Ok, so I've read all the way up through page 129, and I've wrote down every valid question i could possibly think of about this system. I've answered almost all of them, but i still have a few left that i don't believe have been addressed yet. Sorry if I ask anything that's already been answered, but everything past the condensed post on page 75 started to get pretty repetitive and sadly, a few negative ones there too...

StinkBud, if you could personally answer these it'd be fantastic!
Anyway, here goes...
1) Does the trashbag idea make it possible to use other containers besides the ruffnecks? I'm having big trouble finding them and i thought maybe the liner would act as an effective sealent so leaks would be a non-issue? also, does the bag also make the color of the rez a non-issue as well?
2) In your system for the veg and clones, where the sprayers have the downward facing legs, does the pump have to fill the legs too? If so, could you maybe block off the inside of the pvc pipe just after the last sprayer on each tip of the H so the pump would have less room to fill? I ask b/c it seems like high rez water temp seems to be a recurring issue for some and maybe you could use a smaller one, with the goal being the lower temps? or could you use the same sized pump but since the pump has less work to do, maybe lower the temp a degree or two?
3) I believe you said that you top off the rez's with water (and/or nutes) every few days? Again, if there are problems with the water temp, could you just water with ice cubes instead? Since they (obviously) float, there wouldn't be any problem plugging up the pump.
4) What's the coldest the water temp can be? Is there a point that it becomes dangerous for the plants or stops nutrients from being able to be absorbed? This one kinda goes hand in hand with the ice cube thing, cuz if all i had to do was fill 5 ice trays everyday for the next morning to avoid fungus, the little extra time spent would be worth it to me. Yes? Also, i plan on having the rez's on a fairly cold basement floor and I thought the cold might be an issue...
5) With CO2 running for the higher allowable max temp in the room (85 from 75 as you said), would it be possible to run a dehumidifier and a heater and a/c as needed in a completely sealed room without having ANY vent fan? I have a 12x15 room for flowering so enough room for it all is not a problem, and i do plan on having 3 sealed 600w hoods with seperate venting for them. Smell is going to be an issue i
have to solve, and i was hoping maybe having the room completely sealed would keep it all bottled inside? Your thoughts on this would be very much appreciated.
6) I have no idea where to get a CO2 tank... and where do i fill it at? How often do you have to do a refill with it running 1500 ppm? I saw your link to the co2 calculator, but a rough estimate of yours would be very convenient for me if you could! Also, how would you go about asking for one? Isn't it obvious to suspicious onlookers if you've got to go refill it at the same place every time? I ask b/c i have no idea what a tank of CO2 would be used for besides growiing. This is a question probably better geared for those of you out there unlucky enough to live in a state without Medical mary jane possibilities...
7) How many gallons of water do you put in your 18 gallon rez cloner? Don't the roots dip into it pretty quickly?
I believe i read somewhere in here that eventually the fence posts will be completely covered on the bottom with the masses of roots. I know you have the incline for drainage but when they get that full doesn't stagnant water become a problem? Also, you stated that the roots will grow so long that you will have to cut them? Did you mean when they grow long enough to come out of the end cap and start hanging down towards the rez? If so, how do you cut them without damaging the plant that's closest to the rez? Isn't it close enough to have the fuzzy roots coming out of the gap in the fence post cap too, not just the tap root?
9) Anything you see wrong with running just three strains, one for each flowering unit? I plan on having a 600w above each station and I thought it might help me with keeping the plants level and the internodes short, getting all the light evened out and adjusted well for each system. Would i still be able to effectively clone or would i have to have mothers at that point? Seems to me that i would be able to dial in the PPM for nutes very well after a few harvest and i wouldn't have to harvest at all different times... Any Ideas there? And since i wouldn't have to worry about different growing patterns with 10 different strains in 14 slots, could i run the cloner and veg with just 14 holes for the plants each instead of 23 and 18? You said the cloners got 100% success rate so maybe yes there?
