the water?

Should I run my flower nutes at 2700-3200? To take into account the high starting ppm.
Or should I stay with 2000- 3000?

I have a RO/DI unit but my Eco Plus 396 won't push it.
I have a 1096 Eco unit I will hook up soon. Hopefully that will push it! But until then.....should I feed them the well water?


At 700 PPM you really need to get an RO machine.

Don't use the Cal Mag in your formula until you can filter the water.

It's not like the plants won't grow though. All that happens is your nutrient ratio will be off a little. No big deal.
Do you have the dimensions for this? Most specifically, what length are these posts cut to. I'm sure I can figure the rest out. It did get me thinking though, a bit longer res and 3 posts could fit across for a 9 plant system. Has anyone tried that yet? I'm thinking the foot print would be more square allowing more plants under the same single 600w lamp (that's what I'm using). OTOH, doing 3 separate one post systems would allow to do your every 3 week rotation and allow me to flower different strains at the same time.
Decisions, decisions....:|

Anyone that has downsized this flowing setup, whether you used one or two posts, please post pictures along with some of the dimensions please.

My 6 hole system uses 24" fence posts. The entire unit is 36" long with the reservoir attached.

It's real easy to figure out the dimensions with the fence posts and container setting in front of them.

The concept is exactly the same as the large units so just take the plans and scale everything down.

Good luck bro!


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I'm trying to understand this a bit better would you mind elaborating. What happens if I have regular seeds and want to keep them growing until I can determine their sex. What's the deal with male and female roots sharing an aeroponic reservoir? :peace: Thanks!

You can grow regular seeds no problem. Keep them in the veg unit until you can pre-sex them. That way the roots won't get tangled.

If you put them in the Aero/NFT system the roots would all grow together. Then you would have to either fuck up the female plants roots or leave a bunch of the male's roots in the chamber to rot.

Either way is not good.

What do I do? Buy feminized seeds or...

Put the seed into dirt and grow them until they are big enough to take cuttings from.

Label all the plants and put the dirt plants in your flower room. Within 10 days you will know which ones are male and which ones are female. Throw all the male plants/clones away.

Continue to flower out the females. You only need to do this until you have the strains you want.
wassup stinky.. been awhile.. but i just bought all the supplies for the flowering set. i made ur aero cloner and the aero vegger.. they're working great! Thanks Again. Props...haha prop 215! Im using 10 instead of fourteen and im making three of the flowering units.. i was wondering how much i would harvest every 3 weeks with 4 600hps aircooled witha 450 cfm vent fan. and where shold i hang the lights for the best light, for all 3, 6 ,9 week stages?Im also part of a nonprofit collective and soon to open a dispensary.

ps and im using GDP, Grape ape, and purple hardball
Here is another link to a guy building these back in 2006.http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=34081

If you do a search you will find hundreds of links to other Aero/NFT systems.

I've seen other fence post systems too. I've even seen systems using rain gutters. My first system used 4" round pipe.

Some systems use hoses with sprayers on the end. Some systems use a single hose that has lazer cut holes running the whole length.

You could also forget the sprayers all together and just pump water at one end and drain it at the other. That's all NFT is.

NFT has actually been around since the early 70's. There is ton of great info about growing with NFT (nutrient film technique), in both books and online.

You should start a thread to promote and talk about all the different types of grow systems there are out there.

I'm sure it would be very popular.

Thanks for all your help bro!
Harvesting a strain that i think is done after only 24 hours on clearex? I scoped the tangerine kush and it just looks so done. the first batch that went the full 9 weeks + seemed a little well done.

It might be an early finisher?

ok heres the right pic of the light positions


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wassup stinky.. been awhile.. but i just bought all the supplies for the flowering set. i made ur aero cloner and the aero vegger.. they're working great! Thanks Again. Props...haha prop 215! Im using 10 instead of fourteen and im making three of the flowering units.. i was wondering how much i would harvest every 3 weeks with 4 600hps aircooled witha 450 cfm vent fan. and where shold i hang the lights for the best light, for all 3, 6 ,9 week stages?Im also part of a nonprofit collective and soon to open a dispensary.

ps and im using GDP, Grape ape, and purple hardball

Holy shit bro! Your room is going to smell like the Welches juice factory!

I would just hang the lights in a square pattern like dirt did. Maybe he can post a pic for you.

I wouldn't be surprised to see you pull a pound out every three weeks. Emm...That would be a good title for a thread:mrgreen:.

Best of luck to you bro!
Harvesting a strain that i think is done after only 24 hours on clearex? I scoped the tangerine kush and it just looks so done.

It might be an early finisher?

I wouldn't be that surprised. You are only supposed to need 3 days when you run Clearex. I've tried it and it still need a few more days.

If you remember right last time I ran Clearex for 7 days straight and plain water the last day. They came out great!

5 days with Clearex and 1 day plaint water may be all you need.

I've also sampled buds from plants with no flush at all and they still taste a hell of a lot better than most of the shit out there!

Organic nutes are the shit. Bird shit to be exact.:eyesmoke: