Harvesting in a Box


Active Member
would it be a good idea to use the box from my new lcd tv (37 in) to dry my buds out in? i have to do it in my garage which can get up to at least 90 mid day...unfortunately thats my only choice...but i can leave holes for ventilation and it should be pretty dark..? any thoughtsss :?:


Well-Known Member
if it is your only choice then it will have to work you really want lower temps to dry in thc hates light and heat

the box idea doesnt sound bad though just throw a fan in for the air flow


Active Member
any ideas on making it cooler? i also have a mini fridge i could store them in....i could turn it off maybe that would hold the heat out?


Well-Known Member
mini fridge > box the cardboard sucks for multiple reasons. it can get too hot and dry them too quick, cardboard has pores and can suck up the water, and the cardboard can rot your buds from a combo of the 2. I would do the mini fridge and toss a small dehumidifier in there.


Well-Known Member
the mini fridge would be like and oven well pretty much and it would be too humid

you could try this it seems very out there but it may work for ya

take the door off the mini fridge hang the buds in there and point the fan at it

yeah it is going to suck the hell outta electricity but that is all i can come up with from what you say you have on hand i dunno do you have a list maybe a few paper clips and some string we can do some real mcguiver shit lol :)

seriously though let us know some other ideas if you got em where all here to help


Active Member
well i mean i could try my attic in my house if it wont make a noticeable smell..? however im not sure its cooler up there than in my garage...would a large cooler(like to hold beer and ice in) work? i thought it needed ventilation..hmmmm im pondering away


Well-Known Member
the ventilation is the key you know how hot it gets in your cooler when you have it closed up in your garage beside you dont keep it closed when you store it cause it will mold from moisture

how bout in your closet with a carbon filter made from a box fan and a furnace filter cut open with carbon for a fish filter inside it then strapped on to the fan?


Active Member
all sounds a bit much to me, i just hung mine on clothes hangers and threw them in my wardrobe, and closed the door. (put the clothes in a different one first-don't wanna be going to work stinking of green). i had a fan on in the room pointed at the wardrobe and left the window open, kept the bedroom door closed. smell was not to bad, if your worried about it you just try to mask the smell with some air freshener or insence. my temps outside are very similar to yours . Bud dried in 3-5 days , no mold, no rot. keep it simple - things will go well.
but i guess it depends on how much bud you are drying. if you have loads, then hang it in your attic and get a few decent fans to blow the air around, open a window up there if you have one, and keep an eye on it, if you see any mold or rot then remove it as quickly as possible, and rethink!