10) Your controller system, when i looked it up, said it was rated for 1 1000w bulb. If you are running 2 of them, you must be running the second off a different circuit in the house, right? How do you control it with the greenhouse controller you have then? I think i read something about a Dryer ciruit adapter with more wattage or something but i didn't make any sense of it... sorry for the repeat question if i did. The electrical side of this is definitely not my strong point
11) the CAP_DNe timer you use for the water pumps only has one socket on it. I take it you just hook all 5 pumps to one of those plugins for computers with multiple sockets and THEN hook it up to the cycle timer? Where does the UPS thing fit in to your plugin setup?
12) If it is better to vent the room instead, how can I add intake holes for vents without letting light leak in? I'm having trouble thinking of something to cover it with without blocking the airflow.
13) How many oscillating fans do you use in the flowering room? You said the leaves should be constantly moving, does that mean the night cycle too? Would 4, one in each corner blowing inward towards the plants, be overkill?
14) I read on this thread that 60% humidity early flower and 50% late flower were best options for flowering. How is this possible with it all being in the same room? Is there one number i can just shoot for instead?
15) Do you think with the 3 600's i might be better off making each flowering system with 3 posts instead of two, each with 5 holes to get a more even distribution of light? Or should they be able to easily cover the 47" fence post lengths of your original system? Again, space isn't an issue.
16) You said you sometimes make cannabutter for your patients. Just with the extra trim, right? How and how much could you make off of one harvest's trim?
And lastly, how potent is it as medicine? Pain reliever or what?
PLEASE DON'T BE TURNED OFF BY THE LENGTH OF THIS POST!!!! I can promise you that your help in this mattercould potentially save a few of my family member's lives!!! You see, I just lost my grandfather to a long, chemo filled bout to cancer. Then, my grandma, who was married to him for over 60 years found out, amidst her loneliness and grief, that she had the same type of cancer that just took her husband from her. The doctor is recommending the chemo treatments and wants her to start them soon. All she wants to do now is see her husband again, and because she believes chemo is the only option for her to fight it, and after seeing the pain it put my grandfather through, she doesn't feel that she has any options left. To make matters worse, just last week, my father was diagnosed with the same cancer as both of them. Now, because they fear the chemo's side effects, they both are fighting a great deal of depression and sorrow, and both believing that they have no choice but to sit around and wait for the inevitable. My family, unfortunately, is not a wealthy one. We can't just afford to go shopping around for other opinions. And niether of them has any health insurance. I have some cash saved up, and after pricing all of the needed equipment, I believe i have just enough to cover it all.
We all here hopefully know the powerful healing effects of this great plant we all share. But we also know of our government's lack of recognition for its uses. If I have to go to jail to help them, I will do it, without even a second thought. I don't plan on getting in trouble or caught or whatever, but it's a necessary risk I now am force to take for the welfare of my family. These people are good people. And I do believe that this so called 'drug' that we all love can cure them of this cancer. But, even if I'm wrong, at least I could help alleviate their pain and let them take thier aforementioned journey with some relative peace and as little as pain as possible. They both have problems with smoking pot. They're pretty old fashioned about it and it's been impossible to convince them to try it. But I did manage to get them to agree to try Hemp oil and maybe even edible versions of it to help with the pain if i could 'find' some. By my calculations, it will take about 1 pound to make enought Hemp Oil to medicate each of them for 1 month. I picked your system StinkBud, because I believe it will produce the medicine my loved ones need in thier time of pain in the quickest way possible. I can't afford to screw up a harvest in the middle of this cycle. They might not have the time to spare a mess up. From the deepest, warmest places of my heart, I thank you for what you are doing here. And if there's any possibility you can answer these questions for me, I believe I will have enough understanding of this system to make these meds in time. God bless you, sir. By writing this thread you may have just literally saved lives. Thank you in advance for any help you can give.