

Well-Known Member
I only ask BC usually my new growth looks very virbriant and healthy and for some reason it just looks off. But I haven't been feeding her any nutes BC last time I went over board and I'm also using fresh ffof soil.


Well-Known Member
Ive tried to cure weed too early and either it didnt taste too good or mold grew. Imo a short cure isnt much different to just hang drying for two weeks but that said a long cure gives a much smoother dynamic weed, fucked if i grow enough weed to leave around in jars for a couple of months though.

Cure away but id practice on one jar to start with before throwing all your eggs into one basket and then learn from there. I always dried for a week before even entertaining a jar.


Well-Known Member
I was just worried it would dry to a crisp and I plan on a minimum of two weeks to month cure depends how long it last. I was told its easier to slow dry then to let it dry too much


Well-Known Member
I was just worried it would dry to a crisp and I plan on a minimum of two weeks to month cure depends how long it last. I was told its easier to slow dry then to let it dry too much
People rush to get weed into a jar, find a decent place to dry it at the right conditions first and it wont go crispy it will go dank, then jar it and a month of burping it later bingo.

The right conditions wont let your weed dry too quickly, a week should be a good figure to shoot for and whats left will cure out.

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Also guys I believe your right about them not being dry enough to fix this I emptied all 6 jars into a cardboard box and IMA let it sit for a few hours then return it to jars how's that sounds
If it's too wet in the jars you didn't hang it long enough. I predict moldy bud in the not too distant future if you don't let it dry out. Get a jar size hygrometer & forget about a month long cure; you will have smoked most of it by then lol. Get some larger jars; you want some air in there. Even a plastic container with some extra space is better than tiny ass jars. Curing isn't as easy as it seems; if you don't wait until the bud is hung dry completely you WILL get mold. My shit takes 6 to 9 days to dry until stems are brittle. Keep opening & smelling the jars twice a day; if it smells like hay dump it all out again & let it dry some more. If it smells like ammonia that's mold it's too late.
Kingrow is right & if you listened to the good advice you have been given so far you wouldn't need to ask so many Qs. Not trying to be a dick...ok so I'm a dick lol but we really are just trying to help you avoid the same mistakes we have made....


Well-Known Member
OK well just to be safe from mold in going to leave it in a card board box over night then jar it again tomorrow the cardboard should absorb most of the moisture left. And thanks again guys

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I only ask BC usually my new growth looks very virbriant and healthy and for some reason it just looks off. But I haven't been feeding her any nutes BC last time I went over board and I'm also using fresh ffof soil.

Add some kelp extract to your watering - every other one = 5ml per gallon....Improves roots structure, uptake and has available micro's that will help you out here....